Workshops | Digital Media India 2018

Digital Media India 2018

07 Feb 2018 to 09 Feb 2018

Workshops | Digital Media India 2018


Pre-conference workshops will be held on 7-February-2018 at the same conference venue. They are;

1) Big data for journalists

Chairperson: David Higgerson, Digital Publishing Director at Trinity Mirror (Regional), UK

The workshop focuses on big data 

News and media companies are rapidly developing “Big Data” strategies to effectively use the growing amount of user data available from Internet and mobile communications.

Most are overwhelmed by the amount of data and attempting to create strategies and techniques to improve data analysis and its application for editorial and business uses.

This one day workshop will help to build and analyse audience focussed culture in digital newsrooms

Time: 10.00 hr - 16.00 hr

Note:This programme is also offered as in-house workshop.

Click here to view the programme schedule.


2) Paid Content Business Models

Chairperson: Steffen Damborg, Expert Advisor, WAN-IFRA Global Advisory

As ad revenue declines and print circulation growth slows, charging for digital content is no longer an option... but there are many different ways do so depending on your market, audience and culture. This full day masterclass will focus on the following topics:

  • Choosing the right pay wall in your market
  • Reinventing the customer journey
  • Best practices for implementing a pay wall

Time: 10.00 hr - 16.00 hr

Note: This programme is also offered as in-house workshop.

Click here to view the programme schedule.


3) Google Newslab workshop 

Fact-checking and online verification - Google Newslab workshop   Time: 16.30 hr - 17.30 hr   News organizations are adopting a multitude of strategies to combat the hoaxes, rumors and false claims that have proliferated online in recent years. This workshop, led by Google News Lab Teaching Fellow Surabhi Malik, will discuss the different newsroom models, followed by a hands-on training of the latest tools to fact-check and verify content.    

Digital Media India 2018
