Programa | Editorial Leaders, Mod 4 - Social Media for News

Editorial Leaders, Mod 4 - Social Media for News

Programa | Editorial Leaders, Mod 4 - Social Media for News



Welcome and introduction

What are the key social media platforms for journalists in 2018?

What platforms are audiences using – and how are they using those platforms?

What are examples of best practice on the main platforms

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, Snapchat

Small Group Exercise: What platforms are we on, how are we using them – and what do we need to know to improve our reach and engagement?   

Drawing on the psychology of social sharing

What drives people to share on social media?

How can we make our own content more likely to be shared?

Examples of social content from media outlets deliberately developed for maximum shareability.

Small Group Exercise: How can we draw on this learning to improve the shareability of our content? Opportunities / challenges

Deep dive into Facebook

The 2018 algorithm shift and strategic responses to audience retention

Use of Profiles, Follow, Pages, Live and Groups by journalists

Targeting, tagging, boosting – how to use & learn iteratively  

Facebook metrics – use and application

New Facebook tools (e.g. Creator Studio) and training resources

Small Group Exercise: Discuss the Facebook algorithm shift and strategies for audience retention. 

Deep dive into Instagram

Fast-growing platform - growing opportunities for reach and engagement

Examples of best practice – images, video, live broadcasts

Learnings from Instagram for Business for publishers

Instagram metrics – use and application


Recap of day 1 program 

Deep dive into Twitter, LinkedIn, Youtube, Snapchat

How audiences use these platforms

Examples of best practice – images, video, live broadcasts, portrait-format storytelling

Metrics – use and application for these platforms

Strategising your choice of platform and story treatment for each

Trust and Verification – refresher and resources

Declining trust in the media - responses

Examples of best practice in trust-building

Verification and ethics in breaking news situations

Beyond trust to community – strengthening audience relationships 

Aggregation and Platform Publishing

Why aggregate material from social platforms?

The backlash against Instant Articles and other Facebook tools

New approaches… new social platforms? 

Social media strategy in 2018

Utilising platform metrics to guide social publishing strategy

Learnings from outside journalism – content marketing, business

Strategising your social media publishing in 2018

Small Group Exercise: SWOT Analysis and learning gaps

SWOT Analysis report back

Review, Q&A and take-homes

Mentoring and ongoing guidance needs




Editorial Leaders, Mod 4 - Social Media for News

