Programme | Digital Media Europe 2020
Digital Media Europe 2020
All times in CET (Frankfurt time). Remember that as a participant, you can check out the same information on our virtual platform.
November 10
Stream IDs:
- 10107
Subscription Marketing
Virtual coffee - meet and greet
Simulate chatting at the coffee table as we drop you into random conversations to introduce yourselves before we start.
Stream IDs:
- 10107
Subscription Marketing
The Road to a fully Digital-Funded Newsroom
The focus on reader revenue means the newsroom is shifting slowly from cost-sink to profit centre. We talk to three leaders focused on content-driven subscription growth.
How Schibsted hit 1 Billion Krone reader revenue
Publishers like Schibsted have managed to hit huge stretch targets for subscription growth over the last few years, and are now targeting digital sustainability.
Impact of investigative journalism on subscription
French pure digital player Mediapart has proved that strong content can drive a business based purely on reader revenue (!) - backed up by a solid and highly professional subscription strategy.
The F+ Strategy
When leading up-market German daily Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung launched the comprehensive digital only F+ product for only €11.80 per month, this signified a major change in direction for the brand. They have steadily winning new subscribers, giving them one year to establish a habit, before increasing the price to closer to €20. Buhr explains how the strategy is working out so far.
Supported by
Stream IDs:
- 10107
Subscription Marketing
Google News Initiative: A Retrospective and Looking Forward
The Google News Initiative’s Digital Growth Programme has been doubling down on support for reader revenue initiatives. The Journalism Emergency Relief Fund has offered support to hundreds of newsrooms across the world. CEO Sundar Pichai just announced a $1 billion investment in the Google News Showcase. So how do all of these initiatives fit together? And does Google see a healthy future for paid online news?
Stream IDs:
- 10107
Subscription Marketing
Publisher Toolbox: Uncover stories that matter to your audiences
While a torrential increase in online content makes it difficult for journalists to navigate misinformation and biased sources, it has also opened up new insights. For instance, you can now source up-to-the-minute perspectives on popular opinion and widespread sentiment, as well as identify trends through aggregated online search behaviour. In collaboration with Sky News, we showcase the example of a crucial investigative report based entirely on online search trends and site analysis sourced from SEMrush.
Session brought to you by:
Stream IDs:
- 10107
Subscription Marketing
Lunch break
Stream IDs:
- 10107
Subscription Marketing
Publisher Toolbox: How Bergens Tidende use automation to build entire Homes Sales section + drive reader revenue
In June, Schibsted’s regional title Bergens Tidende launched a completely new premium vertical on BT.no. Boligsalg (Home Sales) consists solely of robot written articles about house and apartment sales, tagged down to the street level to enable hyperlocal segmentation. The high quality of the articles and images combined with the geotargeting accuracy now drives 60–70 subscription sales a month for the Norwegian publisher. Jan Stian Vold will share learnings and key success factors around this newsroom automation project.
Read more about the BT newsroom automation case here.
Session brought to you by:
Stream IDs:
- 10107
Subscription Marketing
Networking: time to meet other attendees
In our networking session, you have the opportunity to make new contacts and engage in discussions on various topics in a small group.
Bear in mind that participants and exhibitors can schedule meetings and video calls via WAN-IFRA’s EventsAIR platform.
Stream IDs:
- 10107
Subscription Marketing
Customer Journey Orchestration
Every experienced news media business must adapt to rapidly changing customer expectations, orchestrating every moment of interaction. In this session, speakers at different phases of the subscription journey share their key learnings and offer tips.
Building a customer-oriented strategy at L'Equipe
Today, L'Equipe is a global media company organised around its different formats: print newspaper, website, app and TV channel. While maintaining print, it is essential for L'Equipe to transform and become a subscription-first business. In my presentation, I will talk about how we managed to become more customer oriented, which is key to success and a real disruption for today's publishers. We are improving the way we transform our prospects into subscribers and retaining them afterwards. We will discuss customer journey, data, targeting, emailing, acquisition channels as well as content, customer experience and customisation.
A data driven approach to customer journey management
Breakout Discussions: Connecting experiences across the customer journey
Share your customer journeys and impact with fellow participants.Supported by
November 11
Stream IDs:
- 10107
Subscription Marketing
Erdee Media’s journey towards digital subscription growth
Dick ten Bolscher (Project Manager Digital, Data & Insights at Erdee Media Groep, The Netherlands) will present the project of creating an integrated data platform together with MWM Insight. With improved digital functionality, data insights and best practice methods, Erdee Media Groep has been able to create fit for purpose tools for editorial and marketing and grow digital subscriptions. The result so far is a 100% increase in digital subscriptions and a nearly 80% increase in digital revenue. And a lot of actionable insights with which the newsroom and marketing can strengthen this growth.
Session brought to you by:
Stream IDs:
- 10107
Subscription Marketing
Recurring Value & Retention
The only thing keeping some subscribers on board is the second wave of Covid. It’s time to rethink the way we think about data and the different aspects of churn. We look at one bleeding-edge award-winning approach, as well as getting collected wisdom from across the world.
