Programme | The Newsroom Summit 2019

The Newsroom Summit 2019

05 Nov 2019 to 06 Nov 2019

Programme | The Newsroom Summit 2019


We are working together with a team of inspirational newsroom leaders and strategists, including, Ingeborg Volan, Swantje Dake, Dmitry Shishkin, Randi S. Øgrey, and Federica Cherubini, to identify the trends and topics that are most relevant to all senior editors and managing editors. Below is the first draft of our programme. More sessions to be added soon!


November 04

November 05

  • 08:30

    Registration / coffee - meet fellow participants and speakers!

  • 09:20

    A few words about this year's Summit

  • 09:30

    The VG Blueprint

    An insight into our host VG: the leading brand in the Schibsted portfolio. Editor-in-Chief, Gard Steiro, shares the group’s current burning issues and how the investment in quality journalism and technology is driving VG to greater heights.


    • Editor in Chief and CEO, VG - Verdens Gang AS, Norway
  • 10:00



    • Head of Leadership Development, Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, UK

    Managing interdisciplinary newsrooms: The key to building innovation

    How to spark out-of-the-box-thinking in newsrooms? Open your doors for people with wildly different backgrounds to work with you! But you’ll need a fresh tool set and new management approaches. Uli Köppen shares her own experience building up an interdisciplinary data journalism team at German Public Broadcaster BR. And the condensed experience of leaders in the industry she interviewed during her Nieman Fellowship at Harvard and MIT.


    • Head of data journalism, Bayerischer Rundfunk (ARD), Germany

    Reshuffling the newsroom at Dagens Næringsliv


    • Editor for publishing strategy and visual journalism, Dagens Næringsliv, Norway. WEF Board member.
  • 11:00

    Networking Coffee Break

  • 11:30



    • Director, Norwegian Media Businesses’ Association (MBL), Norway

    Leadership in the newsroom: Journalism as a driver for change.

    Helje will present on strategic leadership and innovation, her personal leadership - and hope for the future.


    • News Director, NRK (Norwegian public service broadcaster), Norway
  • 12:10



    • Director, Norwegian Media Businesses’ Association (MBL), Norway

    Reaching out to new paying audiences at Amedia


  • 12:40

     Reader Loyalty - The main pillar for Badische Zeitung's premium content strategy 


    • Social Media editor and Digital Product development, Badische Zeitung, Germany
    • Client Relations Manager, Content Insights, Serbia
  • 13:00


  • 14:00



    Different approaches to engaging subscribers in a regional vs. a national news title: Stuttgarter Zeitung and Süddeutsche Zeitung

    Paid-model for regional newspapers. Swantje Dake will discuss how they started in 2016 with a metered model, and why they started Freemium/StZ Plus in 2017. She will talk about what they tried, why they failed and how they’ve been succeeding the second time around. She will also discuss the difficulties of being a publisher that is still mostly print focused with few capacities for digital while trying to bring in people with new skills and letting them work together in an integrated team and newsroom. In addition, Dake will describe how they are developing different strategies for Stuttgarter Zeitung and Stuttgarter Nachrichten, which are both produced by one team and newsroom. She will also talk about how they are now increasing their numbers of digital subscribers. Some “best practice” ideas for the newsroom and content topics will be presented as well.

    Paid content from the perspective of a national newspaper. Mayer will give a summary of the strategic approach of Germanys leading national newspaper Sueddeutsche Zeitung to win more loyal and paying subscribers. She gives insights of the type of stories readers pay for and talks about learnings how to organise the editorial process.


    • Editor in Chief Digital, Stuttgarter Zeitung, Germany
    • Head of newsroom, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Germany
  • 15:00

    Networking Coffee Break

  • 15:00

    BREAKOUT SESSION - Own the phone: Why mobile storytelling matters more than ever

    With more than 60% of the global consumers using their smartphones as the primary device for news, “digital-first” must turn into “mobile-first” for news publishers. New technologies and mobile content formats can lift consumer engagement with more and better content.

    The key take-aways from this session “Own the Phone” include:
    - Insights into the shift towards mobile news consumption
    - How to integrate mobile storytelling in your editorial workflow
    - Which mobile story formats to use – and when to use them
    - Future of mobile news storytelling
    References to specific news publishers who are working with mobile storytelling will be addressed. Session sponsored by CCI


  • 15:40

    Table Discussions: Engagement & Relevance

    A deep dive into the topics of audience engagement and personalisation. Participants can join small group discussions, raising their own challenges and experiences with industry leaders. Summaries of these discussions will be presented to all groups.
  • 15:40

    BREAKOUT SESSION: Climate change in the newsrooms: a “Work Storm” for editors.

    A brainstorming workshop on how newsrooms could improve their coverage of the current climate crisis. Editors are invited to learn about the main shortcomings in climate crisis communication at the moment, share their own perspectives and experiences, and actively improve the quality of reporting with concrete examples. During one hour, Editors will be able to learn by participating in a practical workshop, and provide insights based on their own experiences (contributing to the QUEST toolkit for Journalists).


