Dagens Nyheter's digital subscriptions surge amid COVID-19
Dagens Nyheter's digital subscriptions surge amid COVID-19
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We are seeing dramatic growth in traffic and digital subscriptions amid this crisis," Martin Jönsson, Head of Editorial Development at Dagens Nyheter, Sweden's leading quality daily, told us recently. Jönsson will detail just how DN has done this, especially with approximately 90% of the Bonnier-owned publisher working remotely during the COVID-19 crisis. He also will describe how DN, in his mind, has approached digital subscription strategy "in a bit of an unorthodox" way compared to others.
Jönsson has played an integral role in Dagens Nyheter's digital transformation and innovation around digital subscriptions strategy, much of that being driven by the newsroom. Since 2015, DN has grown digital subscriptions between 40-70% annually to a point where 70% of its total revenue now comes from reader revenue (print and digital).
Martin Jönsson
Head of Editorial Development
Dagens Nyheter, Sweden
Jönsson has been a journalist for nearly 40 years and has previously served as Digital Director at Swedish Public Radio, Deputy Editor-in-Chief at Svenska Dagbladet, Professor in Journalism at the University of Gothenburg and a media analyst for both Schibsted and Bonnier.
Dagens Nyheter's digital subscriptions surge amid COVID-19
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