Programme | The Newsroom Summit 2018

The Newsroom Summit 2018

29 Oct 2018 to 30 Oct 2018

Programme | The Newsroom Summit 2018




October 29

  • 08:30

    Registration and coffee

  • 09:20

    A few words about this year's Newsroom Summit

  • 09:30

    Welcome from our hosts!


  • 09:40

    The VG Blueprint

    An insight into next-generation newsrooms: VG is the leading brand in the Schibsted portfolio. Editor-in-Chief, Gard Steiro, shares the group’s view of the future and how the investment in quality journalism and technology is driving VG to greater heights.


    • Editor in Chief and CEO, VG - Verdens Gang AS, Norway
  • 10:10

    Purposeful Personalisation: Towards a more productive, empowering and sustainable news experience

    Mark Little is focused on building a trustworthy, social, news ecosystem that maximises return on attention and gives individuals control of their own, personalised news experience. He is a big thinker and entrepreneurial journalist who founded and built verification agency Storyful, (which was eventually sold to News Corp) and was head of Twitter, Ireland.  


  • 10:40

    Audience engagement case study: Why it’s good for business at the Financial Times

    Hannah Sarney will share how the Financial Times Audience Engagement team operates and will present an in-depth look at a major editorial series exploring the millennial economy. She will tell how readers inform and kickstart the reporting process; how the FT uses audience insights to optimise a multi-platform approach; and how the benefits of audience engagement extend outside the newsroom.


    • Head of Audience Engagement, Financial Times, United Kingdom
  • 11:10

    Energy Break!

  • 11:40

    Engagement via Newsletters: How The Economist uses newsletters to drive engagement and subscription

    Email newsletters are experiencing a renaissance. Sunnie Huang will share how The Economist developed a newsletters strategy that puts readers' needs at the heart, as well as how the digital teams use audience research and experimentation to help shape the look and feel of newsletters.


    • Newsletters Editor, The Economist, United Kingdom
  • 11:40

    Audience Engagement Session


    • Director, Norwegian Media Businesses’ Association (MBL), Norway
  • 12:10

    Growing subscribers: How Helsingin Sanomat is converting readers into paying customers


    • Senior Editor-in-Chief, Helsingin Sanomat, Finland
  • 13:00


  • 14:00

    Hacking the news reading experience through cross-department collaboration

    Improving reader and subscriber loyalty is the holy grail of today’s business model for news. Can new in-house collaboration models help us crack the code – without the newsroom giving up its independence? At DN, Norway’s top business news publication, journalists, marketers, technologists and analysts work together to present great content and a better user experience.


    • Editor for publishing strategy and visual journalism, Dagens Næringsliv, Norway. WEF Board member.
  • 14:30

    A journey into content intelligence with Newsmavens' Lea Berriault

    Newsmavens is a publication on a mission to give readers a different perspective on the news. With a pan-European group of female editors selecting content they feel is newsworthy, they're addressing the unspoken - and often unnoticed - consequences of a male-dominated industry. Managing Editor Lea Berriault talks to Content Insights' Content Manager, Em Kuntze, to reveal what they're learning about their content - and their readership - through judicious use of content intelligence tools.

    Session sponsored by Content Insights.


  • 15:00

    Energy Break!

  • 15:30

    Table Discussions: Audience Engagement

    A deep dive into the topic of audience engagement. Participants can join small group discussions, raising their own challenges and experiences with industry leaders. Summaries of these discussions will be presented to all groups.

  • 16:15

    Quick Talks - super relevant projects & solutions

    Four five-minute pitches! From a Schibsted startup, to a non-profit European media collective, as well as plenty of analytics....


  • 16:45

    Solutions Journalism at The Guardian


  • 18:00

    Welcome reception hosted by Schibsted

    Continue the conversation with food and drinks!

October 30

  • 08:30

    Welcome back!

