Programme | Publish Asia 2017
Publish Asia 2017
Three days of inspiring presentations, practical workshops, and innovative sessions.
April 18
Masterclass: Innovating storytelling through VR and 360º videos with Google
Leaded by Google APAC's News Lab expert, Irene Liu, this workshop will showcase the resources and tools that Google makes available to newsrooms for developing innovating storytelling through VR and 360 videos.What are the skills and basic equipment needed to get started? Tutorial and best practices from around Asia...
Masterclass: Big Data: Starting with the basics
Big Data has often been presented in recent years as the Holy Grail for news publishers. It allows to personalize products, target ads and to find hidden gems in your data through data mining. But this doesn't mean that Big Data is equally relevant to every company. Before investing heavily in a big data project, it is crucial to bring common sense in the equation and carefully chose the projects that will really pay off in the future. Based on the inspiring experience of NRC Media, this masterclass will explain the basics that every media company needs to go through for starting a cost effective, successful Big Data project, which will add real value to your business.
What is big data, what are opportunities for publishers?
- The 3 V’s
- Davenport: Analytics 1.0/2/0/3.0
- Big Data applications
- Opportunities for publishers
NRC’s common sense approach to big data
- Financial and ethical thresholds to take into account
- Start with the basics
- Pricing optimization by using big data
Find your one million dollar business case (hands on)
- Brainstorming
- Build your own Big Data Business CanvasRecommended for reading by trainer
(How to Suceed in the Relationship Economy) : https://www.amazon.com/How-Suceed-Relationship-Economy-Relationships/dp/1599326493
Masterclass: Exploring New Content Formats with The Guardian
A workshop brought to you by the Guardian Publisher Network
Virtual reality is now on the cusp of mainstream adoption and offers media companies new opportunities to bring content to life. But how can this be done in an authentic way? In this workshop, attendees will learn how to translate journalism into virtual spaces and why it is important to think about visual formats, audio and your audience. We’ll showcase what the Guardian has done, our strategy for the future and look at best case examples by other media outlets and outside our industry.
This workshop, hosted by WAN-IFRA's Publish Asia 2017 will include a step-by-step guide to developing these projects, providing insight on what VR means for storytelling and the pitfalls to avoid. We’ll also look at how to finance these pieces of content, futurecasting and trends.
Other sessions in the workshop will focus upon:
- Other new content formats and innovation in storytelling
- New content formats targeted at new platforms
- Automated journalismThe Publisher Network was launched to offer publishers the unique opportunity to share knowledge, stay up-to-date with vital industry developments and build an unparalleled network with peers, industry experts and Guardian staff.
April 19
Session 1: Strengthening print in the digital era
“The paper edition will not die - ignore it at your own peril and do not reinvent it at your own peril” claims the latest Innovation in News Media World Report!
Total media rethinking: The Inquirer's "5-platforms" redesign
The Philippine Daily inquirer (PDI) has partnered with Media guru Mario Garcia to implement last year a “5-platform” redesign to address the growing demand for 24/7 news delivered rapidly over several digital channels, while emphasizing the central role of the printed newspaper in the information delivery cycle.
Best news media innovation case studies from around the world
This session will present a fast-paced, highly inspiring review of how news publishers worldwide are reimagining the traditional means through which connecting news with consumers. It will feature example of new mediums, alternative revenue streams, newsroom transformation case studies and insights on the future of print...
Session 2: Next Level Journalism
Original, authoritative journalism that stands out is the mark of a quality news brand. However, in the age where newsroom resources are under pressure, copy's shelf life is only minutes, and content is everywhere; how do editors steer their newsrooms to meet the needs of the times? What are the new formats and workflows developed by leading publishers for enhancing their storytelling?
