Journalism for non-journalists

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Journalism for non-journalists

Good writing and storytelling skills have been held up in the online and offline publishing environment as essential to engage the reader/viewer and draw business. But with bottomline pressures increasing in line with changes in news consumption modes and habits, there is an even greater need for the journalistic and commercial arms of the industry to work together.
Journalists are no less aware of the importance of profitability of the company than those in the business side -- in ad sales and product marketing. Why then is there a discordant relationship between news and business? Merchandising news has become so commonplace, yet the marketing side finds clients insatiable while journalists feel used and dispirited, and therefore diffident.

This workshop aims to make media executives probe why journalists work the way they do and find ways to bridge the chasm between news and business. A better understanding of journalistic operations and compulsions of law and ethics is essential for creative ideas that marketing professionals come up to be implemented. Helping with an advertorial or a spotting a commercially beneficial story could gain the confidence of the journalist and that's the win-win relationship we are looking at.

Journalism for non-journalists