Programa | Digital Media Asia 2017

Digital Media Asia 2017

31 Oct 2017 to 02 Nov 2017
Orchard Hotel

Programa | Digital Media Asia 2017



October 31

  • 09:00

    Masterclass: Paid Content Business Models

    The news publishing business model has been radically disrupted. While news media companies used to make the bulk of their revenues from advertising, circulation is now taking up the lead. Charging for one's digital content is no longer an option... but there are many different ways do so depending on your market, audience and culture.  This full day masterclass will focus on the following topics:

    1. Choosing the right pay wall in your market
    2. Reinventing the customer journey
    3. Best practices for implementing a pay wall:
    • From an editorial point of view
    • From a commercial point of view

    Steffen Damborg (MBA) is a Digital Director and board member with more than 10 years of experience in all aspects of running an online business in the Scandinavian media market, and a digital disruption specialist. Currently his focus is on DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION. In 2016 he was appointed Group Discussion Leader within the area of the Business of Media & Entertainment at Harvard Business School.


  • 09:00

    Design Thinking workshop for improving video platforms

    Design thinking is a creative process that yields a business result. The capacity to innovate new concepts and to build and launch new solutions for customers in just a few days has become a necessity for every media outlet. Teams that can problem-solve together have the competitive edge.

    This workshop will lead your team through the latest innovation processes. We do this in an immersive, hands-on format that is widely used by start-ups to quickly design and launch new products. This session  is a transformative experience that will lead participants to efficiently use design methods to innovate on deadline.

    Participants should register as teams comprising the following profiles: developers, audience experts, designers and journalists. This one-day workshop will  focus on the following question: "How might we build (or improve) our video platform for generating high levels of engagement that suit producers and sponsors?". The takeaways are real: at the end of the day, your team will have developed a pitch and a prototype for answering this question.

    Attend Robb's free webinar before the conference on 27 September at 3pm (Singapore time). Register here today! 


  • 13:00

    Mobile journalism: publishing on Snapchat and FB Live

    Snapchat isn't just a chat app or a social media app. It is a tool specifically designed for storytelling! To understand Snapchat and its potential, journalists need to understand the technology powering it. Snap, the company behind the app, has products that span searchable Live Stories and shows, wearables (Spectacles), and augmented reality (Snapchat’s face filters called Lenses and AR emojis)...

    What sets Snapchat apart from other social networks that have adopted this format is Live Stories, a curation feature based on users' locations that enables Snapchat to aggregate views and opinions around a breaking news event faster than traditional media organisations can deploy a camera crew.

    This half day workshop will explain the great storytelling potential of Snapchat Live Stories and Facebook Live and give concrete publishing tips for making the most out of these platforms.


    • Social Media Consultant and Founder of Social Video Company, HashtagOurStories, UK
  • 17:30

    Google Tour and Networking Event

    You are warmly invited to a reception at Google’s Singapore office, where you’ll hear about how Google works with journalists and publishers through initiatives such as Google News Lab. Get a tour of Google’s impressive APAC headquarters and enjoy a nice networking event with your fellow conference participants.
    Free event for DMA participants only. Limited seats will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. Please contact us for registration.

November 01

  • 09:00

    Session 1 - Leading digital trends that are changing the rules of the news publishing game

    This session will present the main findings from the 2017 Reuters Institute Digital News Report, WAN-IFRA’s World Press Trends report and other studies and insights that are critical to understand the drastic changes the news industry is currently undergoing.

    The reports identify the main global trends in media use—the move to digital, mobile, and social media—and discuss the implications for news media’s editorial priorities, distribution strategies, and funding models. They will compare developments in several Asian countries with developments in other advanced markets and identify how leading news media organizations around the world are adapting to a changing market.



    • Professor, School of Journalism and Communication, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
    • Director, Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, UK
    • Chief Operating Officer, WAN-IFRA, Germany
    • Global Head of Product, Reuters
  • 10:30

    Morning Coffee Break

  • 11:00

    Session 2- Digital transformation: Are Amazon and Alibaba reinventing the news ecosystem?

    A lot of people were surprised when Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos bought The Washington Post for $250 million in 2013. In the course of a few years, Bezos however completely changed the outlook of the 140-year-old newspaper.Its readership has exploded, its content has become more suitable for the digital world, and the WaPo is now looked upon as one of the most innovative news media companies in the world. 

