Downloads | 70th World News Media Congress, 25th World Editors Forum

70th World News Media Congress, 25th World Editors Forum

06 Jun 2018 hasta 08 Jun 2018
Estoril, Cascais

World Editors Forum - Women in News Summit

Downloads | 70th World News Media Congress, 25th World Editors Forum


Media Transformation for Small & Mid-Sized Publishers

  1. Promising Trends in North America — Nancy Lane, President, Local Media Association, USA
  2. Design Thinking at McClatchy — Jeremy Gockel, Director of Team Development and Intrapreneurship, McClatchy, USA
  3. Small Business Marketing Trends — Shannon Kinney, Founder, Dream Local Digital, USA
  4. Tracking Progress at RBS, Brazil — Andiara Petterle, SVP of Product Development and Operations, RBS Group, Brazil

Women in News Summit

  1. Making & Sustaining the Difference — Raju Narisetti, Outgoing CEO, Gizmodo Media Group, USA
  2. 50:50 Project — Ros Atkins, Creator and Presenter, Outside Source, BBC, UK

Keynotes: Leadership for changing times

  1. Let's start with journalism — David Pemsel, Chief Executive Officer, Guardian Media Group, United Kingdom
  2. That's what she said: What men need to know (and women need to tell them) about working together — Joanne Lipman, Author. Former Editor in Chief, USA Today and Chief Content Officer, Gannett, USA
  3. Leading through changing times — Tina Stielger, EVP People and Strategy, Schibsted Media Group, Norway

Reader Revenue

  1. The Washington Post: Digital Subscriptions Strategy — Miki Toliver King, Vice President Marketing, The Washington Post, USA
  2. Digital subscriptions briefing — Grzegorz Piechota, Research Associate, Harvard Business School and Oxford University, United Kingdom

Newsroom 2020

  1. Presentation — Jessica Stahl, Director of Audio, The Washington Post, USA
  2. It's the people, stupid! — Dr Alexandra Borchardt, Director of Strategic Development, Reuters Institute, UK
  3. Presentation — Alexis Lloyd, Chief Design Officer, Axios, USA

What's New in Print

  1. The Power of Print — Manfred Werfel, WAN-IFRA, Deputy CEO
  2. Innovation Driven Profit — Sanat Hazra, Technical and Production Director, The Times of India
  3. Kids and their news: what works best? — Eva Fauth, Editor and Project Leader, Kruschel, VRM, Germany

Blockchain: Help, Hype or Disruption?

  1. Blockchain Comes to Publishing — Jarrod Dicker, CEO at, USA

Local Reimagined

  1. The case for a truly representative Local Media: Finding a Business Model that works — Durga Raghunath, CEO, Indian Express Digital Media Services, India
  2. The Better Journalism Project: How Better Journalism Propelled Digital Subsciption Growth — Pål Nedregotten, Executive Vice President, Amedia AS, Norway
  3. The Philadelphia Story: A model for the future of local news? — David Boardman, Dean of Media and Communications, Temple University, Philadelphia, USA

Journalism: The Reboot

1. Journalism for tomorrow — Ulrik Haagerup, Founder and CEO, Constructive Institute, Denmark

New Formats and Startups to Watch

  1. New Products and Innovation — Lisa MacLeod, Head of Digital, The Tiso Blackstar Group (former: Times Media Group), South Africa
  2. In Video Veritas - Verification of Social Media Video Content for the News Industry — Denis Teyssou, Editorial Manager, AFP Medialab, France
  3. Email as a Medium for Engagement — Matt Boggie, Chief Technology Officer, Axios, USA
  4. Presentation — Molly Bingham, CEO, Orb, USA
  5. Argentina's first native mobile media — Alejandro Lladó, Digital Director, Grupo America, Argentina

Platform Relationships

  1. Presentation — Sérgio Dávila, Executive Editor, Folha de S.Paulo, Brazil
  2. Disrupted by digital plaforms: How should publishers react? — Grzegorz Piechota, Research Associate, Harvard Business School and Oxford University, United Kingdom
  3. Facebook's Commitment to High Quality News — Claudia Gurfinkel, Head of Facebook News Partnerships, Facebook, Latin America

AI is here. It should be your secret weapon!

  1. Machine Learning @Schibsted Media — Atelach Alemu Argaw, Head of Data and Privacy, Schibsted Media Group, Sweden
  2. FLINT. The Robots School: AI for news with love — Benoît Raphaël, AI & Media Innovator & Entrepreneur, France
  3. What if technology could help improve conversations online? — Patricia Georgiou, Head of Partnerships and Business Development, Jigsaw, USA

The Future: Advertising and Data

  1. Digital Advertising Agenda — Dorthe Bjerregaard-Knudsen, Executive Vice President, COO, JP/Politikens Hus, Denmark
  2. Presentation — Matthias Berninger, VP Public Affairs, Mars Incorporated, USA

Truth, Trust and Fighting Misinformation

  1. WikiTribune — Orit Koppel, Co-Founder and VP of Business Development, WikiTribune, UK
  2. Faktisk — Helje Solberg, CEO/Editor, VGTV; Chair, Norway
  3. WebQoof —Ritu Kapur, Co-Founder & CEO, Quintillion Media, India

World Press Trends

  1. Presentation — Dr François Nel, Director, Journalism Leaders Programme | Co-convenor: Digital Editors Network, UK

Bold Transformation: Lessons from Brazil

  1. Gazeta do Povo — Guilherme Cunha Pereira, CEO, Gazeta do Povo, Brazil
  2. Finding a place together in the digital era — Alan Gripp, Editor in Chief, O Globo, Brazil

CEOs Driving Change

  1. Standstill is not an option — Gert Ysebert, CEO, Mediahuis, Belgium
  2. Key Drivers of EL PAÍS Digital Transformation — Noemí Ramírez, Chief Digital Officer, PRISA News, Spain

Innovation Report

  1. Innovation in News Media - The Future... For those who choose it — Juan Señor, President of INNOVATION, Andrew Rolf, INNOVATION Senior Consultant, Media Consulting Group, UK

Coverage Needed: a storytelling project about journalist safety

  1. Video: Trailer Reporters Against Power — Leon Willems, Director Policy and Programmes, Free Press Unlimited, The Netherlands

Google News Initiative: Helping Journalism Thrive in the Digital Age

  1. Presentation — Madhav Chinnappa, Director News and Publishers - EMEA Partnerships, Google, UK & Ludovic Blecher, Head of DNI Innovation Fund, Google, France

Mario Garcia's Storytelling Showfest

  1. A digital storytelling fest! — Dr Mario García, CEO and Founder of García Media, USA

Industry Alliances

  1. Presentation — Alexis Marcombe, Managing Director, MEDIA.figaro, France

70th World News Media Congress, 25th World Editors Forum