Programa | The International Newsroom Summit 2016

The International Newsroom Summit 2016

Programa | The International Newsroom Summit 2016



November 21

  • 09:30

    NEWSROOM TRANSFORMATION DAY - Tech, tools and workflows for today's newsrooms

    Arrival of participants and registration

  • 10:00


  • 10:05

    Defining the top skills needed in your newsroom today - Audience engagement and product creativity

    The Daily Telegraph’s focus on investing on its core products brought the adoption of new editorial development teams that work on new product ideas and others that focus on new tools to help highlight certain articles and improve its distribution. Malcolm will present the transformations made within the newsroom and its challenges focusing on robot journalism and the modern newsroom, how the Telegraph uses automation to drive innovation and increase efficiency and putting the right story telling tools in the hands of journalists


    • Director of Digital Media, Telegraph Media Group, UK
  • 10:30

    Newsroom Briefings at Mittelbayerische Zeitung

    Mittelbayerische Zeitung has changed its Newsroom Briefings to serve the needs for mobile, social and video publishing better. Sauerer will talk primarily about the newsroom organisation which makes possible more clout for better products. Furthermore, he will present on the briefings to get the fitting content for printed and digital products.


    • CEO and Editor-in-Chief, Mittelbayerischer Verlag KG, Germany
  • 11:00

    Coffee Break

  • 11:30

    Empathy, curiosity and team work - Managing cultural change in a legacy newsroom

    When The Economist set up a 10-person social media team in 2015, many in editorial were naturally sceptical what it would mean for the 173-year-old brand. How did the social media team win the hearts and minds of editorial colleagues? Denise Law, community editor, will share lessons on how the team manages cultural change within a legacy newsroom, balances innovation with a commitment to quality, and collaborates with different departments to get stuff done.


    • Community Editor at The Economist, UK
  • 12:00

    Panel Discussion: Newsrooms driving paid content conversion: Different audiences - similar strategies.

    How both Süddeutche Zeitung and Ekstra Bladet are growing digital subscriptions by focusing on targeted, high quality editorial content.

    Session sponsored by Desk-Net.


  • 13:20


  • 14:20

    The top technologies helping Reuters newsroom today

    Sarah Edmonds and Jane Barrett will give a joint presentation on how Reuters is using technology in the newsroom to transform their financial and economic reporting, followed by an overview of their multimedia and visuals innovations.


  • 15:00

    A story to tell: The Irish Independent News Group - a newsroom integration case study

    How seven Irish print and online editorial units were moved in one big newsroom and what they have learned in their first year.


    • Group Editor-in-Chief, Independent News and Media (INM), Ireland
  • 15:30

    Coffee Break

  • 16:00

    Editorial Analytics Project update: Die Welt - Understanding data to readjust our measurement of success


  • 16:30

    What does all this data mean? Exploring the possibilites of data-informed editorial decision-making

    More tools, more metrics – and even more confusion. Today we can measure better then ever what content really matters to our readers. Still we struggle to make sense of all the diffrent data we get from different sources. At Süddeutsche Zeitung we are trying to translate the abstract world of data into meaningful insights for editors.

    Speech sponsored by Content Insights.


  • 16:50

    Slacking in the newsroom


    • ‎Digital Production Editor, The Times and The Sunday Times, UK

    Slack is increasingly being adopted by news publishers as an effective communication tool for their newsrooms. Matt Taylor will offer practical advice on how to get the most out of this fast-growing platform and the experience of The Times of London when Slack was introduced to the editorial team as a tool to share ongoing stories. Matt will focus on the questions of why "default public" helps everyone, how to make Slack your communications hub as well as life hacks with chat ops and bots.

  • 17:20

    Wrap up and end of Day 1

November 22

  • 09:30


    Arrival of participants and registration

  • 10:00

    First Draft Coalition- Eyewitness media fighting for trust in news

    The First Draft Coalition is a group of thought leaders and pioneers in social media journalism who come together to share tips and training in how to discover, verify and publish eyewitness media for news. In 2015 this coalition launched a website, First Draft News, that will pull together resources for gathering, verifying and creating stories from user-generated content. Sargent will introduce this coalition with its challenges and opportunities presented.


  • 10:30

    Rich legacy? How do digital-native news orgs play catchup with the established players?

    All things are relative. When you don't have the same resources or reach as a legacy outfit it can be disheartening for SMEs to see the biggest established news organisations dominate. John Crowley, formerly digital editor of in EMEA, explains the newsroom processes, hires and social innovation he has put in place since becoming editor-in-chief of International Business Times UK. has grown quickly over the past few years to have a newsroom of 70 journalists.


    • Editor-in-Chief of International Business Times UK
  • 11:00

    Coffee Break

  • 11:40

    Audience Building in the Age of Platforms

    In an age where Facebook, Google, and other platforms are nothing short of vital to publishers' content distribution strategies, every journalist, editor, and analyst is thinking carefully about the most effective way to grow their audience. John Saroff has studied these new audience-building trends across the world's top media sites and will share with you the most interesting data surrounding content distribution as well as what publishers can do today to act on it.


