Programa | Digital Media Asia 2018

Digital Media Asia 2018

07 Nov 2018 to 09 Nov 2018
Tsim Sha Tsui
Hong Kong

Programa | Digital Media Asia 2018



November 07

  • 09:00

    Masterclass: Product Development in the Newsroom (last seats)

    The Mira Hotel, Function Room 2, Level 3

    Sitting at intersection of traditional media functions such as editorial, advertising sales, subscriptions, technology and operations, Product plays an integral role in arbitrating those different demands and the continuous delivery of product improvement. This masterclass will focus on how to manage digital products in news organisations and create a culture of innovation in the newsroom. (More...)


    • Chief Product Officer, Fairfax Media, Australia

    Hosted By

  • 09:00

    Masterclasses: Immediate Strategies to Improve Traffic and Revenue (sold out)

    The Mira Hotel, Function Room 3, Level 3

    This masterclass workshop will examine proven strategies that enable media houses to create more revenue while minimising cost. Participants will learn quick and efficient implementation tactics within the context of their own organisations’ websites to create a synergetic alignment of editorial and commercial needs, while preserving the journalistic integrity of editorial products. (More...)


    Hosted By

  • 09:05

    Blockchain Reporting masterclass (full)

    The Mira Hotel, Function Room 4, Level 3

    This full-day blockchain reporting masterclass will cover everything a journalist needs to know to understand the blockchain space. Educational sessions will be mixed with interactive exercises and expert panels to give you a well-rounded perspective on covering this emerging technology.  Applicants must apply by 29 Oct and meet eligibility criteria for complimentary admission to the workshop and Digital Media Asia conference. (More...)

    Hosted By

  • 09:05

    Facebook Journalism Project News Day (full)

    LiangYi Museum in Sheung Wan

    Specially for news editors, journalists, producers, news video and graphics professionals… come be part of the first Facebook Journalism Project News Day in Asia! Exclusive tickets available for Digital Media Asia participants for this complimentary full-day event. Hear the latest updates and products from Facebook, Instagram and CrowdTangle and discuss ways your newsroom can use these tools to connect with your audience in meaningful ways. Contact Wilson Leong ( by 29 October for application details.

    Hosted By

November 08

  • 08:00

    Breakfast Session: Digital Evolution for Publishers & Brands

    The Mira Hong Kong, Room 3 Level 18

    Redefine digital marketing by using AI capabilities and cloud technologies within a digital asset management (DAM) solution – empowering the digital evolution and enabling digital transformation for traditional newsrooms and publishers. WoodWing is a global market leader in multichannel publishing and DAM solutions.


    • MD, WoodWing APAC & Digital Services

    Hosted by

  • 09:00

    Opening Conference Video

    Sponsored by

  • 09:05

    Session 1: Transformation and Business Models

    The Mira Hong Kong Ballroom, Level 18

    Keynotes showcasing how news media companies are reinventing their business models, changing the culture and transforming themselves into agile publishing powerhouses.


    Go digital, go global: SCMP's transformation

    SCMP CEO Gary Liu will showcase how the 20 months of digital transformation has brought rapid changes to the 115-year-old newspaper, from commercial, editorial and culture perspectives, as well as the new products and marketing initiatives. Deputy Executive Editor Zuraidah Ibrahim will then discuss how changes to the newsroom have helped push digital mentality and workflow, and also touch on SCMP's partnerships with other digital newsrooms.


    • CEO, South China Morning Post Publishers Ltd
    • Executive Managing Editor, South China Morning Post

    Schibsted's continuous transformation as a publishing house

    Head of Editorial, Torry Pedersen, tells the story of how Norwegian media giant Schibsted is continuously expanding into new markets and business areas, and how its established businesses are reinventing themselves in the digital age. In this presentation, he will place special focus on mobile and digital subscriptions.


  • 10:30

    Coffee Break

    The Mira Hong Kong, Foyer & Exhibition, Level 18
  • 11:00

    Session 2: Go Local: Driving Revenue with Local Communities

    The Mira Hong Kong Ballroom, Level 18

    Publishers are connecting with local communities on a scale never seen before. These examples of creating profitable local and community journalism will be an inspiration to many publishers.


    #BeingHyperlocal: building the right products

    As technology makes inroads in every field - media, healthcare, transportation, food, just to name a few - consumer attention span is ever reducing with several products competing for that mind-share. Is delivering curated experiences and #hyperlocal experiences a strategy, a buzzword or the pure art of building great products? Let's find out together.


