A workshop for journalists covering science, health and consumer affairs and newsroom managers

A workshop for journalists covering science, health and consumer affairs and newsroom managers
09:30 – Welcome and workshop objectives
10:00 – Workshop 1: What are the challenges that face journalists and newsrooms when it comes to reporting on science and consumer affairs?
This session will map out the challenges that individuals and organisations face with a specific focus on:
11:15 – Break
11:30 – Workshop 2: Getting granular - challenges of covering niche subject matters and specific beats in science and consumer affairs?
This session will look at covering niche subjects drawing on the experiences and input of participants to come up with guidelines and best-practice for colleagues. The session will also address the following challenges:
13:00 – Lunch
14:30 – Workshop 3: Finding solutions.
This session will focus on developing a list of proposals for industry stakeholders and practical next steps to take back to the newsroom including:
16:00 – Closing discussion and wrap up
16:30 – END
18:30 - Dinner and drinks
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