Sessions 22

Behind the scenes on The Guardian's success

Grand Ballroom

In May earlier this year, the British newspaper The Guardian announced that, for the first time since 1998, it had obtained an operational benefit. 56% of its revenues come from its digital operations, it counts with more than 190,000 digital subscriptions, in addition to specific contributions from its readers, and they managed to grow their income to 3% in the last year. Richard Furness has been working in the company for 21 years and now directs the newspaper's digital subs strategy, its e-commerce and its events. He will tell us the long evolution that led a traditional newspaper model to become one focused on the reader's income, based on four axes of change through a powerful message focused on his journalistic mission.


  • Executive Vice-President of Product & Operations (TV, Print, Digital, Radio), RBS Group, Brazil


  • Managing Director of Consumer Revenues & Publishing, Guardian News & Media, UK