Programa | Asian Media Leaders Summit 2020

Asian Media Leaders Summit 2020

20 Jul 2020 to 23 Jul 2020

Programa | Asian Media Leaders Summit 2020


In this first-of-its-kind e-Summit in Asia, WAN-IFRA invites thought leaders and leading industry figures to share their insights, predictions, and their recommendations for leading through this pandemic. We look at where growth opportunities exist and how they might be leveraged.

  • Four consecutive days, covering economic outlook, strategic insights, business models, revenue opportunities, newsroom transformation and future planning.

  • Two or three sessions a day: 10-11:30am, 1-2pm (for topical deep dives) and 3-4:30pm SIN/HK. This enables US speakers to join us in the morning session, and European speakers in the afternoon, Asia time.

  • Power Conversations: while circumstances may not permit us to meet in person yet, there is no reason why the personal dialogues and camaraderie we usually enjoy at WAN-IFRA events cannot continue. If you enjoy robust discussions with industry colleagues, sign up for the publisher members-only closed-door Power Conversations. Each of these sessions is limited to just 15 participants to ensure everyone has the chance to speak.


July 20

  • 10:00

    Opening Remarks by Gary Liu, Chairman, WAN-IFRA APAC Committee



    • CEO, South China Morning Post Publishers Ltd


    • Media analyst & Newsonomics author, USA

    [Opening Keynote] Quest for a Cure: How do We Fix an Ailing Industry?

    Drawing from his vast background in medicine and biotechnology, Los Angeles Times owner, Dr Patrick Soon-Shiong, reflects on the year where the global economy ground to a halt, accelerating the demise of newspapers as we know them. What’s next?


    Recalibrating Your Business Post-Covid

    APAC media leaders discuss their plans and strategies from a business sustainability perspective, cost control measures and management of human capital.


  • 11:30

    End of morning session

  • 13:00

    [Deep Dive] Facebook: The Future of Story Telling - from Instagram to Augmented Reality

    A deep dive into how this year’s momentous news cycle has impacted content creation and consumption trends on Instagram and what this means for publishers’ IG strategies moving forward. Also, hear how social distancing has accelerated the adoption of Augmented Reality and how new technologies are impacting businesses and what this means for media companies.


    • News Partnerships Lead, South East Asia, Facebook


  • 15:00

    Post-Covid Media Outlook

    The economic fallout from the pandemic will impact the news industry quite hard. How will recovery look like? What are the structural changes vs cyclical ones?


    • Director of Insights & Editor-in-Chief, WAN-IFRA, Germany


    • Ken Harding
      Senior Managing Director, Telecommunications, Media & Technology, FTI Consulting
    • Partner / Mainland China and Hong Kong Media Leader, PricewaterhouseCoopers
  • 15:45

    Innovation in News Report 2020-2021

    A sneak preview of this year's Innovation in News Report which will be out next month and the especially relevant takeaways applicable to the new normal.


    • Director of Insights & Editor-in-Chief, WAN-IFRA, Germany


    • President, Innovation Media Consulting Group, UK
  • 16:30

    End of afternoon session

    WAN-IFRA publisher members are welcome to register for the Power Conversations session taking place after this session. Power Conversations are 30-minute closed-door conversations for industry colleagues to come together to exchange ideas with peers. Each of these sessions is limited to 15 participants to ensure everyone has the chance to speak up. Sign up for your place at this virtual table when you register for the Asian Media Leaders eSummit!
  • 16:30

    Power Conversations 1: Building a sustainable media business

    How can we build a sustainable media business in Asia, maintain employee engagement during crisis, rebuild morale and keep company culture alive?


    • Daxim Rey Lucas
      Inquirer Prime Content Editor and Writing Editor for the Business section, Philippine Daily Inquirer

July 21

  • 10:00

    [Keynote] Inspiration and Innovation in Storytelling

    Dr Mario Garcia shares his favourite stories of publisher inspiration and innovation during the Covid-19 crisis.


