Digital Media Latam 2015

Digital Media Latam 2015

Digital Media LATAM 2015

Join the leading digital revenue event for the Latin American publishing industry!

Mexico City, on 23-24 October 2015

#DML15 will be focused on the industry’s rapid digital transition, bringing together Latin America’s most innovative media executives with some of world’s most disruptive media companies.


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Five topics will define DML15


  • 1

    Boost your mobile strategy

    Structure your news content production, your design and your business model, thinking mobile

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    Develop audience intelligence

    Create, harness and monetise your Audience

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    The quest for digital revenue continues

    Classifieds. E-Commerce. Events. Branded Content. Paid-content. Programmatic Advertising

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    Media for and by Millenials

    Data. Data Visualization. Entrepreneurial journalism. New digital narratives

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    New video formats and web-TV development

    Keys to success in producing video content

Digital Media Latam 2015

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