Victor Pickard
Victor Pickard
Associate Professor, University of Pennsylvania’s Annenberg School for Communication, US

Victor Pickard is an associate professor at the University of Pennsylvania’s Annenberg School for Communication where he co-directs the Media, Inequality & Change (MIC) Center. Previously he taught at New York University and the University of Virginia and worked on media policy in Washington, DC as a Policy Fellow for Congresswoman Diane Watson and a Senior Research Fellow at the New America Foundation and at the media reform organization Free Press (where he now serves as a board member). Currently he is a visiting fellow at Goldsmiths and LSE. His research focuses on the history and political economy of media institutions, media activism, and the politics and normative foundations of media policy. He has published scores of scholarly articles and book chapters as well as essays for The Guardian, The Nation, and The Atlantic. With Robert Picard, he co-authored the report, “Essential Principles for Contemporary Media and Communications Policymaking”. He has authored or edited six books, including America’s Battle for Media Democracy; Will the Last Reporter Please Turn Out the Lights; After Net Neutrality; and, most recently, Democracy without Journalism?