Editorial Leaders, Mod 2 - Data Journalism

Editorial Leaders, Mod 2 - Data Journalism

Data journalism is a journalism specialty reflecting the increased role that numerical data is used in the production and distribution of information in the digital era. It reflects the increased interaction between content producers and several other fields such as design, computer and statisics. From the point of view of journalists, it represents "an overlapping set of competencies drawn from disparate fields".

Today news stories are flowing in as they happen, from multiple sources, eyewitnesses, logs and what has happened is filtered through a vast network of social connections, being ranked, commented and shared. Big data has changed journalism forever and the little points of information that are often not relevant in a single instance, but massively important when viewed from the right angle. Now that the information is abundant, processing that is more important.

This workshop will provide strategic insight, case studies and skills and tools to allow editors to ensure that data is being effectively analysed and used for improved storytelling.

Editorial Leaders, Mod 2 - Data Journalism