Stream IDs:
- 10107
Subscription Marketing
Lunch break
Stream IDs:
- 10107
Subscription Marketing
Local Subscription Challenges
There are many specific challenges for local publishers launching and growing digital subscriptions. Key to this is changing the idea of a single local audience - moving from one size-fits-all to serving and understanding multiple audiences with different backgrounds, demographics and interests. We explore how two leading regional publishers, in Scotland and Belgium, have addressed the transformation challenge.
Impact of Mini-Publisher teams
A 5 Year Journey from Print to Digital
Stream IDs:
- 10107
Subscription Marketing
The Reader Revenue Playbook
For many news organisations, converting just 3-5% of readers into paying subscribers or contributors can support long-term sustainability. The playbook and accompanying exercises serve as a distillation of everything GNI has learned about reader revenue through Google News Initiative Labs and programs.Intervenants
Stream IDs:
- 10107
Subscription Marketing
Publisher Toolbox: Getting users to come and stay: the Onet.pl case
Onet.pl is one of the most popular news portals in Poland, with 18 million unique visitors and billions of page views every month. However, keeping users engaged on their platform was a challenge for them. Part of the solution was to gain agility and efficiency in their editorial production. The other part was to deploy content personalisation and better engage with their audience. Here's the story of how they did it with the support of Ring Publishing.
Session brought to you by:
Stream IDs:
- 10107
Subscription Marketing
Refreshment Break
Even a minute stand-up helps you focus!
Take a quick 30-minute break, and then join us for the next session of the day at 16:00.
Stream IDs:
- 10107
Subscription Marketing
Subscription Inspiration
Change Through Product Thinking - Anita's 2020 selection
Paywall pioneer on founding and growing the online sub funded Denník
The envy of Slovakia and much of Europe: an independent quality publisher 49% owned by its own journalists, mostly funded by online subs and with a tremendous story of growth. Less than 6 years after its launch, Denník N has just reached 60,000 active subscribers - 1.3% of the Slovak population (15+). It helps that their co-founder was also a co-founder and CEO at paywall software company Piano.
The "Austrian Guardian"
Der Standard has a lot in common with the Guardian: huge reach, 25 years of online history and a reputation for a quality left-leaning news. They already have a PUR subscription that blocks ads - and unusually does not track users at all. Now they are soft-launching a Guardian style contribution model - starting to be more transparent about the journalist process and asking for donations for specific projects. Stambula explains Der Standard’s unique market position and its plans for the next few years.Intervenants
Supported by
Stream IDs:
- 10107
Subscription Marketing
Publisher Toolbox: Automating the Print Manufacturing Workflow
Learn how Agderposten, a daily Norwegian newspaper, migrated from a siloed content channel strategy to a "Content-First Newsroom" by automating a majority of their print manufacturing workflows through a unified and neutral CMS platform, powered by Sophi.io, an artificial intelligence system by The Globe and Mail. Chris Nguyen, EVP of Marketing from Naviga, Gordon Edall, VP at Sophi, and Bjorn Robert Knudsen, Director of Technology from Agderposten, will speak to the challenges in today's print industry and how automating print workflows can further drive a newsroom's digital transformation.
November 12
Stream IDs:
- 10109
Premium Advertising
Virtual coffee - meet and greet
Simulate chatting at the coffee table as we drop you into random conversations to introduce yourselves before we start. -
Stream IDs:
- 10109
Premium Advertising
The future advertising ecosystem: defining a priority list
Stream IDs:
- 10109
Premium Advertising
How diversity and inclusion can yield tangible business results
The business case for inclusion and diversity across all levels of an organisation starting at the top with the c-suite is stronger than ever. Join Dom Carter from News UK and Dora Michail from The Ozone Project for a frank discussion on how businesses can drive real progress in this area and why they should.Intervenants
Stream IDs:
- 10109
Premium Advertising
Navigating digital advertising and what needs to change!
In this session, Damon will discuss the major changes at play within the digital advertising world and highlight a number of frameworks we can use to respond to these changes. In addition, he will look at what action the industry should be taking to ensure both advertisers and publishers thrive in the future.Keynote
Panel discussion with speakers and the audience
Stream IDs:
- 10109
Premium Advertising
Lunch break
Stream IDs:
- 10109
Premium Advertising
Native Advertising rebooted
Storytelling is StorYelling
Faced with this new world, how to make a difference for yourself and your clients? Anna Arvidsson was Native Advertising Marketer of the year 2019, as awarded at Native Advertising Days in Berlin. She was on Digiday's list of top 50 Changemakers in 2018. She has built up an organisation of 60 people in 6 years working only with creative sales at Bonnier News Sales. So it pays to listen when she shares methods and advice on how to die as a hero and strike back at the algorithms that want to take your job. It’s all about the story experience!Intervenants
Energy and inspiration from Germany, South Africa and USA!
How Axel Springer develops its native advertising campaigns, what is "cause marketing" for The Dallas Morning News and why did Media24's "The Brave" campaign work so well?Intervenants
Stream IDs:
- 10109
Premium Advertising
Closing keynote: A Bold Premium Ad Play from The Washington Post