Digital Media LATAM 2016

Digital Media LATAM 2016

16 Nov 2016 to 18 Nov 2016
Buenos Aires

 We thank the 500 media executives from 25 countries and 200 companies for joining us in Buenos Aires on 16-18 November at Digital Media LATAM 2016

Versión español

Relive DML16!

- Watch our video interviews with speakers and participants

- Watch the videos of the LATAM Digital Media Awards finalists!

- Read our blog posts on the event

- Download the speakers' presentations

- Visit our Facebook, Twitter, Flickr and Instagram accounts


This year's programme was structured around the three following topics:


  • 1

    Transforming your revenue model

    From innovative digital advertising strategies to ambitious investments in new business units, from video monetisation to mobile revenue, we'll showcase those media companies succeeding in the quest of new revenue streams.

  • 2

    Tomorrow's journalism today

    Technology continues to provide journalism with fantastic new tools. From VR to newsbots, journalistic narratives change as do their formats, the platforms they're distributed on, the devices their consumed in, and the needs of the audience that consume them.

  • 3

    Innovation & technology in media companies

    Media companies are often hesitant to make the necessary tech investments allowing them to boost and strenghten their digital strategies. How to manage change and push innovation internally in century old companies? How to invest despite a fragile financial situation?


LATAM Digital Media Awards 2016


The LATAM Digital Media Awards 2016, jointly presented by WAN-IFRA and   this year, is the most prestigious competition in the industry for publishers to benchmark their digital offerings.

This year's winners were announced during the Award Ceremony at the event's Gala Dinner on Thursday 17 November in Buenos Aires!


Why does your company need to attend Digital Media LATAM?

  • The smartest investment to get up-to-date in the industry's latest media trends
  • The latest and most successful digital monetization strategies
  • The world's best speakers brought to LATAM
  • A concise, carefully-tailored, rich and relevant programme
  • A perfect mix of business, editorial and technology topics
  • Unique social events designed to make invaluable contacts
  • Hosted in one of LATAM's most beautiful cities

Check out last year's wrap-up video


Digital Media LATAM 2016

Auditorio de Buenos Aires, Av. Pueyrredón 2501