Middle Eastern Digital Media Awards

Middle Eastern Digital Media Awards

20 Oct 2019 hasta 10 Feb 2020
United Arab Emirates (the)

Middle East Digital Media Awards Hall of Fame


Award Winners 2019

Best News Website or Mobile Service

  1. abouther.com | Sayidaty Magazine, Saudi Research and Publishing Company, Saudi Arabia | https://www.abouther.com
  2. Arab News: Road to 2030 | Arab News, Saudi Research and Publishing Company, Saudi Arabia | https://www.arabnews.com/road2030
  3. AlBayan.com | News SiteAl Bayan, United Arab Emirates | https://www.albayan.ae

Best in Lifestyle, Sports, Entertainment Website or Mobile Services

  1. Arrajol.com
 | Arrajol Magazine, Saudi Research & Publishing Company, Saudi Arabia | https://www.arrajol.com
  2. Hiamag
 | Hia Magazine, Saudi Research & Publishing Company, Saudi Arabia | http://www.hiamag.com 
  3. Aljamila.com | Al Jamila Magazine, Saudi Research & Publishing Company, Saudi Arabia | http://aljamila.com

Best Use of Online Video

  1. Saudi National Day 
| Arab News, Saudi Research & Publishing Company, Saudi Arabia | http://www.arabnews.com/node/1376216/saudi-national-day-—-timeline-saudi-arabia’s-history
  2. Video First at The National | The National, United Arab Emirates | https://www.thenational.ae 
  3.  24/2
Al | Arabiya, United Arab Emirates | https://twitter.com/24IN2MIN/status/1077209783713751041 

Best Data Visualisation

  1.  Global Youth Index for Misk Foundation
 | Ratchet Ltd. | https://vimeo.com/316757729/8b764ab4e4 | https://weareratchet.com/
  2. Data Visualisation | Khaleej Times, United Arab Emirates | http://interactive.khaleejtimes.com/global 
  3. Simplicity
 | ALAYAM, Bahrain | http://www.alayam.com 

Best Paid Content Strategy

  1. (tie)
 Harvard Business Review | Arabia
Haykal Media FZ LLC, United Arab Emirates | https://hbrarabic.com/  
  1. (tie) An-Nahar Premium
 | An-Nahar Newspaper, Lebanon | https://www.annahar.com/premium

Best Native Advertising / Branded Content Campaign

  1. Lexus - Safe Driving - because you deserve it!
 | Sayidaty Magazine, Saudi Research & Publishing Company, Saudi Arabia | https://cars.sayidaty.net/
Huawei in collaboration with Hiamag.com
 | Hia Magazine, Saudi Research & Publishing Company, Saudi Arabia | https://tv.hiamag.com/node/1136
Aljamila - Johnson & Johnson campaign
 | Al Jamila Magazine, Saudi Research & Publishing Company, Saudi Arabia | https://youtu.be/64U8zB4cCKI

Best Digital News Start-up

  1. Daraj
 | Daraj, Lebanon
 | http://www.daraj.com 
 | Khaleej Times, United Arab Emirates | https://www.khaleejtimes.com/nation/dubai/khaleej-times-news-alerts-on-whatsapp-heres-how-to-subscribe
  3. Al Bilad EST. for Journalism & Publishing
Saudi Arabia
 | https://albiladdaily.com/ 

Best in Social Media Engagement

  1. Your Voice is Heard campaign
 | Sayidaty Magazine, Saudi Research & Publishing Company, Saudi Arabia
 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yhtesT2BASc
Alhudood Social Media 
 | https://alhudood.net
  3. Hia Social Media
Hia Magazine | Saudi Research & Publishing Company
 | https://www.facebook.com/hia.magazine/

Best Marketing Campaign for News Brand

  1. The News Women Power 50
 | Jang Media Group
 | http://womenpower50.com
  2. Sayidaty Eeshooha Jarrabooha Show
 | Sayidaty Magazine, Saudi Research & Publishing Company, Saudi Arabia
 | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrBM0fc62CWWQvm9PWzsjTw
  3. Hia Brand
Hia Magazine | Saudi Research & Publishing Company, Saudi Arabia
 | https://www.hiamag.com 

Best Digital Project to Engage Younger and/or Millennial Audiences

  1. Al Jamila Beauty School
 | Al Jamila Magazine, Saudi Research & Publishing Company, Saudi Arabia
 | https://school.aljamila.com/
Saudi Women Entrepreneurs Investment Program (Ahalina & Sayidaty)
 | Sayidaty Magazine Saudi Research & Publishing Company, Saudi Arabia
 | https://bit.ly/2E90Je0
Alhudood’s Online Platform
 | Alhudood
 | https://alhudood.net/ 