    How Stuff works to win readers and customers

    As media companies everywhere grapple with disruption to their business model, Stuff CEO Sinead Boucher will talk about how Stuff has reset its internal culture and ambition, and is using the scale of its audience and trust in its legacy brands to drive new revenues from communities through a thriving local social network and an ecosystem of growing non-media digital businesses to make Stuff the biggest domestic digital brand in New Zealand.


    How hyperlocal became Indonesia's top news website

    Find out how local traditional newspaper, Tribunnews, has transformed itself into Indonesia's leading digital media company. Kompas Gramedia's Director of, Dahlan Dahi, describes how content, social media and organic search have become key drivers in its success.


    • Dahlan Dahi
      Director, & VP, Entertainment News, Kompas Gramedia
  • 11:05

    Session 2 (Breakout): The Basics of Blockchain & Tokenomics

    The Mira Hong Kong, Room 3 Level 18

    An introductory session on Blockchain 101: what it is, how it works, the ecosystem - who are the layers and players, what are the biggest issues and challenges and how regulatory concerns are being addressed before we go deep tomorrow into the various global use cases of the technology and how it could apply to the media business.


    Blockchain 101

    Public vs private blockchain? What is a consensus algorithm? How does a distributed ledger actually work? This session will help demystify the concepts, jargon and cut through the hype in just 20 minutes.


    Blockchain: Layers and Players

    How do you differentiate between the increasing number of blockchain companies? This session will look at the different types of players in the blockchain ecosystem, how they interact with each other, and the implications of their different approaches in technology.


    Dissecting the white paper: questions to ask

    Co-Founder, Chief and Lead Anchor of Forkast.News, Angie Lau dissects the one thing that is the bane of any journalist, editor or business executive assessing a blockchain project or platform: the white paper.  How to separate fact from fiction?  Do you really need to understand code?  How do you evaluate whether this is a credible project?  So many questions... this award-winning former Bloomberg TV anchor and veteran journalist will aim to illuminate in 20 minutes and invite more from the floor.


    Hosted by

  • 12:30

    Lunch session: Hosted by Facebook

    The Mira Hong Kong, Foyer & Exhibition, Level 18

    Instagram Stories School

    Stories School is a session that will teach you insider tips and tricks on how to unlock the creative potential and storytelling power of Instagram Stories.


    • Nicci Meek
      Strategic Partner Manager, Instagram APAC

    Hosted By

  • 14:00

    Session 3: Native Advertising as Premium Ad Revenue

    The Mira Hong Kong Ballroom, Level 18

    With the rising demand for branded content, publishers have been setting up content labs and brand studios to serve advertisers who prefer a content-centric approach which carries authority, credibility and not subject to ad blocking. This session looks at the trends in terms of client demands, expectations, new formats, challenges and more, and what leading news publishers are doing to produce creative campaigns which meet clients’ objectives and metrics, without any compromise to editorial quality, ethics and reputation.



    Brand trust, quality of content and engaged audiences: the holy grail

    Nicole Bales, Director APAC, Client Solutions and WSJ Custom Content will discuss the importance of prioritising quality content when it comes to working with clients on innovative advertising solutions. Brand safety, world class content development and operating with integrity are all ingredients for success.


    • Director, Client Solutions and Custom Content, The Wall Street Journal Custom Studios

    A Journalistic Approach to Branded Content

    A look at how aligning with The New York Times' quality journalism and "Timesian" mode of storytelling provides value to the Times' clients. Pre-Sale Director for APAC, Reno Ong, will describe T Brand Studio 's best practices and approach.


    • Pre-Sale Director, Asia-Pacific, T Brand Studio International, The New York Times

    WhatsApp and AR/VR in native advertising

    Bloomberg | Quint has cracked the code to monetise WhatsApp (WA), the highly-popular mobile chat app which millions of Indians use. Head of Product & Marketing, Ankit Dhadda, showcases the innovative uses of WA, which are now a hit with clients: interactive real-time queries (a'la Messenger bots and more), personalised stock market watchlists and portfolios, daily podcasts, logo placements and brilliant viral subscriber recruitment strategies.


  • 14:00

    Session 3 (Breakout): Data for Business Intelligence Workshop

    The Mira Hong Kong, Room 3 Level 18

    In this one-hour workshop, South China Morning Post’s Head of Data, Korey Lee, will take participants through the steps of how to build a data stack and data team. He will describe the role of various widely-used data tools and share dissemination techniques and tips to ensure that the results then propagate throughout the organisation to help drive smart business and editorial decisions.


