Workshops | Digital Media India 2017

Digital Media India 2017

22 Feb 2017 to 24 Feb 2017
New Delhi

Workshops | Digital Media India 2017


Three Pre-conference workshops will be held on 22-February-2017 at the same conference venue. They are;

1) Revenue Strategy for Digital

Chairperson: Ben Shaw, Director - Global Advisory, WAN-IFRA

The workshop focuses on new ways of monetising content and generating digital advertising revenue. Various trends like native advertising and best practices around the world will be discussed.

Click here to view the programme schedule.

Time: 10.00 hr - 17.30 hr

Note:This programme is also offered as in-house workshop.


2) Mobile Journalism

Chairperson: Mark Egen, Former BBC Video Journalist & Mobile Video Expert

The workshop is aimed at tech savvy journalists, who wants to get started and scale MoJo. The workshop will provide a roadmap for planning and executing MoJo projects.

Click here to view the programme schedule

Time: 10.00 hr - 17.30 hr

Note: This programme is also offered as in-house workshop.


3) Google News Lab on "Innovative Story-Telling And Importance of Indic content"

This hands-on workshop will showcase the resources and tools that Google makes available for journalists to help them tell more informed and visually-compelling stories. Join in to discover how you can use these tools to enhance your research, reporting and publishing skills.

Registration is free, on a first-come-first-served basis due to limited seat availability.

Delegates are required to confirm their participation by email to [email protected]

Workshop Leader: Surabhi Malik, Google News Lab

Time:16.00 hr - 18.00hr

Digital Media India 2017
