Tickets | The Scandinavian Study Tour

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Tickets | The Scandinavian Study Tour


Study Tour - Pricing Information

WAN-IFRA Members
3.690€ (+ VAT, if applicable)

4.610€ (+ VAT, if applicable)

Note: discounts may be available for small groups or members of national associations.

Included in the price are all costs for accommodation on Wednesday evening until Friday morning, transfers during the event including from Oslo to Stockholm, breakfasts, lunches, and dinners. The return ticket from and to your place of residence is not included, nor are airport transfers. WAN-IFRA Study Tours have a high reputation for quality - demonstrated by the number of repeat customers from top publishers and superb Net Promoter Scores. Besides upfront costs for accommodation and travel, our pricing includes the cost of dedicated expert staff who arrange the visits, make the connections and accompany the group. WAN-IFRA is a non-profit industry organisation managed by its members. 

Cancellation Policy: Cancellations will be accepted (less 10% administration charge) up to 4 weeks before the start of the Tour; any cancellations received hereafter will not be refunded. Substitutions can usually be accommodated. In this case, please notify us as soon as possible so that any bookings can be amended.

The Scandinavian Study Tour