    • Korey Lee
      VP of Data, South China Morning Post

    Harnessing Data to Draw Insights

    Never before has data been more abundant and yet, it remains largely unstructured, resulting in missed opportunities and bad decisions. In this session, discover how MioTech provides a one-stop intelligence platform to help users reshape data, discover hidden patterns and turn it into visual stories with insights to help understand the world better through A.I.


    Hosted by

  • 15:30

    Coffee Break

    The Mira Hong Kong, Foyer & Exhibition, Level 18
  • 16:00

    Session 4: Non-Traditional Partnerships

    The Mira Hong Kong Ballroom, Level 18

    Diversification of revenue streams is key to business survival. Relying on readers and media syndication clients as customers is simply not enough. This session takes a look at some of the likely and not-so-likely partnerships which have formed between publishers and non-media partners as news organisations identify and seek out new business opportunities.



    • Erika Tapalla
      Senior Manager, Business Development, Reuters News Agency

    Partnering for impact

    In the current media landscape, collaboration, openness and partnership are the order of the day. In this session, Kate Beddoe, head of Google's news partnerships in Asia, will discuss their approach to working with the news industry and the progress to date on the Google News Initiative.


    • Kate Beddoe
      Head of News & Publishing Partnerships, APAC, Google
  • 16:05

    Session 4 (Breakout): Social Video

    The Mira Hong Kong, Room 3 Level 18

    To meet growing viewer demand for online video, news publishers have been experimenting with a variety of innovative formats which stray from, or even break the rules of, traditional broadcast genres. This session looks at some of the hottest news videos on social which has Asian viewers watching - and sharing.


    Telling Authentic Stories for Digital

    How do you tell a story in the digital age that stands out, captures their attention, encourages them to read more, captivates their imagination and gets them to engage with you?  Audiences expect and demand that stories are real. Authentic storytelling provides this window into something a lot bigger.


    • Supervising Editor, CNA Insider, Mediacorp

    How The Star made money through investigative journalism

    In 2015, The Star rebranded its youth portal, R.AGE, into a investigative multimedia journalism outfit. Crazy, we know. Today, that investment is paying off, thanks to a new, diversified approach to investigative journalism that struck a chord with younger audiences thirsty for social justice. R.AGE editor and producer Ian Yee will showcase his team's award-winning work, their "non-content" initiatives, and revenue strategies.


    • News Editor - Executive Producer R.AGE, Star Media Group
  • 17:30

    Asian Digital Media Awards Cocktail Reception

    A cocktail reception will follow the ceremony for delegates to enjoy an evening of networking with peers, catch with old friends and make new contacts.

    Hosted by

  • 17:30

    Asian Digital Media Awards Ceremony

    The Mira Hong Kong Ballroom 4, Level 18

    The Asian Digital Media Awards 2018, jointly presented by WAN-IFRA and Google, recognises publishers which have adopted digital media and mobile strategies as part of their total product offering to meet the changes in how people consume news and information today.

    The Awards will be presented at The Mira Hong Kong, where the Gold, Silver and Bronze winners will be revealed.

    Be the first to know the results as they are announced – join us at Asian Digital Media Awards Presentation Ceremony to cheer the winners on and meet them in person!


    • Principal Reporter, Pearl Magazine, TVB Hong Kong

    Exclusively sponsored by

November 09

  • 08:00

    Breakfast Session: Hosted by CCI

    The Mira Hong Kong, Room 3 Level 18


    Set your stories free - new ways of creating premium content

    Start planning your next digital-first newsroom with this inspiring talk on how to release new creative potential in your storytelling. By introducing a different kind of story anatomy and new technology to create online stories, you can move and engage a digital audience in a whole new way.

    At this breakfast session, CCI will present a new cutting-edge digital publishing platform, CUE, build on a new story-line concept for the creation of digital stories as well as more traditional print and online stories. Several large media groups have already started to work with CUE, which has been a key component in their successful transformation from print to digital-first. 

    Hosted by

  • 09:00

    Session 5: Digital Media Consumption Trends in Asia

    The Mira Hong Kong Ballroom, Level 18


    Reuters Institute Digital News Report – Asia Focus

    Drawing on the world’s largest ongoing, international study of news and media use, this presentation looks at the main trends in the region, key differences between markets, and the similarities and differences between Asian markets and developments elsewhere. Covering the relative decline of social media, move to messaging applications, and changes in the business of news, this presentation provides crucial context for editorial and strategic decision-making across the world.


