Digital Media Africa 2020

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Digital Media Africa 2020








We have reached the registration limit for this event. Please email Jacqui Joshua at if you are interested in receiving a recording of event.


Let's get together again. At least virtually.


We’re committed to continuing the Digital Media Africa conference tradition — bringing together the brightest media minds in the continent together!

We can’t meet physically this year? Let’s make it an opportunity for more people to be part of it, removing travel costs barriers. 

DM Africa will comprise 8 sessions over two days (save your mornings on September 8 and 9). It will include breakout sessions for discussion in small groups with the speakers.

There are no fees for WAN-IFRA Members to attend. Also thanks to our partners at the Google News Initiative and Women in News, we also have a certain number of additional free tickets for other participants. Please contact us by clicking the 'Apply to attend' button. Places are limited to allow effective networking, so the sooner you register the better!


Topics we plan to cover


  1. What’s the to-do list in the newsroom to get ready for paid content?

  2. Audio is a Goldrush everywhere in the world, but we’ve seen that movie (remember the pivot to video movement?) or maybe not

  3. What is a product that users will pay for?

  4. Pains and gains, what did we learn covering the pandemic? (from the perspective of the newsroom and the CEOs). 

And we will be in touch with some of the last year start-ups or small companies that addressed the conference or won one of our awards and see how they got through that period 



2020 Speakers

  1. 1
  2. 2
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  • 1

    News revenue strategy

    The simple question: how to fund a digital newsroom? Inspiration from inside and outside Africa

  • 2

    Entrepreneurship and new business models

    How can young digital newsrooms remain independent? Are readers prepared to pay for online news? Are there unique new business models that work for Africa?

  • 3

    Future of digital advertising

    Reach versus context. How to work with the big platforms. Above all how to raise revenue on our news publishers' own platforms - whether from higher CPMs or new native ad strategies.

JOIN US AND BE PART OF Digital Media Africa

“The conference was an eye-opener for me as it enabled me to learn how other media institutions are applying digital media to increase revenue and improve advertising. We have been struggling at work to embrace the new technology, but with the Conference, something has started.” 

BESTONE NG'ONGA, Managing Director, Times Printpak Zambia Limited


Digital Media Africa 2020

Partners & Sponsors

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