    Two years after Bezos, Amazon's stronger competitor, the Alibaba Group, bought in a surprise move another venerable news media institution: the 113-year-old Grey Lady of Hong Kong, the South China Morning Post (SCMP). Headed by Gary Liu (former CEO of Digg), SCMP is currently undergoing an in-depth transformation which started by taking down the publication's paywall. 


    The real business for Asian media companies: a successful print-2-digital transformation, to win back the hearts of readers, subscribers and ad clients. 

    Transforming print-minded newspapers into digital-first media companies is easier said than done. In the abundance of noise, fake news and dwindling ad revenue, the clear and present danger is losing readers and ad clients in this mind-boggling “attention economy”. To survive means a well-defined roadmap and disciplined implementation of two key transformations: digital technologies and culture change. The former calls for upgrades in newsroom operations from newsgathering, digital publishing, social media, analytics, data mining and digital skills. The latter means cultivating and sustaining a change of mindsets. Gary Liu, CEO of South China Morning Post, will share his insights on tackling these interwoven paths.


    • CEO, South China Morning Post Publishers Ltd

    Predicting the future of news: Big Data, personalisation and automation

    Shailesh Prakash, Chief Information Officer at the Washington Post, has been one of the key architects of this outstanding transformation. At Digital Media Asia 2017 (DMA) - which will take place in Singapore from 31 October to 02 November 2017 - Shailesh will explain how the Washington Post has built a culture of experimentation, and leverages artificial intelligence and big data for audience engagement and revenue making. An in-house developed CMS also enabled the WaPo's newsroom to publish relevant digital contents in a more agile and efficient way.


    • Chief Information Officer and Vice President of Digital Product Development, The Washington Post, USA
  • 12:30


  • 14:00

    Session 3: - Beyond paid journalism: Big Data and AI in today’s newsrooms

    Charging for online content doesn’t mean to simply erect a pay-wall around your existing content and expect readers to start paying for what they used to get for free. It actually implies to gain an in-depth knowledge of readers and content performance on digital platforms through the implementation of a relevant data strategy.

    This session will highlight the vital importance of Big Data and AI in today’s newsrooms. 

    Applying data strategy to Content that Converts.

    Global media brands such as the New York Times or the FT have come a long way building sustainable digital models. However, most newspaper companies do not have global brands and audiences. This means, that they must apply big data to their business models in a somewhat smaller scale. This session will give examples of big data business models successfully applied in small and medium sized publishing companies. It will show how algorithms can reduce churn on paid subscriptions and how machine learning increases traffic by targeting users with recommendations and related articles. 


    Driving engagement through personalisation

    DB Digital, the digital arm of India’s Dainik Bhaskar, the 4th largest newspaper in the world, has been using AI for building powerful content recommendation engines across its digital platforms. DB Digital also leverages its data-driven strategy for segmenting its audience in order to target ads using algorithms and artificial intelligence and works with Ad agencies to define its audience segments.


  • 15:30

    Afternoon Coffee Break

  • 16:00

    Session 4 - Paid content: From awareness to action

    News publishers’ global audience revenues overtook their advertising revenues in 2014. Since then, this trend has constantly increased. Media companies are now aware that digital journalism can only become a financially successful business with paid models. And the good news is that, even in Asia, more and more publishers are now putting this awareness into action, thus increasing reader acceptance for paid models on the Internet.

    This session will present several case studies of Asian news publishing companies that have implemented different ways of charging for their digital content. It will argue that the real question is not anymore to charge or not to charge but rather when and how to start charging…

    In addition to traditional digital subscriptions, new models for monetizing digital content are emerging.  Sachin Doshi, a former Spotify Executive has co-founded Scroll (with Tony Haile, the former CEO of Chartbeat), a start-up that wants to roll up a selection of stories from a wide variety of publishers and sell monthly subscriptions on a platform with little or no ads.  Scroll is backed by Axel Springer, News Corp and the New York Times.

    Panel discussion: Is it time for Asian publishers to start charging for their digital content?



  • 17:00

    Asian Digital Media Awards Presentation & Cocktail Reception

    The winners of the 8th Asian Digital Media Awards will be presented by Google and Wan-Ifra. Learn from the best in the industry through inspiring short videos and presentations by Award nominees.


November 02

  • 08:00

    Breakfast session: The digital-first newsroom at Helsingin Sanomat

    Kimmo Pietinen, Managing Editor at Helsingin Sanomat, the top-national brand of Sanoma Group in Finland, will share his experience of the newspaper’s journey to become a digital publishing house, and how the newsroom of Helsingin Sanomat transformed to a digital-first approach. 