    • Director, Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, UK

    China Internet Report

    Authors of the China Internet Report discuss the unique characteristics of China's burgeoning Internet landscape, the role of the country's tech giants - Baidu, Alibaba and Tencent (BAT), the "Social+" approach that underpins Chinese e-commerce models (including the media), and the government's visible hand across the entire digital space, from business to blockchain.


    • Technology Editor, South China Morning Post, Hong Kong
    • Executive Producer, Abacus, South China Morning Post, Hong Kong
  • 10:30

    Coffee Break

    The Mira Hong Kong, Foyer & Exhibition Level 18
  • 11:00

    Session 6 (Breakout): Building a Media Business on the Blockchain

    The Mira Hong Kong, Room 3 Level 18

    Blockchains could remake the web - whether it's ripping out ad-tech's plumbing, creating a token economy for millions of users, or generating a reputation system for newsrooms, companies around the world are betting that blockchains could free them from today's centralised platforms.


    • Korey Lee
      VP of Data, South China Morning Post

    Global Use Cases of Blockchain Technology

    A look at the global use cases and large-scale implementation of blockchain technology to address real-world problems in specific industry verticals. Might some of these ideas apply to the media industry? [This presentation replaces the one by Civil CEO Matthew Iles, who sends his regrets that he is unable to attend Digital Media Asia]


    The evolution of media & entertainment on the blockchain

    We have entered a new era consumer engagement and consumption. Blockchain is poised to transform the 100-year-old entertainment industry in ways that we are just beginning to discover the possibilities. This is a front-seat opportunity to understand the technology and some of the solutions that are being developed for media and entertainment.


    Building a profitable business from blockchain

    All the disruption around blockchain makes for a great story—and the chance to create a media business in an exploding vertical. CoinDesk is the leading publisher in the space—Axios called it "the hottest digital media startup you've never heard of" because of its 9,000-person Consensus conference in New York (Twitter co-founder and CEO Jack Dorsey was the keynote this year), rolling 24-hour news coverage of cryptoland, and its benchmark Bitcoin Price Index. Oh, and Axios also reports that it's profitable; a rare thing in online news publishing.  


    Hosted by

  • 11:00

    Session 6: Engagement and Personalisation

    The Mira Hong Kong Ballroom, Level 18

    Newsrooms have moved from growing reach to enriching the relationship between the newsroom and audience. How are they achieving this? What AI, tools and metrics are they using? Can user experience and the news feed be made more algorithmic yet personalised? A look at the different approaches to customising the product for the consumer.


    Growing subscriptions through engagement

    Fairfax Media's Chief Product Officer, Jess Ross will share the customer insights and engagement metrics that shaped the 2018 relaunch of its metro news websites for the Sydney Morning Herald and The Age in Melbourne, in pursuit of Fairfax’s ambitious paid membership goals. She will also reveal how the digital redesign for these publications - with a rich history dating back to the 1800s - has performed, as well as its impact on the newsroom.


    • Chief Product Officer, Fairfax Media, Australia

    Personalising the news consumer journey

    From groups to breaking news to Watch and IGTV to Facebook Live, the journey of news is based around social engagement. Find out how the news consumer journey will draw more and more upon personalization in the future.


    Ad infinitum: turning news websites into platforms

    Unlike their old media ancestors, new media products are infinite. There is effectively no limit on the number of web pages that can be published every day. This is a tremendous opportunity for news websites: through establishing alliances with users, organizations and even "robots" that can create hundreds of webpages per day, relevant to the platform's identity. The presentation will explain the concept as well as detail successful examples and the AI algorithms for creating a long-tail of local reporting.


  • 12:30


    The Mira Hong Kong, Foyer & Exhibition, Level 18
  • 13:00

    Lunch Session: The Enhanced Newsroom: Time-Saving Technology to Focus on News, Not Noise

    In today's newsroom, journalists are faced with an overwhelming amount of information from every possible angle, making it difficult to know where to divert focus and attention.  More often, newsrooms try to tackle this challenge with limited resources. What separates the news from the noise, and how can you find it first?  In this can't miss session, you'll learn how technology can help your newsroom become more efficient at finding the stories that matter most to your audience and acting on them faster.

