Programme | Digital Media Europe 2017

Digital Media Europe 2017

Programme | Digital Media Europe 2017



April 24

  • 09:00

    Arrival of participants and registrations opening

  • 10:00



    • Executive Director of Europe and Africa, WAN-IFRA, Germany
  • 10:00

    Our challenges



  • 10:30

    Our digital Priorities


    Using the lean startup methodology to build up a new video business


    Diversifying digital business


  • 11:30

    Coffee Break

  • 12:00

    Future Customers


    How an iconic news brand bonds with the next generation


    How The Economist's social media team taught a legacy publication to speak to millennials


    • Social Media Writer and Managing Editor of The Economist on Medium, The Economist, UK
  • 13:00

    Lunch Break

  • 14:00

    Breakout Session

    Breakout session sponsored by MPP Global 

    "Subscriptions & Micropayments, Customer Acquisition & Conversion, Offers, Business Models and Lessons Learned"


    • VP, Media & Publishing, MPP Global, UK
    • Director of Subscriptions & Paid Content, L‘Equipe, France
  • 14:45

    Paid Content Part 1 - Newsrooms driving subscription growth


    Ekstra Bladet’s Freemium Model 2.0

    Almost four years after launching its paid subscription model, EKSTRA, the Danish tabloid paper Ekstra Bladet has gained both organisational, commercial and editorial insights enough to continue the journey. The media house has grown, strengthened the site and gained solid knowledge as to what the readers of the largest news site in Denmark want to read and are willing to pay for. Hence, Ekstra Bladet is now ready to take their freemium model to level 2.0.


    • Head of Paid Content, Ekstra Bladet - EKSTRA & Print, Denmark

    Show me the money

    Lessons from a three-year journey into digital subscriptions and turning journalism into a business model


  • 15:45

    Coffee Break

  • 16:15

    Paid Content Part 2 - Marketing and pricing


    You are your community


    German regionals and their struggle for attention


    • Principal Consultant, WAN-IFRA Consulting, Germany
  • 16:55

    Round Table: Is there a way to get into the paid content next level?


    • Principal Consultant, WAN-IFRA Consulting, Germany


  • 17:30

    Wrap up and end of day 1

  • 17:45

    European Digital Media Awards Night


  • 19:30

    European Digital Media Awards Afterparty

    Bar 7

    The celebration will be followed at Bar 7!! 

    The Afterparty is kindly sponsered by 

April 25

  • 09:30

    Reclaiming the Premium Ad Market


    • Director, Global Advisory - WAN-IFRA, Germany
  • 09:30

    Premium Advertising Part 1: Your USP - high value new products for targeted audiences

    What's your Premium? How to understand your audience and make use of the high value ad formats developed with the IAB


    • SVP, Technology & Ad Operations, IAB, and General Manager, IAB Tech Lab, USA

    Redefining premium every day

    Desktop, smartphones, digital, mobile, branded content, video, AI, programmatic, targeting, data…the list goes on as do the trends. What is hot today will become out-dated tomorrow. As advertisers now have a plethora of mediums to tell their stories, Publishers must run simply to stand still. Yet whilst we find ourselves running, do we know to where it is we are going? Advertising enables us to ensure a sustainable future and support the purpose for which we were created.  But are our advertising solutions really premium? Each of us Publishers is unique and success requires a tailored approach. The Bridge, News UK’s commercial department, is News UK’s response to creating a commercial organisation built to tactically address the trends today whilst ensuring we are ready for the trends tomorrow.


    • Strategy & Operations Director, News UK’s Commercial department, UK

    Condé Nast Stories: Key factors for success of a premium brand content offer

    At DME, Violaine Degas will discuss Condé Nast's premium branded content with a focus on video. She will talk about what they've learned so far and explain the key factors required for success.


