Programme | Election reporting and verification

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Election reporting and verification

Programme | Election reporting and verification


Timing and schedules: 

The training is offered in English and Bangla languages, separately.


Module 1, 7-April-2021: Photo verification - tools and techniques

English -  11.30 am IST - 1.00pm IST

Bangla -   3.00 pm IST -  4.30 pm IST


The session of photo verification will take you through the basic tools and techniques required to fact-checking images.  How can you quickly verify a viral photo? Whether what you’re seeing is true, especially when you’re on your mobile phone?  The workshop will include effective techniques to use Google Reverse Image Search, TinEye, Yandex, in searching for information, advanced Google skills, visual clues for online verification, and more.

The workshop will cover the following topics:

• Introduction to photo verification
• Using Google Reverse Image search to verify photos
• Using Yandex, TinEye and other tools
• How to verify date and time of photos
• Visual clues to verify images


Module 2, 8-April-2021: Video verification - tools and techniques

English -  11.30 am IST - 1.00 pm IST

Bangla -   3.00 pm IST -  4.30 pm IST


Most of the mis-and disinformation often circulates in the form of videos. How to fact-check videos. How to determine when was a particular video shared online or taken first?  How to watch a video frame by frame to verify its authenticity?  The workshop will cover various topics related to video verification.   The workshop will cover the following topics:
• Introduction to video verification • How to use YouTube Dataviewer
• How to use InVid to verify videos 
• Common clues to verify videos


Module 3, 12-April-2021: Socia media monitoring - tools and techniques

English -  11.30 am IST - 1.00 pm IST

Bangla -   3.00 pm IST -  4.30 pm IST


Social Media Audit:

What are the tools and strategies to monitor social media and online content? The workshop will cover different tools and techniques to monitor Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and websites. Also learn how to monitor social media effectively for specific, public discussions by using tools such as Facebook Graph Searcher, tweetdeck, Geocode and Spoonbill.

The workshop will cover the following topics:
• Introduction to social media monitoring
• How to monitor content on Facebook
• How to monitor content on Twitter
• How to monitor content on YouTube 


Module 4, 15-April-2021: Digital safety and secutiy

English -  11.30 am IST - 1.00 pm IST

Bangla -   3.00 pm IST - 4.30 pm IST

  Journalists are increasing facing threats to themselves and their sources. Journalists need the skills and training to keep themselves safe from digital threats. The workshop will cover the tips and tricks to keep your online accounts and browsing safe and secured. The participants will learn how to protect their passwords, secure their phones and build better awareness of resources available to journalists.   The workshop will cover the following topics:
  • Introduction to digital safety and security
  • How to make a secure password to protect your phone, information 
  • Two-step verification to protect your passwords 
  • How to browse your internet safely 


Call for applications is open now. Register here

Election reporting and verification