    Hosted By

  • 14:00

    Session 7: Digital Subscriptions

    The Mira Hong Kong Ballroom, Level 18

    Media houses are increasingly mastering the art and science of getting their loyal users to pay for content. A look at identifying audience segments and their price points, subscriber acquisition and retention for long-term results.


    • Transformation & Learning Director, CommonWealth Magazine, Taiwan

    Digital subscriptions as a new revenue stream: BILD's success story

    Germany’s biggest news media brand, BILD, introduced digital subscription and a paywall in 2013. Prior to that, BILD was solely reliant on advertising revenue on its digital channels. In just five years, BILD has amassed an impressive subscriber base of more than 410,000 paying customers. Tobias Henning, General Manager - Premium, will talk about the learnings, factors of success and future plans for BILD's paid content.



    • General Manager Premium, BILD, Axel Springer, Germany

    Boosting paid conversion with an intelligent paywall

    Switzerland's NZZ has developed and implemented machine learning algorithms to personalize the user experience of its news product as well as its paywall. It quintupled the conversion rate on its website in the last three years via its Dynamic PayGate embedded in an automated marketing approach. The Swiss premium publisher now has more than 150,000 paying subscribers and close to 600,000 registered users.


    • Former Managing Director, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Switzerland

    Sixteen years: Malaysiakini's digital subscription journey

    Better known for its fierce editorial independence which has resulted in numerous run-ins with the past government, Malaysiakini is a digital subscription veteran in Asia, if not the world. Since being one of the first publications to charge for online content back in 2002, it now runs two subscription-only sites (in English and Chinese) and two advertising-supported ones (in Malay and Tamil). Product Manager Sean Ho takes us on the site’s long journey of success and failure, its various subscription categories including special inclusive pricing for seniors and the disabled, and shares interesting observations about its audience.


    • Sean Ho
      Product Manager, Malaysiakini
  • 15:30

    Coffee Break

    The Mira Hong Kong, Foyer & Exhibition, Level 18
  • 16:00

    Session 8: Technology, Product Development & Innovation

    The Mira Hong Kong Ballroom, Level 18

    Artificial Intelligence and voice technologies are revolutionising the publishing landscape. News media companies are also spurring innovation in their organisations by launching media labs, incubators and accelerators. Meet the early pioneers and start-ups and get a headstart on the new disruptors in this fast-paced session.


    • Glen Francis
      Chief Technology Officer, Singapore Press Holdings

    Blending legacy and technology: The Asahi Shimbun's first AI-written sports reports

    Leading Japnaese newspaper, Asahi Shimbun, co-organises one of the country's biggest amateur sports events every summer - the National High School Baseball Championship - which dates back more than 100 years. For the first time, this 139-year-old newspaper used articificial intelligence (AI) to write its game reviews this year. Dispelling the notion that a legacy newspaper is incapable of high tech innovation, the Asahi's major advantage in developing this AI-writing robot was due to the huge amount of accumulated game data.


    • Associate Director, Digital Services Innovation Division, The Asahi Shimbun

    High tech vs high touch: Korean media startups innovate with newsletters

    After spending several tough years experimenting with big, algorithm-based platforms, South Korean digital media companies are now focusing on their direct relationship with their audience. Simon Park, content strategist at Korean media accelerator,, will talk about direct audience touchpoints in content distribution, with a focus on newsletter models Mediati's startups are working on.


    Video news in China: the use of AI and mobile online production

    Xinhua’s New Media Service has made the whole process of news gathering, video editing and distribution extremely mobile, bringing about tremendous changes to way news is produced in terms of timeliness, workflow, format and storytelling approach. Dr Dawei He, Deputy Chief Editor of Xinhua’s New Media Center also shows how the use of artificial intelligence (AI) has empowered Chinese media at all levels, including nearly 3,000 field reporters and producers.


    • He Dawei
      Deputy Chief Editor, New Media Center, Xinhua News Agency

    Research, Funds and a Lab: The (not so) secret ingredients of DW Innovation

    How do you organise Innovation in a large media company? Based on two current projects from DW Innovation’s portfolio, focusing on fighting misinformation (Truly Media) and  personalised news content (CPN), Tilman Wagner will present the inner workings of the department at Deutsche Welle, giving insights into the team structure, ways around the budget trap and how to best manage the last mile towards implementation.


    • Tilman Wagner
      Innovation Manager, DW Research & Cooperation Projects, Deutsche Welle, Germany
  • 17:00


Digital Media Asia 2018
