Engaging sports fans when there’s no game

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Date & time: Thursday June 4, 10:00 Mexico City - 12:00 Buenos Aires - 17:00 Madrid

Access: Exclusive for AMI/WAN-IFRA members

Language: Spanish

Speakers:  Mariano Dayan, Editor in Chief, Olé, Argentina & Vicente Jiménez, Editor in Chief, AS, Spain. 

Moderator: Guillermo Denegri, director of the Zona Deportiva of Grupo El Comercio.

With the ability to generate content constrained by the absence of sports events, many sports news publishers had to rethink and adapt their content to the new uncertain reality where sports events may take a very long time to get back on the agenda.

This webinar will share the vision from two market leaders at different stages of the crisis - one in Argentina, the other in Spain - on how they expanded and diversified their information coverage to topics of general interest, and in doing so, they are retaining their loyal audience and attracting new audience segments.

  • About Olé: With its almost 22 million unique users and 300 million page views Olé is the indisputable market leader in Argentina. The newspaper, part of the Clarin Group, the largest multimedia group in Argentina, was launched on May 23, 1996. Strongly identified with soccer, Olé offers wide coverage of all sports disciplines. Its design and journalistic style, allowed Olé to revolutionize media consumption habits while engaging younger audiences and breach the gender gap with innovative and groundbreaking sports journalism. Shortly after its launching the publication received three awards from the Society for News Design.   

    About AS: Unidad Editorial is one of the leading multimedia communication groups in Spain. It publishes a national daily newspaper El Mundo, a daily newspaper that specializes on business and economic news, Expansión and daily sports newspaper, Marca, the leader in its market. Unidad Editorial also publishes specialized publications such as Diario Médico and Correo Farmacéutico. In addition to this, the group is also the publisher of Telva, Yo Dona, Fuera de Serie, La Luna de Metrópoli, Actualidad Económica, and the 'CuídatePlus' platform.

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Engaging sports fans when there’s no game

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