    Brought to you by



  • 10:30

    The Newsroom Transformation: Reimagining the Distributed Workplace

    Most newsrooms moved to a virtual mode during the pandemic. Will physical newsrooms disappear? How does team communication and culture change? What do new workflows and routines look like amid concerns over safety, health and mental well-being? These ideas will literally change the way you work! Will it mean changes in the way stories are covered too? 


    Brought to you by



    • Co-founder, fathm, London, UK
    • Senior Vice President, CNN Digital Programming, USA
    • Editor-in-Chief, The Straits Times & SPH's English/Malay/Tamil Media Group, Singapore
  • 11:25

    End of morning session

    WAN-IFRA publisher members are welcome to register for the Power Conversations session taking place after this session. Power Conversations are 30-minute closed-door conversations for industry colleagues to come together to exchange ideas with peers. Each of these sessions is limited to 15 participants to ensure everyone has the chance to speak up. Sign up for your place at this virtual table when you register for the Asian Media Leaders eSummit!
  • 11:30

    Power Conversations 2: Newsroom 2021

    How will the newsroom change post-Covid?


  • 15:00

    Leadership and Strategy During and After the Pandemic Crisis

    How to lead in uncertain times? Communicating and engaging your staff and stakeholders in a crisis. This session will feature case studies on effective leadership.



  • 16:00

    [Keynote] SCMP’s Year of Fire, Water and a Virus

    Hong Kong endured a difficult year that started with an unprecedented civil unrest before being struck by the global Covid-19 outbreak that forced the city to walk on an economic tightrope. The news industry was not spared either - SCMP’s editorial and business operations had to weather the double impact of being on the frontlines of the protest and the pandemic.

    SCMP CEO Gary Liu shares his account of what leadership looked like leading the company through the crisis and the importance of resilience in confronting new challenges facing the Post. He also updates how SCMP’s digital transformation has put the organisation in a better position to take on current and future challenges as it enters a phase of building sustainable business models for the future through innovation and commercial creativity.



    • CEO, South China Morning Post Publishers Ltd
  • 16:30

    End of afternoon session

July 22

  • 10:00

    [Keynote] Reimagining Storied Titles

    With a portfolio of multilingual news titles providing high quality information and news, SPH has built a stable of loyal readers and engaged users over the years. Its flagship The Straits Times turns 175 this year, while Tamil Murasu, one of the oldest Tamil newspapers in the world, turns 85. How do these SPH titles with long histories forge ahead and reimagine new possibilities amid these challenging times?



    • Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Singapore Press Holdings Ltd., Singapore
  • 10:30

    Where is Advertising Headed?

    Will advertising-led business models survive? What is the future of Programmatic? Are advertising alliances among premium publishers the way forward?

    This session will kick off with the release of the 2020 joint WAN-IFRA Syno International AdTrust survey findings which will include the impact Covid-19 has on consumers' trust in media. 



  • 11:30

    End of morning session

    WAN-IFRA publisher members are welcome to register for the Power Conversations session taking place after this session. Power Conversations are 30-minute closed-door conversations for industry colleagues to come together to exchange ideas with peers. Each of these sessions is limited to 15 participants to ensure everyone has the chance to speak up. Sign up for your place at this virtual table when you register for the Asian Media Leaders eSummit!
  • 11:30

    Power Conversations 3: Post-cookie world and new opportunities

    What does a post-cookie world look like and opportunities for news publishers.


    • Ignatius Low
      Chief Commercial Officer, Singapore Press Holdings
  • 13:00

    [Deep Dive] Covering the next stage of the pandemic: What can we learn from reader data?

    Join Chartbeat’s Jill Nicholson, Senior Director of Customer Education, for a detailed analysis of the pandemic’s impact on global and regional media across coverage, traffic, and referral sources to date. Jill will also be available to answer your questions during a 20-minute live Q&A following the 40-minute presentation.

