10 Strategic Challenges Post-Covid-19

10 Strategic Challenges Post-Covid-19
The must-attend online summit: adapting to the new normal
10 Strategic Challenges Post-Covid-19
The must-attend online summit: adapting to the new normal
Leading Swedish daily news publisher Dagens Nyheter (DN) has seen sharp increases in registered users and digital subscribers since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. Read more...
Based on the evidence of lost income and an inability to pay essential living expenses, we anticipate a great need for support within our global network of news publishers and members. To support them during these challenging times, we have compiled a list of journalism emergency relief funds available both globally and regionally. Read more...
Three editors on the frontline of covering the COVID-19 pandemic joined Fergus Bell, CEO of fathm, in a WAN-IFRA webinar to share insights into how to improve the quality of coverage and distance journalism from the sea of misinformation. Read more...
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