  • 11:00

    Coffee Break

  • 11:30

    Premium Advertising Part 2: Branded content in the real world - keeping your voice as you scale your team

    How not to lose your mind when doing branded content


    • Director, Global Advisory - WAN-IFRA, Germany


    Creation, measurement and conversion: Producing quality branded content for the biggest media companies in Spain


    The KIT Storyengine - Telling better stories by telling stories better!


  • 13:00

    Lunch Break

  • 14:00

    Breakout Session

    The importance of editorial analytics for the newsroom and how spreading them will get reporters to buy into the metrics

    Breakfast session given by our Gold Sponsor


    • Chief Content Officer, Content Insights, UK


  • 14:30

    Premium Advertising Part 3: Co-operative Marketplaces - Is it time for a new start? Or are the challenges too big?

    La Place Media has been a success. Project Juno and Pangaea in the UK are struggling for traction. Is it time for a new start? Or are the challenges too big?


    • Executive Director of Europe and Africa, WAN-IFRA, Germany

    The Finnish Publishing Group


    • Director of Digital Ad Operations and Development, Alma Media Corporation , Finland

    Regional Publishers National Network


    • Director Product Management and Technology, OMS Vermarktungs GmbH & Co. KG, Germany
  • 15:00

    Parallel Session: GAMI Roundtable - "Look to the nordics"

    Foredragssalen (adjacent room)

    State-of-the-art news on progress in robotics and automation efforts in the Nordic region


    Machine learning is breaking new grounds to digital business


    • Dr. rer. nat., Associate Professor at the Department of Computer Science at NTNU, Norway

    The new oil: "Your social data and bio data is the next matrix ". New marketing approaches using behavioural and bio data as a value maker


    • Founder & CEO, Lighthouse8 - Business Engineering, Norway

    Targeting young audience using gaming features in news consumption


    • PhD student, the School of informatics and member of the research group MTEC, Media, Technology and Culture, University of Skövde, Sweden
    • Project and Innovation Manager, Gothia Innovation AB, Sweden

    The INJECT Project: a new digital product for super-powering journalism (a project funded by the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 framework)


    • Project Director, Global Alliance for Media Innovation, WAN-IFRA
  • 15:10

    Panel Discussion: Next challenges for publishers in programmatic


    • Executive Managing Director, Styria Content Creation, Austria


    • Director Product Management and Technology, OMS Vermarktungs GmbH & Co. KG, Germany
    • Director of Digital Ad Operations and Development, Alma Media Corporation , Finland
    • SVP, Technology & Ad Operations, IAB, and General Manager, IAB Tech Lab, USA
  • 15:40

    Coffee Break

  • 16:10

    Premium Advertising Part 4: Video, video, video. The money-spinner. The insoluble inventory problem


    • Executive Director of Europe and Africa, WAN-IFRA, Germany

    Online Video (short form, long form, live) What are the prospects, what does a good online video strategy look like?


    • Sr. Research Associate, Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, UK

    Go big or go home: How publishers and a national broadcaster join forces to accelerate video growth in Austria

    Users love online video, journalists… well, not so much as video often means an increased workload for them. So how do you bring those two worlds together?

    Austria has found its own way: At the beginning of 2017, the “Austria Video Platform” launched. The plan: A national broadcaster shares its video content for publishers to use on their news portals, ad revenues are split. A win-win for everyone? Alexis Johann will share the first results.


    • Executive Managing Director, Styria Content Creation, Austria
  • 17:15

    Wrap up and end of day 2

April 26

  • 09:00

    Breakfast Session

    Main Room

     The future of content in the age of platforms

     Breakfast session given by our Gold Sponsor 

    In the last six months, our global political climate has changed, and both news production and consumption has changed as well. There is stronger support for quality journalism and subscriptions, and more questions around the role of platforms like Facebook and Google. What does the latest data teach us about the state of quality in the news?  Is what people write about, read about and share the same?  What can major global news events like Brexit, the U.S. Election and now the French election teach us about how consumers engage with content?

