European Digital Media Awards 2018

European Digital Media Awards 2018

#EDMA18 Finalists


Best News Website or Mobile Service

  1. Axel Springer Akademie for ALYOM- Syriens Kinder, das Giftgas & Wir, Germany
  2. Guardian News&Media for, UK
  3. Scandinavia Online (Aller Media) for Algorithm driven mobile news feed, Norway

Best in Lifestyle, Sports, Entertainment Website or Mobile Services

  1. WESER-KURIER Mediengruppe for Mein Werder, Germany
  2. Aller Media for Lommelegen 2.0Norway
  3. Ekstra Bladet for Sgt. Pepper Turns 50: The Secrets Behind The Famous Cover, Denmark

Best Use of Online Video (including VR)


  1. Aftonbladet for What's on the plate, Sweden
  2. BBC News Visual Journalism Team for Paradise Papers, UK
  3. VG for Mystery at the Oslo Plaza, Norway



Best Data Visualisation

  1. TASS News Agency for 1812: When Napoleon Ventured East, Russian Federation
  2. The Economist for French election prediction model, UK
  3. VG for The Neglected Bridges, Norway

Best Reader Revenue Initiative

  1. Amedia AS for The Better Journalism initiative: how better journalism propelled digital subscription growth, Norway
  2. Dagbladet for The Daily Edit, Norway 
  3. Zeit Online for Z+, Germany

Best Branded Content Project

  1. 24sata Ltd. for The Shared Dream became RealityCroatia
  2. AGORA for Tomorrownauts, Poland
  3. Bonnier News Brand Studio for Löfbergs Next Generation CoffeeSweden



Best Digital News Start-Up

  1. 24sata Ltd. for Miss7: Next Gen MediaCroatia
  2. Omni for Omni, Sweden
  3. OtherWorld for OtherWorld, UK

Best in Social Media Engagement


Best Digital Marketing Campaign

  1. 24sata Ltd. for Miss7: This is me #WATCHmeGO, Croatia
  2. NRC Media for Daily Headlines, The Netherlands 
  3. Omni for The launch of Omni Ekonomi, Sweden

Best Innovation to Engage Youth Audiences

  1. Aftonbladet for My ID, Sweden
  2. sh:z Schleswig-holsteinischer Zeitungsverlag for Newspaper Mascots at the Printing Plant, Germany
  3. VG for Election Calculator,Norway

European Digital Media Awards 2018

