Application Criteria | Newsroom & Business Transformation 2021

Newsroom & Business Transformation 2021

15 Jul 2021

Application Criteria | Newsroom & Business Transformation 2021

Application Criteria

Who Should Apply?

The programme is designed for key media executives in the APAC news publishing industry who are committed to launch their first paid-content product or activity soon. Those recommended to apply should be senior management executives in WAN-IFRA member companies preferably, such as CEOs, COOs, general managers, vice-presidents of advertising and marketing, audience engagement leads, editors-in-chiefs, executive editors, managing editors, members of the masthead such as digital editors and mid-career leaders who are being groomed for promotion.


Application Criteria

Publishers should nominate two staff members who will both commit to the programme and have the capacity to properly prepare themselves for the training modules as well as execute both the paid-content strategy to be developed and/or fine-tuned during the programme and the project work co-financed by Facebook.

Each pair of participants must comprise one editorial representative and one from a commercial/business department. They should be mid-to-senior level and have at least two years of professional experience in leadership roles.

Participating media companies would need to agree to surveys and confidential in-depth interviews in advance of the programme to ensure that the session materials are as closely matched to needs as possible. These consultations are crucial to taking each participant as far forward as possible during the programme.

Project work in the second half of the programme will require each participant (or pair of participants) to frame a short plan for dealing with an identified obstacle to the company’s success.

Selected participants must be able to commit to all the six online training modules and coaching sessions. 

There will be no translation provided. Participants must have the proven ability to actively communicate in the English language.

Newsroom & Business Transformation 2021
