Newspaper Design

Newspaper Design

20 Jul 2017 to 21 Jul 2017
WAN-IFRA Academy

Click here to download the brochure.

We live and work in a world where print and digital news design must co-exist yet serve readers and advertisers in very different ways. Designers and journalists across the newsroom need to know the potential of each platform to excel, so they may be equipped to offer strong ideas for news companies (and for their own careers!) to remain competitive and grow.

In this workshop, news design expert and educator Ron Reason will share lessons from top publications and schools he has worked with worldwide. In addition to best practices observed in the field, and design fundamentals he has taught at the university level – including basic and advanced techniques for color, typography, navigation, infographics and photo use – a major draw of this programme will be the dynamic interaction with participants, a unique chance to critique and improve your work. 

Come prepared to talk, in a friendly setting! Teams of 2 or 3 from one newsroom as well as managers are encouraged to apply. You will be urged in advance to share samples of your best design work, as well as that which fell short of the mark. We will dissect the newsroom cultures that allow for success, and brainstorm those that need to be improved for us to do better. In the context of the design solutions you share, we will discuss leadership, teamwork, planning and communications that lead to quality journalism, regardless of the medium.   

Among digital trends that will be discussed: new linear and visual narrative techniques for mobile storytelling, including a hands-on exercise exploring the same.

Click here to download the brochure.

Newspaper Design

