FAQ | Asian Media Awards

FAQ | Asian Media Awards


I am interested to participate in Asian Media Awards and how should I go about it?

Thanks for your interest. Registration for AMA is strictly accepted by online here

Before you register, we suggest that you read through the critera and submission guideline. Should you have more question, please do not hesistate to contact Wilson Leong to find out more.

Is there any limit of entries which we are allow to submit?

You can submit unlimited numbers of entries across all categories

What is the registration fees to participate in the award?

The registration fee stated below is applicable for each entry. The fees are in Singapore dollar (SGD)

For example if you are submitting a total of 5 entries for newspaper front page, the registration fees would be $750 ($150 X 5)

Do note that the entry fee cover one project instead of the whole cateogry. As such if you submit 5 different projects in e.g Newspaper Infographics, the registration will be based on 5 separate fees.

Best In Design

  • Newspaper Front Page Design SGD 150
  • Magazine Cover Design SGD 150
Best In Editorial Content
  • Newspaper Breaking News Article (Non COV19 related) SGD 150
  • Newspaper Feature Article (Non COV19 related) SGD 150
  • COV19 Reporting SGD 150
Best In Infographics
  • Newspaper Infographics SGD 150
  • Magazine Infographics SGD 150
Best In Photojournalism
  • News Photography SGD (Non COV19 related) SGD 100
  • Feature Photography (Non COV19 related) SGD 100
  • COV19 related Photography SGD 100

Best In Newspaper Marketing SGD 150

Best In Community Service SGD 150

Best Revenue Diversification Project/Product/Service SGD 150

How do I register?

With awardforce, registration and submission of your entries are very easy now.

  • Register your account at https://wan-ifra.awardsplatform.com/ and verify your account via email
  • Start adding the projects you would like to participate by clicking on the .
  • Select the Asian Media Awards (1 WAN-IFRA Awards) and respective category (2).

  • You can save it and come back anytime to edit your submission. Once you are done and ready to proceed, just click on

How do I pay for the entry fees?

Once you submit your entry/entries, we will contact and verify if you have any more entries to submit before sending you an invoice. You can either pay via credit card via a provided link or bank transfer.

When will the results be out and how do I know if my project is being nominated?

The winners will be presented during Asian Media Leader eSummit 2021 where we will announce the top 3 winners for each category. All nominated winners will be notified by 26 February 2020

Asian Media Awards