Insights from The Guardian’s Virtual Reality team
Since its award-winning first virtual reality project - 6x9: a virtual experience of solitary confinement – the Guardian’s Virtual Reality team, leaded by Francesca Panetta, has created impressive, immersive and impactful stories using the latest technology available. Why does the Guardian believe in this format for enhancing its journalism? How advertisers can also use this platform to bring life to their brands?A fast transition driven by design
The Times of Oman relied on outstanding design and visual journalism to consolidate its print operations on a competitive market and to develop its digital presence. While trying to make print more relevant, the news media experienced a 10,000 per cent leap in digital revenues by selling 100% of it inventory through direct sales only.The role and impact of AI and machine learning on news
Hype or Fad? Will the likes of Amazon’s Alexa or Google Home significantly change the way we consume and relate with news content in the near future? Should newsrooms start to invest in and experiment with producing content fit for these new and still uncommon devices. What can the latest technology developments can teach us about the future of news?Moderator
Session 3: New print products and production strategies
If print circulation, driven by a strong growth in India and China, has increased globally by 21,5% in the last five years, it is slowly but steadily declining on most markets. This evolution calls for an in-depth transformation of the industrial infrastructure and business rationale around newspaper production.
This session will look into creative ways of strengthening print operations from both operational and commercial perspectives. What printing investments should urgently be made? What are the current opportunities for launching successful new print products? What promises do recent developments in digital printing and augmented reality hold?
Print-Online performance gap: Old but not obsolete
A recent report jointly published by WAN-IFRA and the trade publication 4C shows that, Despite having been written off countless times in the past, the printed newspaper stubbornly refuses to die. An agile, multi-platform strategy is therefore the only way forward to satisfy the audience ever-shifting consumption habits. While it goes without saying that there is no one-size-fits-all strategy for any publisher, market or region, for most publishers around the world, print indeed remains a core part of any platform strategy. This session will present the main findings from this disrupting study.From cost to profit centre
The Rheinische Post, a major German regional daily headquarted in Dusseldorf, transformed its newspaper printing into a commercial printing company that prints newspapers besides other jobs. This session will explain what triggered this project, what its original targets were, how the change was managed and what the new mile stones are today.Fairfax’s transformative production strategy
Australia’s leading publisher Fairfax Media has embarked in recent years in a massive restructuring of its print operations across the country. The project hasn’t only consisted in concentration and cost optimization but also on adopting UV and heatset printing for diversification in commercial printing.Moderator
Session 3 (breakout): Facebook for Publishers - An overview of the Facebook Journalism Project and CrowdTangle
Facebook recently launched the Facebook Journalism Project, a new program to establish stronger ties between Facebook and the news industry. Facebook will be collaborating with news partners to build better products for journalists and publishers, and work more closely with publishers and educators on better equipping people to be informed readers in today's digital media age. Ken Teh will give an overview of the Facebook Journalism Project initiatives, including early efforts to tackle false news, product updates and Blueprint for Journalists.
In December of 2016, Facebook acquired CrowdTangle, a leading social analytic and discovery tool used by hundreds of publishers around the world. Since the announcement, CrowdTangle has been made free and has announced a series of major product updates. In this session, Asha will take a close look at how leading publishers use CrowdTangle across their entire newsroom and show you how to use it to source trending content and measure the impact of your own content and competitors. The session will also touch on latest updates to CrowdTangle, including a partnership with Reddit, as well as the future roadmap of the platform and what’s coming next in 2017.
Session 4: How to win with an audience-centric business model?
Newspapers generated in 2015 an estimated USD 168 billions, of which89 billion (53%)came from print and digital circulation.Increasingly, newspaper publishing is shifting from an ad-centric to an audience-centric business model.
This transformation entails drastic changes in the way we are producing news content and in our strategies for monetizing it. Why is it time to charge for your online content now, and how to do it? What are the implications for your editorial strategy?
Gaining and retaining paid digital subcribers
A case study from Tonton, Malaysia's leading Over-The-Top (OTT) service provider, with 5.9 millions registered users. What are the tools and marketing techniques to attract, retain and manage a huge base of paying digital subscribers? What lessons can be drawn for the news publishing industry?
