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Sanat Hazra

Sanat Hazra

Former Technical & Production Director, The Times of India, India

 Sanat Hazra studied at the Rochester Institute of Technology, earning BS in Photographic Science & Engineering, MS in Printing Technology and attended Tuck College at Dartmouth University studying Corporate Leadership Program. Before joining the Times of India as Technical and Production Director in 2008, Sanat worked at the New York Daily News as VP of Production. Sanat dedicated 14 years with the New York Times prior to joining the New York Daily News. As Executive Director of Production at the New York Times, Sanat was responsible for transforming the company's two printing plants into state of the art operations, optimising the entire supply chain of the newspaper, implementing Statistical Process Control and Six Sigma process and Winning many International Newspaper Color Quality Club awards.   Prior to the NYT, he worked for the Crosfield Electronics as Senior Material Science Engineer. At Crosfield Electronics, he developed direct imaging thermal plate for CTP application.