Programme | Digital Media Latam 2015

Digital Media Latam 2015

Programme | Digital Media Latam 2015


Two days of inspiring presentations, engaging break-out sessions, practical workshops and much more...
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October 23

  • 07:30


  • 08:00

    Executive Breakfast: Binding of Technology and Processes - Tresite

    Speakers: Benjamín Morales Meléndez, Cofounder; Laura Alvarado Monsivais, Cofounder and Rodolfo Padrón, Digital Media Strategies Development

    The speakers will speak about the trending topics in terms of technology and the importance of be able to choose the right tools for the perfect marriage between processes and technology

  • 09:00


    WAN-IFRA president will provide an overview of the industry’s current affairs worldwide.


    What happened since we last met?

    Diego Carvajal is Digital Media LATAM's Master of Ceremony since our first edition in Bogota 2 years ago. He's an expert on digital media and a passionate observer of LATAM’s media industry. What has caught his attention in the last 12 months since we met for Digital Media LATAM 2014 in Lima?


    • Academic Coordinator, LATAM Cultural Change Ignition Program
  • 09:30

    Session 1: Reasses the News Operations

    Publishers are primarily content companies but they can’t ignore the profound internal revolution that digital brought to their organizations and revenues.

    The digital transformation of Grupo Expansión


    • Manuel Rivera
      Chairman & Director General, Grupo Expansión, México

    Coffee Break

    The digital success case of one of Europe's most popular sport dailies


    El País: The Digital story so far...


    Focus Session: Let's talk about the Future of News!

    Q&A session with the author of the book: “Geeks Bearing Gifts: Imagining New Futures for News”.


    • Professor and Director, Tow-Knight Center for Entrepreneurial Journalism, CUNY Graduate School of Journalism, USA
  • 12:40

    Network Lunch

  • 13:40

    Break-Out Sessions

    Not-to-be missed break-out sessions to learn about the best success and innovation cases from the region and the industry. Themes: Virtual Reality, Mobile Monetisation and more.

    Break-Out Session: How to build a digital ad agency at your newspaper

    OwnLocal's experience at more than 2,000 newspapers in the United States has helped us understand what works (and what doesn't) to start and sustain a successful digital ad agency. While Latin American newspapers have different challenges than the US, there are many similarities.Take the opportunity to learn from past successes and mistakes and own the digital space before it's overrun with competitors. Join Steve Dorsey and Jeremy Mims, cofounder of OwnLocal, the largest digital ad agency for local media in North America, and learn how to begin offering digital products and services at your organisation while maintaining and increasing your print revenue. He will help you understand what kind of agency would work best for your newspaper and share valuable case studies.
    Sponsored by OwnLocal


    • VP of Innovation and Planning, Austin American-Statesman (Cox Media Group), USA

    Break-Out Session: Google & VR

    Google will present their different apps for journalists and their new Cardboard, a VR experience starting with a simple viewer anyone can build or buy.
    Sponsored by Google


    • Aaron Luber
      Content and brand partnerships lead for Google Cardboard

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  • 15:15

    Session 2: Sharing Knowledge on Mobile Needs

    Mobile news consumption is accelerating more rapidly than ever, but are we really ready for the users’ expectations, let alone ready to monetise their use? Experts will provide the latest in design, business models and the need to change the very way we think about mobile platforms.

    What have we learned about designing mobile news?


    Coffee Break

    Can you create a business relationship through Mobile?


    What matters is a "Mobile state of mind"


    Snapshots and take-aways of the day


    • Academic Coordinator, LATAM Cultural Change Ignition Program
  • 18:30

    LATAM Digital Media Awards Ceremony

    WAN-IFRA's Digital Media Awards benchmark the industry's most innovative digital projects and initiatives worldwide. Join us for a cocktail in the hotel and discover the best projects from LATAM's most innovative media companies. Meet the finalists and competing categories here.

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October 24

  • 08:00

    Executive Breakfast: Create Custom Video In Minutes

    Wochit will present its revolutionary platform that enables publishers like USA Today, Huffington Post, and others to turn in minutes stories into videos using licensed content from AP, Reuters, Getty, AFP, Bloomberg and more, combined with an easy to use creative editing tool. Videos can be produced in any language in 10-15 minutes, with custom graphics and the ability to distribute across the web, mobile and ott platforms.


    Presented by

  • 09:15

    Session 3: Innovative Language for News Plattforms

    Three very different media companies, Vice News, NYT and, with very diverse backgrounds and approaches to news and revenue. The three know about the needs for more video, more interaction, more social and more millennial audiences. Can one of these models inspire you?

    Vice News' captivating development


    Born and bred in crisis: the case digital pure-player


    Coffee Break

    The anatomy of Interactive News at The New York Times


    • Marc Lavallee
      Editor, Interactive News, The New York Times, USA

    Focus Panel: There is a war out there on News Distribution Plattforms

    Panel Discussion: Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, Twitter and Apple fight over the control of news distribution and that’s not for the beauty of journalism. The question is what’s to win for publishers?


  • 12:30

    Network Lunch

  • 13:30

    Break-Out Session: Better Audience Understanding Equals More Effective Advertising

    Panel Discussion. How does knowing more about the audience reached by the advertising & content, help deliver advertising that is more effective to that audience?


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  • 14:30

    Session 4: A Wash in Data and it's All for the Best!

    Media houses are quickly learning to study their audiences, harness them, segment them and sell them. Big data is an extremely valuable tool that media houses cannot afford to ignore. The three cases selected for this session provide an overview for the immense business and creative potential that lies behind a deep understanding of audiences.

    Audience Intelligence & Ophan, the new Analytics tool of The Guardian


    Big Data - Digital Ecosystem


    Coffee Break

    From The Ground Up: Building Real Estate Products at The New York Times


  • 16:40

    Session 5: Advertising is Burning

    Banners & click-rates are proving their limits. Users are blocking intrusive rich media advertising. Yet, the digital world offers an array of opportunities in the field of digital marketing to better serve our communities and monetise in the process.

    Focus Session: Q&A Who Drives the Ad Department: The sales people or the IT Team?

    Jason is a veteran in digital advertising. We will ask him all the questions that can help us understand this complex new world of advertising technologies.


    • Jason Washing
      Director, Strategic Partnerships, News and Local Media, Google, USA

    Off to a good start with branded content


    Ad-blocking and the end of digital advertising 1.0


    • Director, Global Advisory - WAN-IFRA, Germany
    • Craig Hyde
      CEO, Co-founder & President, Rigor, USA

    Conference take-aways


    • Academic Coordinator, LATAM Cultural Change Ignition Program
  • 19:30

    Digital Media F*ck Up Night

    Because not all learning comes from success stories, we're organising, along with local partner organisations Factual and FuckUpNights Mexico, a round of mezcal shots and beers to hear from 4 digital journalists and media executives about their biggest and most embarrassing failures. Join us!

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Digital Media Latam 2015