    • Award-winning journalist, photographer and writer, Switzerland
  • 16:40

    Content engagement beyond news: outside perspectives from an insider

    How do content, product, data, travel, strategy, creativity and monetisation align together at Сulture Trip? Dmitry Shishkin joined one of the most exciting startups in the UK as Chief Content Officer just under a year ago after years with BBC News.



    • Digital transformation, content strategy and innovation consultant, WEF Board Member, UK
  • 17:10

    Wrap up day 1

  • 18:00

    Drink reception with fingerfood hosted by Schibsted

    Welcome address by Siv Juvik Tveitnes, CEO of Schibsted Media Division. Join us and continue the conversation!


November 06

  • 08:30

    Arrival of participants

  • 08:45

    Breakfast session: Personalization without «black boxing»  - article recommendations with a purpose


    • Editorial insights administrator, Dagens Næringsliv, Norway
  • 09:45



    • Digital transformation, content strategy and innovation consultant, WEF Board Member, UK

    Members only: Tortoise Media - a new format to engage the super engaged


  • 10:15

    News automation – how Schibsted is going all in

    In the 2019 Schibsted Future Report, Aftonbladet’s Managing Editor Michael Poromaa called it “one of the biggest revolutions in the history of Schibsted”. He was talking about how Aftonbladet now combine large structured data sets with a Natural Language Generation process to automatically generate articles in Sports and Traffic news. Since then, Schibsted have decided to make the tech available across the entire group. In this session, Mattias Andersson at Aftonbladet and Niklas Plikk at VG will provide a unique and practical peek inside Schibsted’s big drive in robot journalism and news automation. Session sponsored by United Robots



  • 11:00

    Networking Coffee Break

  • 11:45

    Driving young readers towards subscription


    Reaching the next generation: Getting young people engaged in editorial media

    An important part of our mission is to promote freedom of speech and press freedom as basic values in our democracy. A key part of this is to contribute to educating young people about editorial media and their role: What are editorial media all about, how do they work, how should you engage with them. In the current media climate where lies, hate and propaganda seem to thrive this is more important than ever. We have had a project since the early 1970s where we have supplied educational resources about media to primary and middle schools. Now we have gone digital in a big way through an app, where we provide access to powerful tools for students and teachers.


    • Head of Industrial Policy, Norwegian Media Businesses' Association, Norway

    Strategies to drive new audiences at Børneavisen

    Børneavisen is a print media in Denmark targeting younger audiences. Their mission is to give children access to a credible news media that tells stories focusing on this target group. They are soon launching a companion app to go along with the printed version as part of their overall audience engagement strategy to maintain loyalty and increase reader retention, allowing an even more day to day communication with their readers. In this session, will learn how they plan on reaching these younger audiences through the app as well as how they will guide them towards becoming subscribers. Børneavisen is an independent media published by JP / Politiken Hus.


  • 11:45

    BREAKOUT SESSION: Benchmarking multimedia content and engagement

    WAN-IFRA, in association with Agence France-Presse, recently conducted a global survey of nearly 100 newsroom executives to gauge some of the trends in multimedia content production, especially what works to build engagement. We will discuss the findings and get feedback about what participants think works in their newsrooms.


    • Director of Insights & Editor-in-Chief, WAN-IFRA, Germany
  • 12:40

    Tools to help journalists discover news stories and engage their audiences


    • Partner Solutions team leader for News Partnerships across EMEA, Facebook, UK
  • 13:00


  • 13:30

    BREAKOUT SESSION: Social Verification and Newsgathering for Newsrooms

    In an age awash in information, social media has become a battleground for perception, attention and truth. This workshop will cover practical approaches to verifying content on social media, separating fact from fiction and extracting verified information to support the development of stories. Join Richard James, Senior Editor of Europe for Storyful, for a discussion about social news verification best practices.


    • Senior Editor of Europe, Middle East and Africa, Storyful, UK
  • 14:15

    Optimizing for reader revenue

    Mattias Pehrsson, Head of Editorial Development at Sydsvenskan, shares an inside look at the human and technological resources needed to reach and retain subscribers.


  • 14:35

    Brand & Voice- Quality and positive journalism for a subscribers community

    ARA offers quality differential information to increase the feeling to belonging of our subscribers community. ARA is currently in a real process of digital priority, without forgetting the quality of the paper.


    • Head of Leadership Development, Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, UK


  • 15:05

    Local Nordic News collaboration: The Agderposten Project

    Agderposten Medier has established a partnership of 23 independantly owned local newspapers the last 2,5 years. The collaboration includes common platforms of editorial systems, digital platforms, advertisement systems, subscription systems and IT-services. It also delivers several services within the mentioned areas. The goal of this collaboration is to increase the common volume in order to achieve better digital development and to increase the ability to handle the digital transformation.


    • Head of Leadership Development, Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, UK


  • 15:35

    Networking Coffee Break

  • 15:50

    Table discussions: Brand & Voice / Evolution of Storytelling

    A deep dive into the topics of Brand & Voice OR Evolution of Storytelling. Participants can join small group discussions, raising their own challenges and experiences with industry leaders. Summaries of these discussions will be presented to all groups.
  • 16:30

    Wrap up NRS19

  • 16:45


The Newsroom Summit 2019
