World Printers Summit 2020
World Printers Summit 2020
World Printers Summit 2020 - let's meet virtually!
With the global economy in a state of unprecedented times, the future of the print media industry is full of uncertainty and exciting challanges as well as contradictions.
In our first ever virtual World Printers Summit we provide a knowledge sharing and connection platform for publishers, production and technical directors. There they can discuss with suppliers their requirements for newsprint, materials and other consumables. They can hear about new business opportunities as well as new technology.
The event will take place over three days with one topic theme for every day: Paper, Print-production – pre-press, press, post-press and distribution, and New business and new technology.
Speaker and Advisory Board
Operations Manager, TC Transcontinental
Managing Director, Two Sides UK
Group Paper Director, DMG-Media, London
DGM Prepress, Bennett Coleman and Co Ltd., India
VP Technical Sales, Stora Enso
Head of Strategic Procurement, Bonnier News, Sweden
Managing Director, Pressens fællesinkob
Principal of Virtual Industrial Marketing
Production Director, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Germany
Senior Vice President - Newsprint and Retail Customers, UPM, Finland
Vice President Technology & Development, manroland Goss
Director - Technical, Bennett Coleman Co Ltd., India
Publisher and CEO, Daily Maverick, South Africa
Production Director, Augsburger Allgemeine Zeitung, Germany
Senior Director of Manufacturing, TC Transcontinental, Ontario
Managing Director - Print Production, The Globe and Mail, Canada
CEO and Founder, Community Impact Newspaper, USA
Manager, National distribution and logistics, Globe and Mail, Canada
Business Unit Manager of Competence Center, Suddeutsche Zeitung
Purchasing Director, Gramméo
Global Product Manager, Cascade Corporation
Director - Technical, Bennett Coleman Co Ltd., India
Director Technical Customer Service, UPM
Manager Sustainability, UPM Communication Papers, Germany
Technical Director, Athesis, Italy
Professor for Industrial Engineering Media
Interpress NI ltd, Irish News
General Manager, Production, News Corp., Australia
Managing Director, Tamedia, Switzerland
CEO, Suddeutscher Verlag Zeitungsdruck, Germany
Sr. Manager – Production, Bennett Coleman Co. Ltd., Mumbai
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The World Printers Forum (WPF) is the print community within WAN-IFRA. Its objective is to encourage innovation in the print ecosystem while promoting the power of print and its sustainability. The community provides a platform for print and production executives to engage with one another and with suppliers of technology, products, and services.