Workshops | Digital Media India 2019

Digital Media India 2019

19 Feb 2019 hasta 20 Feb 2019

Workshops | Digital Media India 2019


Hosted by

Workshop: Building a Newsroom Culture

Date: 21-February-2019 

Venue: Hyatt Regency Mumbai

About the workshop

The employees' practice and newsroom cultures illustrate the changing nature of the communicative relationship between journalists and readers operating in a media environment. This development in communicative practices is already yielding changes in traditional newsroom routines and could lead to a shift in the communicative orientation of journalism that puts an emphasis on dialogue, moderation and curation, instead of the unidirectional dissemination of news, a kind of dissemination that might not suffice any longer as a unique characteristic for journalism in the pluralistic information ecosphere of the digital realm.

The conclusion of this workshop will help leaders how to build the newsroom culture, engaging the working reporters and journalists in order to maintain good relationship among the top, middle and lower management to achieve the organization goal.

Workshop leaders:

- Michael Cooke, Former editor, Toronto Star, Canada

- Murdoch Davis, Davis, Cooke Media, USA

Michael Cooke and Murdoch Davis are partners in Davis, Cooke Media ( They each have more than 40 years experience in journalism and publishing, half in the digital age and half before it. Michael Cooke is the longest-serving Editor of The Toronto Star, one of the largest circulated newspapers in Canada. They have both worked extensively in Canada and the USA and conducted training sessions in Asia, Africa, and North America. Cooke lives in Toronto, Canada. Davis lives in Birmingham, USA.


Digital Media India 2019
