Downloads | Digital Media Asia 2018

Digital Media Asia 2018

07 Nov 2018 to 09 Nov 2018
Tsim Sha Tsui
Hong Kong

Downloads | Digital Media Asia 2018


Session 1: Go digital, go global: SCMP's transformation

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Session 1: Schibsted's continuous transformation as a publishing house

Please note that this presentation is strictly for internal distribution among conference delegates. 

Session 2: #BeingHyperlocal: building the right products

Session 2: How Stuff works to win readers and customers

Session 2: How hyperlocal became Indonesia's top news website

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Session 2 (Parallel): Blockchain 101

Session 2 (Parallel): Blockchain: Layers and Players

Session 2 (Parallel): Dissecting the white paper: questions to ask

Session 3: Brand trust, quality of content and engaged audiences: the holy grail

Session 3: WhatsApp and AR/VR in native advertising

Session 3 (Parallel) Harnessing Data to Draw Insights

Session 4 Non-Traditional Partnerships

Session 4 (Parallel) Telling Authentic Stories for Digital

Session 4 (Parallel) How The Star made money through investigative journalism

Session 5: Reuters Institute Digital News Report – Asia Focus

Session 5: China Internet Report

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Session 6: News worth seeking

Session 6 : Ad infinitum: turning news websites into platforms

Session 6 (Parallel) : Global Use Cases of Blockchain Technology

Session 6 (Parallel) The evolution of media & entertainment on the blockchain

Session 6 (Parallel) Building a profitable business from blockchain

Session 7 Digital subscriptions as a new revenue stream: BILD's success story

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Session 7 Boosting paid conversion with an intelligent paywall

Session 7 Sixteen years: Malaysiakini's digital subscription journey

Session 8 Blending legacy and technology: The Asahi Shimbun's first AI-written sports reports

Session 8 High tech vs high touch: Korean media startups innovate with newsletters

Session 8 Video news in China: the use of AI and mobile online production

Session 8 Research, Funds and a Lab: The (not so) secret ingredients of DW Innovation

Digital Media Asia 2018