Charging the right user at the right price
Mather Economics is a global consulting firm that helps publishers such as Gannet and USA Today to develop and implement pricing strategies that maximize operating margins, grow revenue and improve customer loyalty. Through an in-depth analysis of a publication’s online page views and digital audience, it determines optimal price points and methods of charging for online content.
Innovating storytelling through VR and 360º videos with Google
Publish Asia participants who did not get the opportunity to attend the Google workshop on April 18 will get a chance, while we are setting up the Asian Media Awards cocktail and gala dinner, to learn about resources and tools that Google makes available to newsrooms for developing innovating storytelling through VR and 360 videos. Try on Google cardboard with your smartphone and sample cool 3D Video content easy to replicate at your own publication...
Asian Media Awards Gala Dinner
Location:Le-Meridien Hotel KL Sentral, Clarke Ballroom, level 6All Publish Asia participants are warmly invited to join this night of fun and celebration of the Asian Media Awards 2017 winners.
Guest of honour: YAB Dato' Sri Mohd Najib bin Tun Haji Abdul Razak, Prime Minister of Malaysia
April 20
Breakfast Session (Sponsored by CCI)
The digital-first newsroom at WELT
Torsten Stolz, Senior Duty Editor Technology at WELT, the top-national brand of Axel Springer in Berlin, will share his experience of Axel Springers journey to become a digital publishing house, and how the newsroom of WELT transformed to a digital-first approach. By implementing the CCI NewsGate system, they redefined their workflow - enabling digital growth and reduced print-production cost.Intervenants
Session 5: Rebuilding Trust in News
Even though newspapers enjoy unmatched credibility in the media world, new audiences trust even more user generated content and their peer’s reviews and opinions (50% considersocial networks trustworthy, vs. 44 % for newspapers).
Re building and strengthening trust in news is major challenge for the future of the kind of journalism practiced by legacy media organisations. This imply that we must, on the one hand, taking into account the huge pressure for speed imposed by social media platforms, constantly improve our editorial practices in order to retain the same levels of accuracy and credibility in the information that forged our brands. We must, on the other hand, educate our readers, promote and defend our brands.
What it takes to produce credible, independent news
Tempo is one of the most respected news magazine in Asia as a result of its longstanding fight against corruption in Indonesia. The trust people put in their independent reporting allow them to charge users for access to their online content. Tempo also regularly participates in global investigations such as the Panama Papers.Journalism that stands apart: lessons from the NYT
The latest report by the New York Times’ 2020 Group points out the importance to focus on great quality journalism and defines priorities that every newsroom can learn from: become more visual, embrace and expand new storytelling forms, invest in service journalism, listen to your readers… What are the implications of these key objectives in terms of newsroom staff and organisation?Gaining credibility and trust online only
Malaysiakini has made a name for itself by offering an independent online coverage of Malaysian politics that its readers are happy to pay for. Factwire is an online-only, independent news platform which was originally created through crowdfunding for producing investigative journalism reports in Hong Kong. Their publishers will explain who the internally guarantee the authenticity and trustworthiness of the news they publish, how they deal with social media and how they consolidated their media brands across platforms.Moderator
Session 6: Diversifying revenue streams
Identifying and developing alternative revenue streams remains at the top of most publishers’ agendas in 2017. From radio, events, magazines and e-commerce portals to mergers and acquisitions or B2B activities, these side businesses represent on mature marketsan estimated 7 to 20% of news publishers’ total revenues.
This session will also take a look at the advertising, both on the print and digital sides. It will showcase innovative products for making print advertising uniquely attractive and explore the latest and most promising trends in digital advertising.
From print to OTT streaming service
A focus on in-house innovations in print has allowed the Star Media Group to protect its print advertising revenues more efficiently than most its competitors. But Star also showed last year its capacity to diversify its revenue streams by launching a subscription based Over-The-Top (OTT) streaming service offering a variety of Asian content.Exploring the e-learning vertical
NSTP, the publisher of the New Straits Times and of the leading Malay newspaper Harian Metro, explores a business diversification into the education sector with an approach that mobilizes all its assets, from print to digital and including events.Moderator
Session 6 (Breakout) : Fakes news: Threats and opportunities for the Asian Press?
