Programme | GNI Future Leaders: A Back-to-Work Program for Parents & Primary Caregivers

GNI Future Leaders: A Back-to-Work Program for Parents & Primary Caregivers

Programme | GNI Future Leaders: A Back-to-Work Program for Parents & Primary Caregivers


This 3-month program comprises:

  • A pre-training online skills audit
  • 5 online training sessions (2 hours each)
  • 3 days at the Asian Media Leaders eSummit (April 7-9)
  • 2 personal coaching sessions per participant (1 hour per session) 

Participants will be led through the modules by world-class trainers who have brought hundreds of employees and trainees through such programs. Guest speakers will also share their rich and varied experiences, bringing a wide range of diversity and perspectives to the topics discussed.


April 05

  • 14:00

    Session 1: Program Introduction & Digital Media 101

    This session provides participants with a program overview and what to expect. By preparing participants to identify key trends, issues and resources needed for execution, the session will help them identify key outcomes for greater impact. Each participant will therefore be able to set specific, personal goals for growth and engagement. Participants will also examine the current state of digital affairs and the challenge of convergence.

    Reviewing Media Leadership in an Era of Disruption & Building a Career Development Plan


    • Founder & CEO, frayintermedia, South Africa

    Preparing to get the most out of the Asian Media Leaders Summit


    Digital Foundations

April 07 to April 09
Mercredi to Vendredi

  • 10:00

    Attend the Asian Media Leaders eSummit - Apr 7-9 (virtual)

    Business Unusual: Leading Amid Change and Transition

    After a turbulent 2020 which further battered an already-struggling news media industry, what will a new normal look like? This second edition of the Asian Media Leaders eSummit takes a close look at the silver linings and successes which have emerged from the embers of a pandemic-stricken year.

    WAN-IFRA has invited thought leaders and leading industry figures to share their insights, predictions and strategies to recover from the pandemic. Join us in this unique online event among peers to chart the industry’s future together.

    Click here for more information about the eSummit program.

April 21

  • 14:00

    Session 2: Post-Summit Reflections

    This session will reinforce key takeaways from the eSummit, help identify skills for future sessions and align them with the coaching process. The session will also support participants in taking up Google News Initiative (GNI) Digital Growth Program (DGP) learning modules.

    Key Learnings & Takeaways from the Asian Media Leaders eSummit

    Participants share learnings and takeaways from the eSummit, which will be aligned with coaching process. WAN-IFRA will identify potential skills needed for future sessions. This session will also map eSummit topics and issues arising to the DGP Program.


    GNI Digital Growth Program (DGP) Overview

    DGP is a free resource and has been designed with industry experts and news publishers around the world to help small and medium-sized news organizations grow their digital businesses through a range of free playbooks, interactive exercises, digital workshops and labs.

    DGP: Reader Revenue

    This session will provide participants an introduction to reader revenue models, understanding key factors for success, implementing performance benchmarking and building a reader revenue strategy. Look out for the next set of DGP Reader Revenue webinars later this year!

April 28 to May 14
Mercredi to Vendredi

  • 14:00

    Coaching Session #1

    The program offers one-on-one coaching with Paula Fray who is an experience coach focusing on media leadership. Participants will spend time developing or reviewing their career development plans during confidential coaching sessions aligned to the outcomes of the programme. Each coaching plan is unique and seeks to meet the needs of individual participants.


    • Founder & CEO, frayintermedia, South Africa

May 05

  • 14:00

    Session 3: The Change Manager in an Online Environment

    This session focuses on identifying the change needed in media houses with a specific focus on online innovations, outlines the potential challenges and the processes followed. It seeks to build an understanding of the changes which have already happened and build skills to support future change.

    Understand Change

    Media managers are faced with the challenge of constant disruption. This session focuses on what it means to manage in constant change and the skills needed to manage effectively. It builds on existing change management models and encourages implementation in a digital-first environment.


    • Founder & CEO, frayintermedia, South Africa

    DGP: Audience Development

    In this session, participants will learn how to set up an audience-centric culture, attract new readers and deepen engagment among existing readers.


    Engaging Your Audience on Social Platforms

    If you've been away from the workplace for a while, this session will help you recharge your personal brand on key social platforms and get back up to speed with major changes over the past year on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and LinkedIn. You'll end the session with plenty of hot ideas to make a great impression on the platforms used by your key audiences.


May 19

  • 14:00

    Session 4: The Organized Manager

    This session looks at the skills - and online tools - needed to be an organised manager. It also seeks to understand how participants can manage their managers - particularly in an environment where participants are recent returnees in the workplace. 

    Handling Editorial Pressures from Above and Outside

    Journalists are professionals and try to abide by a code of media ethics in the course of their work. However, they face pressure from various sides. A veteran editor shares his advice on how to maintain ethical standards and ways to hold the line when independence and integrity are at stake.

    Managing Your Manager

    This session looks at assessing one’s own organizational skills, identifying places for improvement and then examining options for improved working behaviors. Understanding your organisation's human resource policy and ways to negotiate for support.


    • Founder & CEO, frayintermedia, South Africa

    Participant Stocktake & Next Steps

    As this three-month programme wraps up, Paula takes participants through a reflective look at the many modules they have been through and sets the stage for the commencement of what's hopefully the next phase of their careers.


    • Founder & CEO, frayintermedia, South Africa

May 24 to June 18
Lundi to Vendredi

  • 14:00

    Coaching Session #2

    The programme offers one-on-one coaching with Paula Fray who is an experience coach focusing on media leadership. Participants will spend time developing or reviewing their career development plans during confidential coaching sessions aligned to the outcomes of the programme. Each coaching plan is unique and seeks to meet the needs of individual participants.


    • Founder & CEO, frayintermedia, South Africa

June 09

  • 14:00

    Session 5: Building Organizational Resilience and the Confidence to Lead [Open to all media professionals]

    This session looks at best practices in managing sustainable businesses through media disruption. It then looks at the impact of confidence in the workplace, particularly on how it can have a positive - and negative - impact on performance.

    Building Organizational Resilience

    The Harvard Business Review report “The Confidence Gap” points to real issues regarding confidence in the newsroom. There are, however, real steps towards building confidence and, in turn, resilience. Confidence has a direct impact on performance and the ability to effect change.

    For those returning to the workplace, doubting one’s skills and worries over how to juggle the demands of family and work are key inhibitors. This session offers valuable pointers to build confidence and promote resilience in the workplace.


    • Founder & CEO, frayintermedia, South Africa

    Building Confidence to Lead

    This panel of seasoned journalists shares their personal journeys in parenting and caring, and offer their own actionable tips to build/rebuild confidence in the professional world.


GNI Future Leaders: A Back-to-Work Program for Parents & Primary Caregivers