  • 08:45

    Breakfast Session - How The Sun and WordPress won the World Cup

    With the first major football tournament since we launched the Sun website on WordPress this was the ideal excuse to launch a new, innovative destination page. NewsUK and Human Made explore how they worked together from proof of concept to delivery in a few months.

    Session sponsored by Human Made.


  • 09:30

    Building bridges for next-generation newsrooms – Innovation at WELT


  • 10:00

    Driving innovation in BBC newsrooms worldwide


    • Digital transformation, content strategy and innovation consultant, WEF Board Member, UK
  • 10:30

    The Matrix Organisation: a project-based, cross functional approach to getting things done


    • Publishing Consultant FT Strategies, WAN-IFRA Supervisory Board Member London, UK
  • 11:00

    Energy Break!

  • 11:30

    “Mission Local” - the big changes in the newsroom at the heart of a new digital subscription strategy

    For Kleine Zeitung, their move to integrated editorial offices in 2014 was an important factor in moving to a digital-first mindset. A few years later, they became the first daily newspaper in Austria to charge for digital content by subscription (in October 2016). So how has the culture in the newsroom changed? What lessons are there for other local publishers building a paywall?


  • 12:00

    Table Discussions: Personalisation / Newsroom Organisation

    In-depth look at the topics of personalisation and newsroom organisation. Participants will take part in small group discussions where they can discuss select themes with industry leaders. Summaries of these discussions will be presented to all groups.

  • 12:30


  • 13:30

    Session on Personalisation


    • Director of Insights & Editor-in-Chief, WAN-IFRA, Germany
  • 13:35

    From 4 to 300 data analysts

    Expressen has increased its reach on mobile from 700 000 to 4.7 million readers and viewers in five years - and is soon Sweden’s largest news site. One key factor behind this tremendous growth has been Expressen's data strategy which turned Expressen into the most data informed newsroom in the Nordics. “From 4 to 300 data analysts" will give you hands on tactics on how to create a data informed newsroom that not only consist of 300 journalists but actually also 300 data analysts.

    Session sponsored by


  • 13:50

    How MittMedia is using personalisation, data and AI to drive reader revenue

    This Swedish legacy, local news media company, has started to make real revenue. Learn how they connect with readers everyday and what’s next. Read more!


  • 14:20

    The Content Personalisation Network

    The Content Personalisation Network project (CPN) is working on building a new, transparent approach to personalise digital content, delivering the right information, at the right time, in the right context. Partners include Deutsche Welle, IMEC, VRT, ATC, DIAS Media Group and WAN-IFRA.  Read more  


    Background, challenges and needs from the media perspective


    • Tilman Wagner
      Innovation Manager, DW Research & Cooperation Projects, Deutsche Welle, Germany

    The CPN tool: what are we building ? Live demo.


  • 14:50

    Energy Break!

  • 15:20

    Immediate Media: Using data as a source of insight and enrichment

    Laura Jenner, Product Director, Digital at Immediate Media, UK and Alisa Schaefer, Customer Success Manager, Chartbeat, USA will hold a dynamic chat between partners about the role of audience engagement in driving the publisher's overall growth. The conversation will place emphasis on data as a source of insight and enrichment.     Session sponsored by Chartbeat.  


  • 15:50

    Next-level collaboration

    Collaboration in journalism is now a proven driver of innovation. Verificado2018 was a collaborative reporting effort that saw journalists from across Mexico working together to fact-check, verify, and debunk claims and content for historic elections on July 1, 2018. In Sweden a similar project was saw a newsroom designed from scratch over two days and then run for three days over the national election. Fergus Bell will share how these and other collaborative projects are designed and executed as well as sharing some of the analysis, learnings and surprising similarities from these pioneering efforts that might inspire others hoping to run something similar.


  • 16:20

    Take-Aways and Summaries of Table Discussions

  • 16:45

    End of NRS 2018

The Newsroom Summit 2018