Award Winners 2018

Best News Website or Mobile Service

   1. Smart Newspaper by Al Bilad EST, KSA

Best in Lifestyle, Sports, Entertainment Website or Mobile Services

   1. Hia Magazine Website by Hia Magazine, Saudi Research & Publishing Company, KSA

Best Use of Online Video

  1. The National Video by The National, UAE

Best Data Visualisation

   1. VAT Calculator by Khaleej Times, UAE

Best Innovation to Engage Youth Audience

   1. Launch of Young Times by Khaleej Times, UAE

Best in Social Media Engagement

   1. Rudaw 100 Million Users by Rudaw Media Network, Iraq

Best Digital News Start-up

   1. Abouther.com The New Webportal on Saudi Women by Sayidaty Magazine, Saudi Research & Publishing Company, KSA

Best Digital Marketing Campaign

   1. Tiffany & Co. In Collaboration with Hiamag.com by Hia Magazine, Saudi Research & Publishing Company, KSA

Best Branded Content Project

   1. McDonald's Taskita Menu by Ethos Interactive, KSA


Award Winners 2017

Best News Website

  1. Khaleej Times by Galadari Printing & Publishing (LLC)
  2. Timesofoman by Muscat Media Group
  3. The Peninsula Qatar News Portal by Dar Al-Sharq Newspaper, Qatar

Best in Lifestyle, Sports or Entertainment Website

  1. Hiamag.com by Saudi Research & Publishing Co
  2. Sayidaty.net by Saudi Research & Publishing Co.,
  3. Sayidaty.net by Saudi Research & Publishing Co.

Best Use of Online Video

  1. Al Bayan TV by Al Bayan,
  2. Times TV by Muscat Media Group
  3. The House of Sheikh Saeed by Press Sector Dubai-Media Incorporated

Best Data Visualisation

  1. Timesofoman.com by Muscat Media Group
  2. The House of Sheikh Saeed by Press Sector Dubai-Media Incorporated
  3. H.H Sheikh Hamdan Bin Mohammed by Al Bayan

Best News Mobile Service

  1.  Al Sharq Newspaper Mobile Application by Dar Al-Sharq Newspaper,
  2. Khaleej Times Mobile news by Galadari Printing & Publishing (LLC),
  3. timesofoman.com mobile by Muscat Media Group, Oman To reach people on their mobiles with the most relevant platform to them, in particular leveraging their Facebook audience - the third largest following of any page in Oman, and the largest audience inside Oman for any Facebook page (source: socialbakers).

Best Lifestyle, Sports or Entertainment Mobile Service

  1. Aljamila.com by Saudi Research & Publishing Co.
  2. Khaleej Times interactive Sports by Galadari Printing & Publishing (LLC
  3. Sayidaty new Mobile Applications by Saudi Research & Publishing Co.

Best Innovation New Product

  1. Hia Boutique by Saudi Research & Publishing Co
  2. Sayidaty Mall by Saudi Research & Publishing Co
  3. refkatkotob by Al Bayan

Best in Social Media Engagement

  1. Sayidaty.net on Snapchat by Saudi Research & Publishing Co
  2. "Feed them right" by Saudi Research & Publishing Co
  3. timesofoman.com social media by Muscat Media Group  

Best Digital Advertising Campaign

  1. Khaleej Times Digital Campaign Glow Garden by Galadari Printing & Publishing (LLC
  2. Project: Muse-Estee Lauder and Sayidaty women empowerment campaign by Saudi Research & Publishing Co.
  3. Khaleej Times Digital Campaign for Aseel by Galadari Printing & Publishing (LLC


Award Winners 2016


1st Prize

1. Best News Website
Galadari Printing & Publishing (LLC), Dubai, United Arab Emirates

2. Best Entertainment & Lifestyle Website
Saudi Research & Publishing Co., Dubai, United Arab Emirates 

3. Best use of online video
Al Bayan, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

4. Best Data Visualisation Project
Muscat Press and Publishing House SAOC, Muscat, Oman 

5. Best News Mobile Service
Galadari Printing & Publishing (LLC), Dubai, United Arab Emirates 

6. Best Entertainment & Lifestyle Mobile Service
Saudi Research & Publishing Co., Dubai, United Arab Emirates

7. Best in Tablet Publishing
Muscat Press and Publishing House SAOC, Muscat, Oman

8. Best Reader Engagement
Alyoum Alsabea, Cairo, Egypt , Egypt 

9. Best Digital Advertising Campaign
Palestinian Center for Development & Media Freedoms MADA, Ramallah, Palestine 

10. Best New Product
Al Nisr Publishing, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

2nd Prize

1. Best News Website
Muscat Press and Publishing House SAOC, Muscat, Oman

2. Best Entertainment & Lifestyle Website
Al Bayan, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

3. Best use of online video
Al Nisr Publishing, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

4. Best Data Visualisation Project
Al Bayan, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

5. Best News Mobile Service
Muscat Press and Publishing House SAOC, Muscat, Oman

7. Best in Tablet Publishing
Al Bayan, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

8. Best Reader Engagement
Muscat Press and Publishing House SAOC, Muscat, Oman

9. Best Digital Advertising Campaign
Al Nisr Publishing, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

10. Best New Product
Saudi Research & Publishing Co., Dubai, United Arab Emirates

3rd Prize

1. Best News Website
Al Nisr Publishing, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

2. Best Entertainment & Lifestyle Website
Saudi Research & Publishing Co., Dubai, United Arab Emirates

3. Best use of online video
Al Nisr Publishing, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

4. Best Data Visualisation Project
Al Bayan, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

5. Best News Mobile Service
Alyoum Alsabea, Cairo, Egypt , Egypt

8. Best Reader Engagement
Welad Elbalad Media Services Ltd, Cairo, Egypt

9. Best Digital Advertising Campaign
Al Nisr Publishing, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

10. Best New Product
Al Bayan, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Middle Eastern Digital Media Awards