Programme | Editorial Leaders 4, Writing for Print and Digital Platforms

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Editorial Leaders 4, Writing for Print and Digital Platforms

Programme | Editorial Leaders 4, Writing for Print and Digital Platforms


Competition for the audience’s time is tougher than ever. Writing with clarity is critical. Ease of comprehension is essential. This 2-day advanced workshop will review the basics of English writing, examine common mistakes and pitfalls and provide tips for writing quickly, effectively and, when appropriate, delightfully. It will examine commonalities and differences that arise when writing for print and for the worldwide web online or mobile.

With at least 14 hours of training over two days, the workshop will provide lots of opportunity for audience involvement, question and answer sessions and interactive discussion of what’s important.

The days will be divided into sessions of one to two hours each that will cover the following:

  • The basics that don’t change – writing for clarity and understanding
  • Examples of writing failures, drawn from world-leading publications (including India’s) with opportunity for participants to identify flaws and improve them
  • Common mistakes. Uncommon creativity. Making writing accessible and informative
  • How to avoid getting in the reader’s way
  • The characteristics of good writing. The importance of clarity and crispness. The evils of jargon, and the traps it sets. Avoiding clichés like the plague. Favouring the unfamiliar by eschewing the familiar.
  • How to write quickly (and why it often produces better work.)
  • Headline writing perils and best practice tips.
  • What works best when writing for digital platforms, how audience behaviour differs in comparison to print and how to sharpen work for the greatest appeal.

Note: This programme can also be offered as in-house workshop.

Download Editorial Leaders entire programme brochure

Editorial Leaders 4, Writing for Print and Digital Platforms

