Programa | Digital Media Europe 2018

Digital Media Europe 2018

10 Apr 2018 hasta 11 Apr 2018
JP/Politikens Hus, Copenhagen

Programa | Digital Media Europe 2018


The logged in news economy: profitable digital subscriptions and premium ad revenue from engaged audiences. Global brands like NYT, Axel Springer and Corriere della Sera joined on stage by up-and-coming pure players like, Republik and Blasting News.  See you in Copenhagen.


April 09

  • 11:00

    Pre-DME18 Workshop

    Digital Subscriptions - Churn Rate Remedies (9th April 2018)
    11:00 - 17:00 (1 hour lunch included)

    News publishers have worked hard over the past 10 years to develop the best possible digital subscription strategies and offers. Building long-term value means taking action to avoid the "high risk moments": when readers decide to quit. In this pre-DME workshop with expert advisor Kalle Jungkvist, learn methods that help lower churn rate.



    • Expert Advisor, WAN-IFRA & Senior Advisor, Schibsted, Sweden
  • 20:00

    Get together

    Victoria Pub - Gammeltorv 24, 1457 Copenhagen

April 10

  • 08:45

    Registration opens

  • 09:00

    Breakfast session: The importance of clean advertising

    The digital advertising industry is massively threatened by a lack of trust and transparency, non-viewable ads, brand safety concerns and bad ad experiences. Teads is taking a stand to improve the digital experience for users, advertisers and publishers alike.
    Christian Griesbach will show how publishers can ensure their valuable high-quality inventory is monetized by premium ads that are meeting the standards of “clean advertising” and leverage AI and state-of-the-art technology to maximize user experience, ad impact and ad revenues.

    Session given by our Sponsor Teads TV



  • 09:30

    Registration, coffee and networking

  • 10:00

    A few words about this year's programme


  • 10:15

    Welcome from our hosts!

    We're very grateful to Stig Ørskov, CEO and all at JP/Politikens Hus for hosting us again in Copenhagen. With a streamlined business and record results in 2017, the publisher is deep into its own transformation journey. We will hear from some of their digital rising stars - part of a special talent programme to encourage young talent within JP/Politikens Hus.


  • 10:30

    Our digital priorities

    Why and how Axel Springer reshaped its German domestic publishing organisation around BILD and WELT

    BILD is the biggest newspaper brand in Europe, and WELT recently assimilated the TV channel N24. Both are committed to paid content, leveraging huge reach and a very strong digital team. And both have a healthy digital ad business.


    • Stefan Betzold
      Managing Director at Spring - Axel Springer Digital News Media

    Tamedia's Digital Transformation Journey

    Tamedia was founded 125 years ago, and in the last 15 years the Swiss group has grown from a Zurich publishing house into one of the largest media companies in Switzerland. Christoph Tonini is confident that the company can build a good reader revenue model and that people are willing to pay for high-quality digital content. But he believes the group is still at the foothills of what it can achieve : "Our offers must develop, both in terms of content and price. Last year, we launched new daily passes, newsletters, mobile subscriptions and a new adblocker initiative. With these important steps the number of paid contacts increased by 50 percent. But we are still far from our goal."


  • 11:30

    Coffee Break

  • 12:00

    Digital Reader Revenue - New Launch versus Established Players. Three perspectives on growth

    A metered success story from Italy

    After launching a metered paywall in 2016, Il Corriere della Sera wasted no time in reaching 100,000 digital subscribers. They created a variety of offers including a NYT-style bundle with the Sunday paper, and are keeping customers on board with a loyalty programme that includes free books and discounts on theatre and cinema tickets.  Michela Colamussi has reponsibility for their digital product and is leading their successful monetisation strategy in a country that has traditonally been slow to migrate to digital. 


    • Marketing Director Digital Product and Video,, Italy

    Schibsted's new focus on consumer business: Challenges, priorities and organisation

    How can large publishers leverage expertise across a group of titles, while retaining their individual brand identities? As Tor Jacobsen takes on a new role with oversight for paid (or Plus) content across Aftonbladet, VG, Aftenposten and Svenska Dagbladet and the other Schibsted Publishing brands, he brings together a formidably talented team. He talks about his priorities moving forward, and how to get the best out of the organisation.  


    • SVP Consumer Marketing and Revenue, Schibsted Media, Norway

    Newsroom driving local conversions

    Gazeta Wyborcza is a national Polish paper, founded in 1989 to be the voice of the Solidarity movement ahead of the first semi-free elections. The paper has 100,000 digital only subscribers. There’s a central newsroom and 24 local newsrooms/editions, but it’s very much seen as same brand across the local markets. 20% of conversions happen from local stories - and Danuta Bregula will talk about how they got the newsroom on board with this conversion process. 


