Entradas | Harnessing Social Media for News Publishers

Harnessing Social Media for News Publishers

05 Oct 2017 hasta 06 Oct 2017
Singapore Press Holdings Ltd

Entradas | Harnessing Social Media for News Publishers


Course Fee   SGD 800

Fee inclusive: Training materials, coffee breaks & luncheons

SkillsFuture Singapore

SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG) provides funding (SDF, absente payroll, etc.) to encourage employers to upskill their employees.  

Interested participants who are Sngaporeans and Singpore Permanent Residents will be eligible to apply for a subsidy. 

For more information, visit SSG at: www.skillsconnect.gov.sg

Claimable Fee from Malaysia HDRF                                                                                                                                      

Malaysia registered companies can receive financial assistance to cover training cost incurred from HRDF.     Company can claim the course fee as charge per trainee and other expenses such travel allowances and airfare.   

*Important Note: Please check with HRDF for your organization’s eligibility/exact claimable amount.

Harnessing Social Media for News Publishers