  • 12:10

    Editorial email newsletters: The medium is not the only message

    In this new working paper published by the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, Andrew Jack analyses the opportunities and threats of editorial newsletters and their impact on news distribution in the current media landscape. He will present how email newsletters offer news organisations a chance to maintain a strong direct relationship with readers, a high degree of targeting, better showcasing of existing content and original analysis and commentary. News organizations have embraced newsletters as part of their distribution strategies to reach their goals, however major challenges still remain such as monetisation and new technologies. Jack will present an overview of the research findings with all the opportunities and limitations this format brings.


    • Head of Curated Content at the Financial Times, UK
  • 12:40

    How do the social media and mobile priorities of news media executives relate their companies' bottom line? Insights from the 8th annual News Media Innovation Study


    • Director, Journalism Leaders Programme | Co-convenor: Digital Editors Network, UK
  • 13:10


  • 14:30

    Dealing with trolls: Taking online harassment seriously in the newsroom


    • Senior Research Fellow, Reuters Centre for the Study of Journalism, Australia
  • 15:00

    How Metro became the best newsroom on social media in Sweden in one year

    Swedish free daily newspaper Metro went from being synonymous with print - to the top ranked publisher on social media. In his talk, Pontus Tengby will share how his team used courage, agility and analysis to transform their whole organisation in twelve months.
    Talk sponsored by EzyInsights.


    • PR Strategist, Swedish Green Party. Former Head of Social Media, Metro Sweden
  • 15:20

    Welad Elbalad: A look into the company's expansion onto multiple platforms: mobile, online and video


    • Founder and Director, Welad Elbalad Media Services LTD, Egypt
  • 15:50

    Attracting new audiences via social and mobile

    How The Wall Street Journal is communicating with new, younger audiences via Snapchat Discover and Facebook Live.


  • 16:20

    CNN Digital: breaking new boundaries for Mobile platforms


    • Editorial & Programming Director, CNN Digital Worldwide, United Kingdom
  • 16:50

    Wrap up of Day 2

  • 17:00

    Wine & Beer Hour - Continue the conversations!

November 23

  • 09:00


    Arrival of participants and registration

  • 10:00

    Keynote: Video Strategy at Univisión


  • 10:30

    Project update: The new Telegraph Video strategy launched last spring

    Delivering for today whilst positioning for the future. The video market still has a reliance on pre-roll advertising today, but how can publishers optimise for the here and now but position themselves for the future and generate tangible ROI - not just revenue - by maximising audience engagement and creating new video products for the market.


    • Ben Sinden
      Director of Video Content, Telegraph Media Group, UK
  • 11:00

    Coffee Break

  • 11:30

    Fail and rebuild - The video strategy of 24sata Croatia

    24sata moved away from TV and returned to online video and the new strategy paid off a lot faster. The online video channel launched with a video series sharing the life and struggles of different people. It also shook up its news coverage, publishing two-minute news segments on Facebook, the web and YouTube. The format proved highly successful, attracting 4.3 million views in the first month. Currently, the videos are viewed up to 500,000 times per day with an average viewing time of 1.43 minutes.


    • Matej Lončarić
      Director of Video Operations and media brands JoomBoos & miss7, 24sata, Croatia
  • 12:00

    VGTV - into the next generation of video investment

    Expanding optimistically: To maintain the position as a leading media house, VG had made a significant step-up on online video. This is a next generation investment. VGTV is building a web-native TV experience.


    • News Director, NRK (Norwegian public service broadcaster), Norway
  • 12:30


  • 13:15

    La Nación’s pioneering video strategy: The new TV channel launch

    From zero videos to an own TV Channel, cable and satellite: How La Nación built the team and the facilities to a broadcast TV within the newsroom. An 18 month journey to create eight hours of journalist video content.

  • 13:45

    Video Strategy at Reuters TV

    In a consumer environment that’s bifurcated between second-long clips of video on Facebook and hour-long binging on Netflix, Reuters TV offers a new category of news video. Beyond TV and beyond the web, this connected TV service delivers cohesive, personalized, mid-length programmes, featured shows, 360 degree video and live output.  Eighteen months on from its launch, how has Reuters TV achieved ongoing, habitual engagement over a range of platforms, as well as fostering a start-up mentality across a vast legacy organisation?


  • 14:15

    Building up razor TV

    Razor TV is an online video service owned by Singapore Press Holdings. What formats are the most liked (long/short)? What are the needs in such a fast growing data-intense business- desktop vs mobile video needs?


    • Editor, SPH Razor at Singapore Press Holdings, Singapore
  • 14:45

    Wrap-up of Day 3

  • 14:50

    Coffee / Tea - one final network opportunity

The International Newsroom Summit 2016
