Programa | Master Mobile and Video Reporting

Master Mobile and Video Reporting

15 May 2017 hasta 16 May 2017

Programa | Master Mobile and Video Reporting



Video Reporting 

* Master the techniques for creating compelling visual stories with mobile phones.

* How to plan and film photo stories, master camera settings and plan shot sizes.

* Understand composition and lighting, write to pictures, work with story subjects, and produce visual media for social media.

* Introduce apps, accessories, training, and workflows that allow field reporters to file high-quality multimedia reportage from smartphones. 

* Master visual sequences and shot patterns to build powerful visual sequences for video reports.

 Video Editing

* Use simple apps to perform clean and clear video stories. From simple to advanced story formats.

* Learn a quick technique for adding social media text captions and copmany logos to videos.

Social Photo Reporting 

* Learn how to create interactive photo stories and embed them on the website and social media platforms.

* Explore the use of apps to create and share high quality multimedia packages by attaching sounds to photos. 

360 Video and 60-second Documentaries 

* Examine story planning for 360 video projects.

* Learn how to plan multi-track audio for surround sound and using stabilizers for motion shots. 

* Tips for producing observational narratives style video and broadcast-quality film documentaries with your low-cost mobile gear and apps.


Master Mobile and Video Reporting