Programme | The Newsroom Summit 2021

The Newsroom Summit 2021

Programme | The Newsroom Summit 2021


Programme schedule in Central European Time (CET)

June 8 - CMS DAY - Selecting a CMS solution for your organisation: From producing more engaging content, to integration with subscription systems and multi-platform distribution. It's a deep dive day for anyone considering a new system or looking to optimise their existing CMS.

June 9 - CONTENT THAT SELLS (And Keeps Audiences Loyal): Which specific topics are converting readers to subscribe? How well do you know your audience(s)? This day will also dive into diversity and inclusion driving audience development.

June 10 - NEWSROOM REMOTIVATION - People & Processes: This third day will look at how newsroom roles and responsibilities have evolved over the past year and how to maintain motivation and resilience in your teams. We will also hear on current successful product strategies that are driving new subscribers.


June 08

  • 10:30

    A Snapshot of World Press Trends Outlook


    • Director of Insights & Editor-in-Chief, WAN-IFRA, Germany
  • 10:45

    Selecting a CMS solution for your organisation

    How does a CMS solution support paid content goals - from producing engaging content to integration with subscription systems and multi-platform distribution? In this session you will hear about trends, review whether your own CMS is still fit for purpose, and learn how other publishers  have approached the selection process.


    • WAN-IFRA Expert Advisor and Managing Director, KOGO Associate Partners, Belgium
  • 11:20

    How to choose a CMS: the user perspective


    • Head of news tools development, Sud Ouest, France
    • WAN-IFRA Expert Advisor and Managing Director, KOGO Associate Partners, Belgium
  • 11:50

    Quick Updates from CMS solution providers


    • Alberto Mari
      Head of Business Development and Sustainability, Atex, Italy
    • Chief Marketing Officer, Eidosmedia, Italy
    • Sales & Presales Manager, Protecmedia, Germany
    • Director Business Development and Sales, Ring Publishing, Ringier Axel Springer Media, Germany
    • Sales Director, Stibo DX, USA
  • 12:15

    Lunch break - meet CMS solution providers!

    In our lunch break, you have the opportunity to make new contacts and continue conversations with the CMS solution providers. Participants and exhibitors can schedule meetings and video calls via WAN-IFRA’s EventsAIR platform.

  • 13:00

    O NOVO, “From 0 to 100”

    In this session, Diogo Agostinho will share how newborn weekly newspaper ONOVO was launched in a record time and managed to achieve a 100% Score on Google Lighthouse. Discover the key role played by Protecmedia technical team and SEO Champion CMS ITER WCMS in this success story.


  • 13:30

    How The Hindu approached CMS selection according to future needs

    The Hindu, one of India’s most well-known news publishers, has high ambitions for digital transformation. The company is currently upgrading to a new and integrated CUE CMS and DAM solution to support their digital-first strategy.   In a conversation with Michael Taylor from Stibo DX – the company behind the CUE CMS and DAM solutions – get insights from The Hindu on how to approach a CMS selection process and what criteria The Hindu had for a future-proof publishing solution.


  • 14:00

    Coffee Break - meet fellow participants and CMS solution providers

    In our networking break session, you have the opportunity to grab a coffee, make new contacts and continue conversations with CMS solution providers. Participants and exhibitors can schedule meetings and video calls via WAN-IFRA’s EventsAIR platform.

  • 15:00

    How to stay ahead of the game in today’s innovation-driven media landscape?

    Quick reactions are a key to success in a changing market with mightful players. Waiting for development resources, even for little changes means stepping backwards. Flexible technology allows quick response to demands from readers, editors, customers and SEO. We're trying it out. 


    • Daniel Schraeder, Content Development Manager, Heise online, Germany
    • Director Business Development and Sales, Ring Publishing, Ringier Axel Springer Media, Germany
  • 15:30

    Meet the sponsors and connect with fellow participants!

  • 16:00

    News budgeting at Newsday: Integrating planning and communication tools into your editorial workflow

    Planning content production for a large newsroom can be a challenging task. Newsday and Atex have developed a planning system – fully integrated within the editorial solution – that allows editors to assign articles via messages on Slack. Journalists and contributors are working on the same platform and all content is planned, created and delivered through a consistent workflow.


    • Director of Editorial Technology, Newsday, USA
    • Alberto Mari
      Head of Business Development and Sustainability, Atex, Italy

June 09

  • 13:00


    This session will look into which specific topics are converting readers to subscribe. How well do you know your audience(s)? How can you add more value?