    After implementing the CCI NewsGate system, they redefined their workflow - enabling digital growth and reducing of print-production cost.


    Hosted by

  • 09:00

    Session 5: Creating shareable, viral content for Millennials

    Reaching out to millennials implies to move beyond the online article to develop a range of native formats – from pictures or short videos to quizzes, lists, live blogs or interactive graphics - that are mainly designed for consuming and sharing in social networks and other offsite platforms. This session will present case studies from digital-natives companies which have succeded, in just a few years, to shape up their media brands by creating highly shareable content that seduces the younger generations. 



  • 10:30

    Morning Coffee Break

  • 11:00

    Session 6: Increasing content quality, reach and monetisation through partnerships

    Rules of the game have changed in the new news ecosystem: the most successful publishers may not be anymore those able to rely exclusively on their own content, distribution platform and sales teams, but those able to forge the smartest alliances...

    For producing nimble digital content, newsrooms can’t rely anymore on a single do-it-all CMS: editors must be trained to use a myriad of third-parties online tools that evolve constantly in order to enhance the relevancy and impact of their journalism.

    Producing the critical mass of content needed to gather enough eye-balls on a large variety of digital verticals may also beyond the capacity of the most powerful newsrooms. Should content partnerships – around texts, audio, videos - become an essential part of editorial strategies?

    As for distribution, news media must reach out to their users where they are, and with the adequate format: this implies publishing on social media platforms, with a growing part of mobile-first and live video content.

    But while such distribution partnerships can open up interesting monetisation opportunities, publishers must be careful and make sure the deals they strike will allow them to preserve the originality of their voice, the strength of their brand and a direct relationship with their users and customers.



    Sponsored by

  • 12:30


  • 14:00

    Session 7 (Breakout) - Truth & trust in the media - fighting the spread of misinformation in Asia

    On 19-20 June 2017, Asian news media organisations, tech companies, universities, foundations and other members of the civil society gathered in Singapore at an event titled Keep it Real: Truth & Trust in the Media in order to define a concrete set actions for fighting the spread of misinformation on digital platforms and improving journalism practices in the "fake news" era.  

    What has happened since then? The present Digital Media Asia session will offer a follow up of the various initiatives and projects that have been launched in the aftermaths of the "Truth & Trust in the Media" conference int he fields of fact-checking and news literacy. New angles to this crucial topic will also be discussed. Quality journalism will not survive online if it isn't able to retain the readers' trust and demonstrate its value. 



    • Director Asia, WAN-IFRA
    • Chief Editor, The Jakarta Post, Indonesia
    • Editor-in-Chief, The Straits Times & SPH's English/Malay/Tamil Media Group, Singapore
    • Professor of Media & Communication and Head of Humanities, Arts & Social Sciences, Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore
  • 14:00

    Session 7 - Enhancing programmatic yields through ad networks

    While advertising budgets inexorably migrate from legacy to digital platforms, the share of programmatic advertising on this already competitive market keeps growing.

    In this challenging context, can co-operative market places play a decisive role and allow premium publishers to claim higher yields matching their content and audience quality?

    While in Europe large ad networks such as La Place Media have gained a significant scale, news-centric publisher networks  - such as Project Juno or Pangaea - still struggle for traction. How are Asian ad networks faring so far? 

    This sesssion will discuss the promises and challenges of initiatives such as CltrShift in Malaysia, OPPA in Thailand, Apex in Australia, Kpex in New Zealand, in Japan or the recently launched SMX in Singapore.


    • Senior Vice President, Asia Pacific, comScore


  • 15:30

    Afternoon Coffee Break

  • 16:00

    Session 8- Storytelling for mobile audiences

    This session will look at the latest developments in storytelling formats on mobile platforms, from longform text to bite-sized information to data viz and interactives. It will provide in depth case studies of what innovative leading media brands such as HT Media (The Hindustan Times) and CNN, or newsmedia start-up such as are currently producing and what their achievements imply in terms of talents, resources, tools and training.

    The session will also provide insights on the latest methods for surfacing the best ideas from across the newsroom and bring them into action plans? Should every news company build an in-house 'Media lab'? What is the best way to use Design Thinking for developing editorial projects and products?


    • Founder & CEO, The Splice Newsroom, Singapore


  • 17:00

    End of program

Digital Media Asia 2017
