Programa | World Printers Summit 2020

World Printers Summit 2020

27 Oct 2020 to 29 Oct 2020

Programa | World Printers Summit 2020



October 27

  • 10:00

    Morning Session: PAPER POWER

    Newspaper Procurement and Promoting the Value of Print

    The COVID epidemic has had wide consequences in many respects. Oliver Derville is a paper purchaser with Gramméo in Paris. He will talk about newsprint procurement and speculate on the future of paper procurement as well. 

    TwoSides is a nonprofit organisation that promotes the value of paper and paper products. Jonathan Tame, the Managing Director, will tell us about their efforts in newspaper campaigns and their global campaign “Love Paper.”



  • 11:00

    Networking & Meetings at Virtual EXPO

    Time for suppliers and publishers, production director to meet and discuss

  • 14:00

    Our perspective on European and global newsprint paper business

    Anu Ahola, Senior Vice President of Newsprint UPM, will discuss global newsprint trends.


    • Senior Vice President - Newsprint and Retail Customers, UPM, Finland

    This session is hosted by

  • 15:00

    Optimising the paper supply chain – deep dive

    The OPHAL group was formed around the publication of its book about paper handling and transportation. It is a collaborative effort between suppliers and other interested parties. More webinars will be held in the coming months from the group. 

    Moderator: Erik Ohls

    Evaluation and Warehouse: Martin Gercke, Stora Enso

    Roll Handling Equipment & Techniques: Mike Elmore, Cascade 

    Paper Transport: Martin Schorn, UPM

    On Press: Nigel Wells, icmPrint/Ecograf



  • 16:00

    Afternoon session OPTIMISING PREPRESS

    Optimising Prepress solutions

    What is needed when a CTP system is updated? Are there specific things you need for your system? David Wilson, Production Director of Interpress, has headed a successful implementation and selection of a new CTP system. Amol and Vijay are both managers in prepress for the Times of India. Their joint project is to implement Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning into the prepress



October 28

  • 10:00

    Printing Issues

    Managing Processes and Holistic Energy and Power Quality

    Newspaper companies think about sustainability on several layers. One is to prolong the life cycle of the printing equipment and avoid scrap partly functional spare parts. Elias Merklinghaus will discuss what Süddeutsche Zeitung is doing. 


    Steps towards Sustainability Reliability and Energy efficiency are key aspects that govern competitiveness of Newspaper print industry. Dr. Bandishar Kushare will discuss how various cost components of energy and maintenance are major cost centres and how to decrease these costs. 



    Session brought to you by:

  • 11:00

    Networking & Meetings at Virtual EXPO

    Time for suppliers and publishers, production director to meet and discuss
  • 14:00


    How to reduce TCO and increase OEE by turning big data into smart data? MAINTELLISENSE!


    manroland Goss has created an intelligent predictive maintenance platform, called MAINTELLISENSE.


    • Vice President Technology & Development, manroland Goss

    This session is hosted by

  • 14:30

    Our perspective on climate action

    How to tackle climate change in the newspaper publishing industry.


    This session is hosted by

  • 15:00

    Executive Round Table

    In this panel, we invite production directors from all over the world to talk about how they have managed during the COVID crises and how they will proceed going forward. We will look at different government support and how it helps our industry.

    The participants are: Snehasis Roy, Josef Schiessl, Anna Dougge and Gary Hughes.


  • 16:00


    Distribution of newspapers during COVID, and lessons learned?

    Vito Petrucci, Manager for Distribution and Logistics for The Globe and Mail, will discuss how COVID 19 has affected The Globe and Mail and how it has changed their procedures.

    In the past year, the Icelandic postal service has gone through a dramatic phase of changes under the leadership of the newly appointed CEO, Birgir Jonsson. He will talk about how some of these ideas came about and what was needed to implement them.


    • Operations Manager, TC Transcontinental


October 29

  • 10:00


    AI and page production and New Workspaces 

    Tobias Köngeter New possibilities for layout and page assembly with next-gen software and AI Description: Today, printed matter is exposed to different conditions than it was a few years ago. It must be possible to produce them more efficiently and at short notice. Sometimes they should be individual in order to provide the recipient with exactly the information he or she needs. It must be possible to update or exchange content more quickly. This requires software that thinks for itself and that can learn and apply design rules itself if necessary. This calls for intelligent systems that keep track of things and can apply the strengths of the digital world to printing products. Köngeter will show what possibilities there are and could be, and how this can work in connection with AI.

    Vedacon is an interior design company that was given a project to redesign office and working space for several companies at the beginning of the COVID 19 pandemic. We will hear about their innovative solutions. Vedacon is also involved in designing new headquarters for Germany’s Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. The designers Kathleen Zink and Nina Hauk will share some ideas about this unique project.



  • 11:00

    Networking & Meetings at Virtual EXPO

    Time for suppliers and publishers, production director to meet and discuss
  • 14:00

    AWARD CEREMONY - Print Innovation and ICQC

    The PRINT INNOVATION Awards will be awarded in a virtual ceremony and the Printers that reached their goals and were granted access to the International Color Quality Club will be recognised.

  • 15:30

    Industry 4.0 in the printing industry – state of the art and outlook

    Industry 4.0 as the new industrial revolution stands for the digitisation of production through the intelligent networking of machines and processes. Prof. Detler Hartmann will take us through the current state of development in the printing industry, the guidelines and approaches to solutions and address the question about the challenges and homework for Print 4.0.


  • 16:00

    New Business Models

    Digital to Print and Community impact newspapers

    The Daily Maverick has been published online since 2009. Recently, they decided to publish in print and then came COVID. Daily Maverick’s CEO, Styli Charalambous, will discuss their process and talk about the lessons they’ve learned.

    John and Jennifer Garrett launched the first edition of Community Impact Newspaper in 2005 with three full-time employees covering Round Rock and Pflugerville, Texas. Now, Community Impact Newspaper distributes hyperlocal news and information to millions of local residents and business owners each day online and monthly by mail. Sales culture is something that has taken a backseat in many news organisations. If a print-first newspaper company can beat Facebook in selling local ads, you can too. John will present actionable ways you can bring winning momentum back to your sales team. 



World Printers Summit 2020
