Editorial Leaders 3, Reporting for Mobile, by Mobile

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Editorial Leaders 3, Reporting for Mobile, by Mobile

Mobile phones are not only changing the way we consume news, but also the way content is produced. Mobile Journalism is a new workflow for media storytelling where reporters are trained and equipped for being fully mobile and fully autonomous. Mobile journalism is conventionally defined as journalists and reporters making use of portable, highly connected devices to concoct, edit and disseminate news stories.

To the degree that iPhones and other mobile devices have enabled journalists to report in novel ways or update blogs from remote locations, mobile journalism is a new phenomenon.

This workshop will help understanding the mobile journalisms in India, how to cover elections and handling mobile phones in sensitive situations and many more.

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Why attend Editorial Leaders?

  • 'Editorial Leaders' is an initiative from the World Editors Forum and WAN-IFRA.
  • It is a module based training programme aimed at improving the knowledge of editors and journalists.
  • The programme will develop future-ready Editorial Leaders and help news publishers create a pool of talent for the future.
  • The programme has successfully trained more than 350 participants in the past 4 batches. 
  • Participants will get the course completion distinction certificate on successfully completion of assignments.
  • This is the only hands-on programme that covers all areas of editorial under one roof.  

Modules in Editorial Leaders

All the modules are lead by best-in-class trainers and address the new and changing needs of the readers, the skills needed to engage them with the publisher's brand and the ways to gain advantage over old and new competitors.

Editorial Leaders programme will have the following Modules in 2019

a) Digital Journalism and Social Media Applications, 10-11 June, Mumbai

b) News with Data, 12-13 June, Mumbai

c) Reporting for Mobile, by Mobile, 17-18 June, Chennai

d) Writing for print and Digital Platforms, 19-20 June, Chennai

e) Managing and leading creative newsrooms,21-22 June, Chennai 


Audience feedbacks from the past

Editorial Leaders 3, Reporting for Mobile, by Mobile