This break out session will take further the debate initiated around fake news in the previous session. Editors from across Asia, internet pure players and civil society groups will discuss the threats that represents the Fake News phenomenon to the news business. This session ambitions to set the basis for concrete initiatives and projects that Asian publishers and editors could lead in order to turn this threat into an opportunity for improving their journalism, strengthen their credibility and give a better service to their communities.
Can we create an Asian Fact-checking task force?
This session ambitions to set the basis for concrete initiatives and projects that Asian publishers and editors could lead in order to turn this threat into an opportunity for improving their journalism, strengthen their credibility and give a better service to their communities.Panel discussion
Session 7: Making sense of data
Big data has been a big topic for news publishers for already several years. Still, most media organization are still unclear about the kind of resources and investment they should make in order to effectively benefit from this technology in a way that is adapted to their operations size and business culture.
How can multimedia groups connect with readers in new and deeper ways and increase the impact and ROI of their news content? What are the latest trends in using social media and Big Data for multiplying touch points across news publishers' content portfolios and increasing revenue per user?
From data to relationships: How NRC Media grows in readership and revenue
NRC Media, one of the most inspiring European news media companies for its Big Data usage, combines the fields of data analysis and improvement of customer experience. This session will show how NRC Media put data to work to optimise acquisition and retention offers, and explains how data insights can be enriched by listening to real subscribers to release the power of empathy.
Embedding a data engineer in the newsroom
Fairfax Media – the publisher of the Sydney Morning Herald – hosted last year a data scientist for 8 weeks as part of a Google News Lab fellowship program. In this short amount of time, the research fellow built a recommendation engine for similar content to increase reader on-site time and analysed changes in Sydney's nightlife using transport data.
Advanced statistical model to optimise print distribution
The Straits Times is the English flagship daily of Singapore Press Holdings. With a daily average circulation of almost 400,000 print and digital copies, the paper reaches its readers through a distribution system which includes over 1,000 retail outlets. Using time series data, advanced statistics and machine learning techniques, SPH's team of data scientists have built an automated demand forecast model to optimise between retail availability and returns. Early testing of the model has yielded positive results, with potential to extend the application of the model to other titles and even non-newspaper products
Session 7 (Breakout): Innovations in print
Inkjet Newspaper Printing
Publishing houses, printing plants, distributors and printers are called on to take a creative approach to digital printing, to develop niches, establish new services, and offer innovative and interesting media products that previously were not feasible.Adding value to print advertising with in-house innovations
A focus on in-house innovations in print has allowed the Star Media Group to protect its revenue from print advertising in challenging times more efficiently than most its competitors.Optimised Paper Handling & Logistics
Presentation of a cross-industry collaborative project which brings together over 30 organisations from every part of the supply chain and from different printing processes and paper users for reducing paper waste and improve both economic and environmental performances.Intervenants
Session 8: Managing the digital transformation
According to Harvard Business School professor Clark Gilbert, news publishers must operate two major business transformations: repositioning and optimizing their traditional print operations and developing a brand new business on digital platforms.
Managing these two transformations hand in hand and transform a whole business culture is a thrilling but challenging endeavour. This session will present the transformational journeys of two inspiring news publishers.
Digital transformation: JoongAng Ilbo's approach
Digital transformation in the newspaper industry has long become a "must do" task rather than an option. However, is there really a "one-size-fits-all" business strategy that will save newspapers from the current revenue dry-out? And if there is such a solution, can it be applied across the board universally to all newspapers? JoongAng Ilbo, Korea's leading media company which launched Asia's first internet news portal, shares its intimate experience in dealing with these issues.Shaping the future of journalism
The World Editors Forum (WEF) launched an initiative called 'Next Level Journalism', in order to tackle the challenges of a transformed media landscape. The WEF is urging editors and newsrooms to go beyond the surface of news and to become certifiers of the reality around us. This next level journalism aims to recognize the value of professional journalism in a scenario strongly affected by fake news and activism".Moderator