    • Head of Audience Engagement, Financial Times, United Kingdom

    Global Strategy at El País: From 0 to 100,000 subscribers in 11 months

    At the beginning of 2020, El País was ready to launch a digital subscription model - one of the biggest transformations in the company's history. The pandemic hit and the launch was postponed until May 2020. Just 11 months after the subscription was launched, in the midst of a pandemic and with all teams staff working from home, EL PAÍS build a great community surpassing the 100,000 digital subscriber mark and consolidated the new subscription model. Borja will tell us how they did it.


    QUEST Toolkits: resources for newsrooms to step up science reporting

    Working with the journalism community, the EU-funded project QUEST – QUality and Effectiveness in Science and Technology communication has developed new tools and guidance that help journalists produce quality science reporting in fast-paced media environments. These insights are included in the newly released set of handbooks, checklists, guides and other materials. Barbara will give a preview of these resources and describe how journalists writing about science can use them to improve their skillsets and build stronger engagement with their audience. You can read more about the QUEST journalism toolkit here, and explore the full resources here.


    How science journalism accelerated Süddeutsche Zeitung’s digital subscriptions

    Since the beginning of the pandemic, the Süddeutsche Zeitung German newspaper has seen its digital subscriptions grow by over 60%. Marlene Weiß will tell us how a major factor behind this increase is the publisher’s long-term commitment to quality science reporting. Analytics show that science articles behind their paywall are generating subscriptions at a particularly high rate.  Marlene spoke with WAN-IFRA's Teemu Henriksson on the role of science journalism at Süddeutsche Zeitung. You can read more on this interview here.


    • Head of the Science Department, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Germany

    How climate change coverage is driving engagement at the FT

    The Financial Times recently launched a climate hub called Climate Capital, focused on climate change from a business, economic and political perspective. We'll discuss how we built our readers' needs into every part of this initiative, from its conception to its goals, launch, special projects, as well as ongoing monitoring, commissioning and reporting.


    Session brought to you by:

  • 14:40

    Break – meet the sponsors and fellow participants!

    In our networking session, you have the opportunity to grab a coffee and make new contacts. Participants and exhibitors can schedule meetings and video calls via WAN-IFRA’s EventsAIR platform.

  • 15:20

    Post-Covid local sports: How NDC will combine robot journalism and crowdsourcing to cover all 60,000 regional football matches

    Dutch regional media group NDC is planning to up its game when the first post-Covid football season kicks off after summer. The publisher’s reader promise: to cover every single local match for the entirety of the season. That’s 60,000 football games – a commitment far beyond the capacity of the newsroom. The solution: robots will write the match reports, while photos and comments from coaches will be collected through a crowdsourcing platform. The result: NDC will offer unique local journalism which will give local communities – teams, players, coaches and fans – a stake in the sports reporting. The engagement generated will underpin the publisher’s reader revenue business.

    Session hosted by:


    • Product Manager Sports, NDC Mediagroep, The Netherlands
    • Chief Marketing Officer, United Robots, Sweden
  • 15:50


    Are you representing enough diverse voices? What audiences are we missing without this diversity in the newsroom?

    This session will also look into various initiatives helping to increase women's visibility in media coverage as well as a deep dive on diversity in leadership positions in regional news media.


    • Editor in Chief Digital, Stuttgarter Zeitung, Germany


    • Head of News Partnerships, UK, Ireland, France & Benelux, Google

    Ringier's "EqualVoice" initiative helping to increase women's visibility in media coverage

    The Ringier Group,  a globally active media corporation, launched a new initiative titled EqualVoice. It aims to increase the visibility of women in the media and give them an equal voice. The entire initiative is based on the ‘EqualVoice factor’, a metric that indicates the visibility of men and women on the websites of Ringier and Ringier Axel Springer Switzerland. Lea Eberle will present how this initiative is being implemented across the organization, from appointing a project team in each editorial department to focus on what EqualVoice entail for the publication in question to how they can each implement EqualVoice in their daily work.


    • Project Manager Group Finance, Ringier, Switzerland
    • Journalist, Handelszeitung, Ringier Axel Springer, Switzerland

    Regional press ProQuote Study: Where are the women leaders?

    Edith Heitkämper will highlight some aspects of the qualitative study made by ProQuote Media on power-sharing and promotion opportunities of female journalists at local and regional newspapers.


    • Chairwoman, ProQuote Media and Editor at Visite magazine, NDR TV, Germany

    The “ProQuote” initiative: A close look at gender representation in senior editorial management roles at German national and regional news media

    This presentation will summarize results of studies focusing on diversity in leadership positions in regional news media in Germany, especially regarding gender, but also taking intersectional identities into account. Our USA-based pesenters will also detail their study on the impact of the early phase of the Pro Quote initiative in Germany -- to bring more women into leadership in nationally leading news media - on the experiences of women and men in these newsrooms: recruiting women as leaders, leadership styles, and women promoting women.


