Speakers | beBETA 2019

beBETA 2019

05 Jun 2019 to 06 Jun 2019

Speakers | beBETA 2019


BDZV Vizepräsident & Vorsitzender der Konzerngeschäftsführung Madsack Mediengruppe, Hannover

Thomas Düffert ist seit Juli 2013 Vorsitzender der Konzerngeschäftsführung der MADSACK Mediengruppe. Zum MADSACK-Portfolio gehören unter anderem verschiedene regionale Zeitungstitel (z. B. Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung, Leipziger Volkszeitung, Ostsee-Zeitung), reichweitenstarke Digital-Angebote sowie zahlreiche Anzeigenblätter. Seine Karriere im Verlagswesen startete Thomas Düffert bei Gruner + Jahr, wo der studierte Betriebswirt verschiedene Managementpositionen einnahm, unter anderem als Vorsitzender der Geschäftsführung der Dresdner Druck und Verlagshaus GmbH & Co. KG. Im Mai 2009 wechselte er als stellvertretender Vorsitzender der Konzerngeschäftsführung zur MADSACK Mediengruppe, bevor er im Juli 2013 den Vorsitz der Konzerngeschäftsführung übernahm.

Managing Director of Digital News Media Germany , Axel Springer, Germany

Dr. Stephanie Caspar is Managing Director of Digital News Media Germany at Axel Springer. She is responsible for the management of Axel Springer’s digital media assets in Germany (e.g. BILD and WELT) and heads up all relating business, marketing and technology functions.

Stephanie started her professional career at McKinsey & Company. After that she held various management positions at Ebay and Immobilienscout24 before she founded an e-commerce company, Mirapodo, with the Otto Group. In May 2013 she left Mirapodo to head up the WELT Group at Axel Springer and later WeltN24 after the acquisition of N24 early in 2014.

Executive Vice President Product & Content, Amedia, Norway

In January 2017 Opdahl was promoted to Executive Vice President of Product and Content in Amedia. Before that he was Regional Director of NRK an Editor in Chief at Nordlys where he began his tenure woring as a journalist and news editor. Anders also worked as reporter and deputy CEO in Finnmark Dagblad and A-pressen's Oslo editorial office, and has been a correspondent for Dagbladet in Northern Norway. He is deputy chairman of the Press Academic Committee (PFU).

Anders Opdahl is responsible for the regions of North, Central and West Norway.

Head of Editorial, Schibsted Media, Norway

Torry Pedersen is Head of Editorial and a member of Schibsted Media's top management team. He was previously the CEO/Editor in Chief of Verdens Gang AS, Norway’s most read news-site/newspaper. He began his career as a journalist in Fredrikstad Blad 1981, and has more than 35 years of experience in journalism and publishing.

Pedersen has been Managing Editor in VG, Editor in Chief/Publisher in VG Multimedia AS, CEO of Verdens Gang AS and from 2011, both CEO and Editor in Chief of Verdens Gang AS. 

He was educated at the Norwegian School of Management (formerly the Bedriftsøkonomisk Institutt), Oslo 1979 and holds a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration. He has been awarded the "Chief Editor of the Year Award" in Norway, and during his time as Editor in Chief and CEO, Verdens Gang won several prizes.

VGs is among the most profitable news organisations in Europe and its news-sites on desktop, mobile, tablet and paper, have nearly 2.4 million daily readers.

Designierter Vorstandsvorsitzender, Daimler AG

Gründer, Online Marketing Rockstars

Chief Product Officer, Ippen Digital, Chefredakteur, Frankfurter Rundschau

stv. Generalsekretär und Mediendirektor, DFB

Leiterin „QA Robotertexte“, DFB

Moderatorin ARD

Chefredateurin Digitale Transformation und Innovation im Regionalen, MADSACK Mediengruppe

Vorsitzender der Geschäftsführung, TUI Deutschland

Geschäftsführer, Shotcaller Media

Mitglied der Geschäftsleitung, Hertha BSC

Leiter Vermarktung Print und Digitale Medien, kicker sportmagazin

Chefredakteur, Hamburger Abendblatt

beBETA 2019
