Sessions 8

The future of avertising... Cracking the code of revenue

We started the decade with digital business under pressure. The Adtech ecosystem is contracting, the disappearance of third party cookies forces us to reinvent the advertising model. In the midst of this uncertain environment, the COVID crisis has not made things any easier. For the first time we saw how web traffic rocket but could not be monetized because of the dramatic downfall in ad spending and CPM value crumbled. In this context, there is no other way out but to take advantage of the opportunity that a moment like this brings to try to build a new business model. In this interesting panel discussion we will try to understand how to take advantage of this opportunity to build a new business model. What will be the evolution of digital advertising?, What are the formats that will most strengthen brand equity in the media? Where is Branded Content heading?, What will be the new roles of the commercial teams? What can be the evolution of advertising in new formats such as podcasts or video? What lessons has the industry learned during the pandemic and how will they impact its future? Will media alliances be strengthened? Will there be a return to contextual advertising? What will be the new profiles of the commercial teams?