    • Associate Professor, Department of Communication, Wayne State University, USA
    • Assistant Professor of Journalism, University of Georgia’s College of Journalism and Mass Communication, USA
  • 17:00

    Roundtable Discussions - is it time for quotas?

    How to tackle diversity and inclusion in newsrooms? What are the plans in your organization to increase diversity? Participants will be assigned to small group discussions to raise their own challenges and experiences.

    Brought to you by:

  • 17:50

    Meet the sponsors/ connect with fellow participants

    Time to make new contacts! Participants and exhibitors can schedule meetings and video calls via WAN-IFRA’s EventsAIR platform.

June 10

  • 13:00

    NEWSROOM REMOTIVATION - People & Processes

    This session will look at how newsroom roles and responsibilities have evolved over the past year.
    How to best crack the formula to maintain motivation and resilience in your teams? How to manage exhaustion & what’s next for your newsroom in the near future?


    • Editor for publishing strategy and visual journalism, Dagens Næringsliv, Norway. WEF Board member.

    How the Financial Times keeps the newsroom motivated

    Maintaining motivation is becoming an increasing challenge for newsroom teams during lockdowns and remote working. The Financial Times has established a series of sessions for their staff to better understand ways to keep staff motivated. Felicity Thomas has been working directly with the teams across departments on this matter and will share key learnings.


    Leading in a digital world: Maintaining resilience in uncertain times

    How to deal with the increasingly uncertain, demotivated, and overwhelmed feelings brought on by the demands the current situation in our industry is facing? Mar Cabra will share concrete practices proven to work at preventing burnout and improve well-being. We will learn, from her experience in working with numerous teams, how to lead with greater self-awareness and how to integrate tools to manage stress, enhance digital wellness and strengthen resilience in your teams.


    • Pulitzer prize-winning journalist, digital wellness educator and Acumen fellow, Spain

    Session brought to you by:

  • 14:00

    Breakout Session: How are YOU feeling?

    Share your experience of these past months of being part of a remote team during the crisis and tackling with motivation in your organisation. Participants will be assigned to small group discussions to raise their own challenges and experiences.

  • 14:50

    Break – meet the sponsors and fellow participants!

    Take a quick 30-minute break, meet fellow participants and sponsors and then join us for the next session of the day!

  • 15:10

    CMS providers quick pitches


  • 15:45


    Sustaining digital subscription growth, and reducing churn is crucial. With subscribers now more demanding about the type of content they want and are willing to pay for, how are newsrooms meeting their expectations? This session will present three successful distinct strategies focused on driving new subscribers.


    • Digital transformation, content strategy and innovation consultant, WEF Board Member, UK

    Product culture at the Wall Street Journal: MACU-focused thinking

    MACU refers to: Members, Audiences, Customers and Users. The Wall Street Journal has created a number of teams with people from different disciplines working together from the start towards common audience-oriented goals. Louise and her team have been successful in promoting MACU-focused thinking and bringing out the best in all the disciplines they work with. She will share with us key learnings.


    • Author and Former Chief News Strategist and Chief Product & Technology Officer, The Wall Street Journal, USA

    Podcasts as a means to grow subscriptions

    As news organizations try to increase their paid subscription bases, many are introducing podcasts as another tool to get their content out while strengthening their brand and seek new audiences. From the onset, the launch of podcasts offers at NRC Media in The Netherlands - NRC Haagse Zaken (on politics), NRC Onbehaarde Apen (on science) and NRC Vandaag (one news story, every working day) -, has been quite successful in growing weekly the number of downloads per episode.


    Dagens Næringsliv’s Fantasy Fund: The Stock market game driving registration of new users and converting new subscribers

    Dagens Næringsliv (DN) – The Norwegian Business Daily – has struggled with engaging younger  audiences for many years. By turning information and education about the stock market into a
    game, they have turned an important corner in the considerable process of cracking “the youth code”. We will hear all about their stock market game Fantasy Fund launch in late September 2000. It is a user-friendly game focusing on learning about saving and investing money. The game ran for a 10-week period. During this time, DN broke all previous records for registered and active users, new registered users and – most importantly – young reader relationships.


    • Young readers group leader, Dagens Næringsliv, Norway

    Session brought to you by:

  • 17:20

    Turn data into action to grow Reader Loyalty

    This session will cover Realtime Content Insights/News Consumer Insights, the Google News Initiative data tools. Through a live demo, Google will show you how publishers and newsrooms around the world are leveraging these tools to grow reader loyalty.


    • Head of News Consumer Insights, Real-time Content insights and Google Surveys for Publishers, Google
  • 18:00

    Wrap up and end of NRS 2021

The Newsroom Summit 2021