    Brought to you by


    • Senior Director of Customer Education, Chartbeat, USA
  • 15:00

    Digital Subscriptions

    With advertising revenue in a free fall, paid digital subscriptions is seen as the way forward. Will this work in Asia?



  • 16:00

    Supporting Sustainable Business Models Through Subscription

    Business conditions during the COVID-19 pandemic have accelerated the urgency for some newsrooms to develop hybrid revenue strategies that incorporate reader revenue streams.  Rohan Tiwary of the Google News Initiative APAC will share trends shaping subscription for news in APAC, lessons learned from the GNI's global Subscriptions Lab program, as well as provide detailed information on how to apply for the APAC round of the Subscriptions Lab, which will kick off this year.


    Brought to you by


    • Rohan Tiwary, Head of Media, News & Entertainment Partnerships, APAC, Google Asia Pacific, Singapore
    • Data & innovation Strategy, Google News Initiative, APAC

July 23

  • 10:00

    [Recorded Keynote] Evolving the World’s Largest Independent Youth Media Brand

    VICE Media Group COO Hosi Simon shares insights on how the world’s largest independent youth media brand continues to reinvent itself, delivers meaningful content especially award-winning news to its global young audience and reveals plans for the future.

    *As Hosi Simon is currently in Europe, this keynote is recorded the night before and will be played back live. Hosi will do a live Q&A at 1445-1500 SIN/HK later on the same day.



    • Chief Operating Officer, VICE Media Group
  • 10:30

    Revenue Opportunities - Content-led commerce

    A look at the fascinating world of content-led commerce and its potential. Add to it unconventional approaches like social selling and gamification - the possibilities are endless!


    • Chief Strategy & Digital Transformation Officer, The Daily Star


    • Executive Editor of In Zhejiang , Zhejiang Daily Press Group
    • School of Journalism & Communication, University of Oregon / Fellow, Tow Center for Digital Journalism, Columbia University


  • 11:30

    End of morning session

    WAN-IFRA publisher members are welcome to register for the Power Conversations session taking place after this session. Power Conversations are 30-minute closed-door conversations for industry colleagues to come together to exchange ideas with peers. Each of these sessions is limited to 15 participants to ensure everyone has the chance to speak up. Sign up for your place at this virtual table when you register for the Asian Media Leaders eSummit!
  • 11:30

    Power Conversations 4: New revenue ideas

    An animated discussion on the various initiatives publishers have embarked on to diversify revenue streams. 


  • 14:45

    [EXTRA!] Live Q&A with Hosi Simon, COO, VICE Media Group

    VICE Media Group COO Hosi Simon will take your questions live from Berlin in this interactive Q&A session which follows from his recorded keynote earlier in the morning.



    • Chief Operating Officer, VICE Media Group
  • 15:00

    Brand Extensions and the Future of Events in a Post-Covid World

    Publishers banking on events as a revenue stream have been forced to pivot to virtual versions. How does one redesign a face-to-face experience for an online setting and still offer value to one’s audience, speakers and sponsors? This panel forces us to re-examine the fundamentals and challenges us to rethink our assumptions around live journalism and experiences.


    • Jacqui Park
      Senior Fellow, Centre for Media Transition, University of Technology, Sydney


  • 16:00

    Closing Keynote


    • Jacqui Park
      Senior Fellow, Centre for Media Transition, University of Technology, Sydney

    Banking on Innovation - Lessons from the Jungle for a Post Covid-19 Future

    Whether it's saving endangered orangutans in Sumatra, or engaging a 20,000-employee bank in the business of innovation, Neal Cross shares his unique insights on how to enhance customer engagement, experience and deliver more innovative products and services in a post-pandemic environment.


    • Neal Cross
      Co-founder and Chairman, PictureWealth
  • 16:30

    End of Asian Media Leaders eSummit

Asian Media Leaders Summit 2020