    • Director of Subscription Strategy, Gazeta Wyborcza, Poland
  • 13:30

    Lunch Break

  • 14:30

    Editorial Intelligence at The Local: using a data-informed strategy to drive success

    Paul O'Mahony,  Managing Editor at The Local Europe joins Content Insights' Content Officer, Em Kuntze to discuss the evolution of editorial analytics in the newsroom and how adopting a smarter, integrated system of monitoring news content makes sound business - and editorial - sense. The Local launched in Sweden 14 years ago and, as digital natives, the team have utilized metrics from those first days, but have also been open to incorporating new methodologies and systems as analytics have progressed far beyond those early, rudimentary forms. Now, as they reach 5 million users a month from Sweden and further afield in Europe, Paul will discuss the evolution of data culture in the newsroom, how they're drawing on other success stories in the Nordics, and why it's important to balance analytics data with good, old-fashioned editorial gut instinct - something that's becoming known as Editorial Intelligence.

    Session given by our Gold Sponsor: 


    • Content & Community Manager, Content Insights, UK


  • 14:50

    Building an engagement funnel for reader revenue - Part 1


    Le Figaro focuses on subscriber UX

    In 2015, French quality paper Le Figaro started a new strategy to grow its digital subscriptions: leave a portion of its content free of charge to one of the largest audiences (and advertising revenue) of any news brand in France; and create a premium section, ad-free, with a design that allows room for recommendations, analysis and opinions.  The newsroom sets the readers’ news agenda via five dedicated newsletters. A staff member with the title "director of user experience" makes sure everything possible is done to keep subscribers happy.  Since the new strategy was implemented, Le Figaro has tripled its number of digital subscriptions and is headed for the 100,000-mark this year.


    Forming habits: driving subscriptions via addressing user needs

    The FT has reached 900,000 paid for customer in 2017. It created its own engagement metric that correlates directly with retention and it knows the commercial value of every additional engaged user. But engagement isn't driven by commercial goals - it emerges from addressing user needs. FT has come up with a strategic framework wrapped around User Journeys, that helps users to form a habit - and drive subscription numbers.


    • Paywall and Product consultant, former Director of Product at the Financial Times, UK
  • 14:50

    Parallel Session: GDPR and ePrivacy - The Death of Ad Tech or a New Horizon?

    Foredragssalen (adjacent room)

    How prepared are you for GDPR? Will ePrivacy mean the end of ad tech and use of 3rd party data? Is this an opportunity for premium publishers to win out in a new logged-in ad economy? A roundtable discussion with input from experts Robert Madge and Allan Sorensen, and hopefully also publishers in the room. 



  • 15:50

    Coffee Break

  • 16:20

    Building an engagement funnel for reader revenue - Part 2

    Using social platforms with purpose

    Google, Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Snapchat, Twitter, LinkedIn, and the long tail of others present disruption, often confusion, but also opportunity. Between their algorithm tweaks, strategic shifts, political pressures, and the media industry's own perpetual evolution, it can be hard not only to keep up but to figure out how to work with them effectively and plan strategically around them. This session will be an open dialogue with thoughts from the New York Times about its approach to thinking about, working with, and extracting value from the platforms. 


    • VP, Audience + Platforms at The New York Times and co-chair, NYT Women's Network, USA

    Republik: membership is stronger than crowdfunding and subscription

    In May 2017, crowdfunding brought together 19,304 people who made the start of the magazine Republik possible. Republik is a digital magazine for public debate - for politics, business, society. It's an ad-free business model and subscribing to the magazine (officially launched in January 2018) makes readers automatically become a member of the Project R Cooperative


  • 17:20

    Innovation Culture

    This session is organised with GAMI (Global Alliance for Media Innovation), the network for innovation within the World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers. 



    • Chairman of the Advisory Board of the Global Alliance for Media Innovation (GAMI)

    GAMI Session

    Publishers across Europe have experimented with innovation labs and startup accelerators. What have we learned? How have these influenced innovation and the build-or-buy debate? How have they helped diversify the business model?


    • Board member Jysk Fynske Medier, Fynske Medier, Fyens Stiftstidende, Ritzau, Dansk Handelsblad and Constructive Institute (Chairman), Denmark
    • Director of Education and Research, Danish School of Media and Journalism, Denmark
    • Director of Globe Labs, The Globe and Mail, Canada
  • 18:00

    European Digital Media Awards Evening

    These awards, presented by WAN-IFRA, the World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers, recognise publishers who have adopted digital media and mobile strategies as part of their total product offering to meet the major changes in how people consume news and information today. If you haven't yet, discover last year winners!

  • 19:00

    European Digital Media Awards post-ceremony party

    Bar 7, Studiestræde 7, 1455 Copenhagen

April 11

  • 08:40

    Breakfast session: The Opportunity in Facebook’s Changes for Online Publishers

    Now, more than ever, publishers should be concerned with what their audience finds worthy of attention. In this dialogue, Sachin Kamdar from will talk about what the data says about where publishers audiences come from, the latest update on Facebook referrals, and shares how their clients are using it as an opportunity to learn more about what their audiences want. 

