Sessions 11

Trends session: The risks and shifts of the news industry in 2017

3 Times Square, 30th Floor - Carnegie Hall

“We have entered a pivotal moment. The shift from advertising to reader-based revenue is reshaping the fundamentals of our industry. Our focus needs to be on our audience and on producing high-quality, engaging journalism", said Vincent recently. He will present the key findings of the organization’s most important annual industry reports: World Press Trends Report 2017 and World News Publishers Outlook 2017.

The World Press Trends report is the leading source of newspaper data and trends globally, and has been published by WAN-IFRA since 1989. The preliminary results depict an industry that is increasingly building loyal audiences around its high-quality journalism, as the shift to reader-based revenue continues.

One of the key findings of the World News Publishers Outlook emerged when respondents of the survey were asked, “What is the single most important risk to your news organisation’s future success?” The largest number of respondents/executives answered: their organisation’s reluctance to innovate.

