Amol Pitale
Amol Pitale
Sr. Manager – Production, Bennett Coleman Co. Ltd., Mumbai

Amol Pitale is a post graduate Diploma in Business Administration (PGDBA) from Mumbai University with bachelor’s degree in Computer Science. Amol has over 12 years of experience with Print Application Technologies. He had been working with Editorial Print Application since 2007 wherein he joined BCCL- Times Group and later moved to TATA Consultancy Limited, where he worked for US based publication house “Tribune Publishing”. Since last 2 years he has joined again the Times of India Group (BCCL). He is currently working with BCCL Prepress wherein his major role contributes to the Application Technology and support to all English and Regional print publications. He has been a key team member in Implementation of Editorial workflows in BCCL. He has also been the team member for lead projects which included the WAN-IFRA Print Innovation and AMA.