    Breakfast Session given by our sponsor


  • 09:30

    Premium ad revenue models - Best in Class - Part 1

    Going live: how a newspaper took a bite of TV revenues

    Sports daily newspaper L'Equipe is a massive success in France. But entering TV, in competition with all major broadcasters and paid TV channels, was a strategic move that did not start well for the brand. It took a complete editorial repositioning to reach success. L'Equipe channel first launched in 1998 on cable and satellite, and has been broadcasting free-to-air since 2013. Since 2015, it has more than doubled its audience, raising advertising revenue significantly while controlling costs. It is now the first sports television channel in France, the only one free-to-air. It forms part of the full editorial offer of Groupe l'Equipe, with a print and digital offer, daily and magazine.


    Know your audience - the rise of an identity brand

    Some Spider, the company behind the women's channel Scary Mommy describes itself as a media and entertainment company, with a development strategy focused on mobile, social and streaming, and a business model entirely based on digital advertising. With about 20 million unique visitors per month and 5 million fans and followers on Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat, Scary Mommy is one of the largest women’s brands in the US. Its studios produce original video series and co-branded videos designed for mobile and social platforms distribution.


    Luxury ad formats - translating print into digital

    Ingeborg Heldal will explain how KK, the 144 year old grand old lady of Norwegian fashion magazines, was transformed into a digital frontrunner. This included new high quality mobile ad formats that helped them win a World Digital Media Award in 2017. Heldal will also explain their new commercial strategy to reach younger audiences through their brand TOPP.


    • Editor-in-Chief, KK, and Topp, Aller Media AS, Norway
  • 11:00

    Coffee Break

  • 11:30

    Premium ad revenue models - Best in Class - Part 2

    Branded content success and audience building

    Branded content at Pure Digital Upstart - is an Italian news website founded in 2010. In a country where readers have been slow to migrate to digital, has reached 20 million monthly unique users from a standing start.

    A third of their revenue comes from branded content, for example producing the Italian promotion campaign for Netflix’s ‘Narcos’ series. They have had particular success building reach on social platforms and driving this traffic to their own properties - and thus building a healthy display ad business.

    Francesco Piccinini tells us their story so far.


    Premium publisher ad alliances - data and scale

    Originally set up as an alliance of premium publishers in the UK, Pangaea describe themselves best, bringing together "hard-to-reach, high-net-worth audiences in premium environments, available to advertisers to buy through a single channel at just a few price points". In other words: helping publishers offer scale alongside brand safety. At a time when publishers across the world are rushing to set up similar alliances, from France to Singapore, Fiona McKinnon tells us about their journey and the lessons to date. 


    The full package - marketing solutions for SMEs

    Local publishers have a tough challenge to offer social media and other marketing support to SMEs at appropriate scale. So how does this work in practice? And as display revenue shifts to Facebook, how have local ad alliances like 1XL in the UK have helped build reach for big campaigns? Speaker to be announced very soon!


  • 11:30

    Breakout Session: From zero to a data driven organization in 6 months

    Foredragssalen (adjacent room)

    The Nordic media industry is undergoing big changes in taking on a digital subscription model. MWM has been a key player in this transformation by developing a solution, Media 365. This cloud based platform helps publishers to understand their customers in order to increase digital subscription revenues.

    When the Stampen Group, with 6 dailies, decided to start charging their digital subscription service, a team consisting of 6 people managed to implement the solution and get it up and running in 6 months. Want to know how they pulled it off?

    Session given by our Sponsor: 


  • 13:00

    Lunch Break

  • 14:00

    Battling Google & Facebook through Collaboration

    One of the biggest online magazines in Norway, Nettavisen, explain how they use cross-market collaboration to minimize their dependence on platforms for traffic. This session is brought to you by our Gold Sponsor Strossle


  • 14:20

    How publishers can make money with social networks after the Facebook crash

    Pure player Blasting News has developed a very innovative business strategy, working together with micro-influencers who help them to create brand awareness, increase reader engagement and build a community of “Blasters”. CEO and founder Andrea Manfredi explains where the revenue comes from - and how they plan to survive in the future, even if Facebook changes the rules! 


    • Director of Insights & Editor-in-Chief, WAN-IFRA, Germany


  • 14:50

    Local digital revenue - The Great Debate

    How can we put reader revenue and user experience at the heart of local transformation? Taking his experience from the Philadelphia Inquirer, Eric leads an interactive session with contributions from the floor. We also hear lessons learned from the first two years of the Knight-Lenfest Newsroom Initiative in the U.S. (a partnership, better known as "Table Stakes", among regional publishers focused on digital transformation) 


    • Director of Insights & Editor-in-Chief, WAN-IFRA, Germany


    • Independent consultant, Philadelphia, U.S.A.
  • 16:00

    Wrap-up / Conference Close

Digital Media Europe 2018