    Chartbeat CEO John Saroff has evaluated the data and will share with you the most interesting trends we are seeing around the world related to content consumption and distribution, as well as what news organizations can do today and tomorrow to act on it.


  • 09:00

    Breakfast Session

    Foredragssalen (adjacent room)

    WELT’s journey from a classical publisher towards a tech publisher  

    Breakfast session given by CCI

    Due to the fusion of WELT (print) and N24 (TV), WeltN24 reinvented the whole digital product line and a major part of the infrastructure. In this session, Director of Development Lajos Lange, will show how WeltN24 transformed their whole product development department towards a lean, agile and fast editorial service fabric. He will demonstrate the huge opportunities a cloud offers by discussing their journey to the cloud and a DevOps culture.
    For many years, the editorial office worked efficiently in a cross media newsroom with a combined solution of CCI NewsGate and Escenic. The newly developed CUE system is the next evolutionary step towards a combined content hub by gluing together all the important editorial services WeltN24 implements. As a CCI development partner, Lajos Lange will show how they use CUE to create the most effective workflows for the diverse roles in the newsroom.


  • 09:45

    Revenue Frontiers - New Products and Investments


    The World News Media Outlook 2017: Lifting the lid on what executives at the world’s most profitable media companies do differently from those at unprofitable ones


    • Director, Journalism Leaders Programme | Co-convenor: Digital Editors Network, UK

    How to make money with Facebook

    What is the revenue potential of collaboration with Facebook and other platforms? Are digital platforms friends, or foes? A strategic analysis of digital disruption in the content business, and ideas how news publishers may need to adjust their business model to the age of platforms.


    Panel Discussion: What recommendations would they follow?


    • Director, Journalism Leaders Programme | Co-convenor: Digital Editors Network, UK
    • Sr. Research Associate, Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, UK
    • Media researcher and consultant
  • 11:00

    Coffee Break

  • 11:30

    Breakout Session

    How Denmark's TV 2 is democratising video with Wochit

    Breakout Session given by Wochit

    TV 2's executive editor for digital, Jacob Anderson gives us an inside look at how the broadcaster is building up video skills within the digital team in key verticals. We'll see how web editors without video experience are being empowered to create their own videos autonomously and with ease. Wochit's Garrett Goodman, VP of Business Development for EMEA, will join Jacob to lead a discussion about tips on getting the newsroom to try new things and video content strategy.


  • 12:15

    Make data work for you: Building profitable and growing relationships


    • Executive Director of Europe and Africa, WAN-IFRA, Germany

    The power of „textmarketing“ and Panama Papers: Insights about the successful paywall at Germany’s biggest quality newspaper


    • Digital Editor, Süddeutsche Zeitung and Editor in-Chief,, Germany

    From data to relationships: How NRC Media grows in readership and revenue

    Matthijs van de Peppel (Manager Data Intelligence & CRM) reveals how NRC Media put data to work to optimise acquisition and retention offers, resulting in growth in readership  and customer value.

    He explains how the Dutch media company organised their data team, conduct pricing analysis and transform insights into business results.


  • 13:15

    Lunch Break

  • 14:15

    Reinventing ourselves once more with help from technology

    "If you think the step from print to digital was challenging, prepare yourself: The next leap for publishing and journalism is far bigger, more complex and way more exciting. We believe it’s about going from one-size-fits-all journalism to 1:1 journalism," says Espen Sundve VP Product Management at Schibsted. He will take us through the first steps and path forward for Schibsted's new product & platform strategy for publishing.


    • Director, Global Advisory - WAN-IFRA, Germany


  • 14:45

    Google DNI Innovation Fund

    Google DNI Innovation Fund: kickstarting a R&D culture in the newsrooms


    Público: multimedia as a strategy for innovation


    DNI Prototype - VR Billboards


  • 16:00

    End of DME17

Digital Media Europe 2017
