Middle Eastern Media Leaders eSummit 2021

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Middle Eastern Media Leaders eSummit 2021

19 May 2021 to 20 May 2021
United Arab Emirates (the)

Middle Eastern MEDIA LEADERS e-SUMMIT 2021


VIRTUAL EVENT | 19 - 20 MAY 2021

10:00 - 12:00 and 14:00 - 16:00 GST (UAE)

Business after COVID-19: leading in turbulent times Existing trends, namely the shift from print to digital, have been accelerated by the financial crisis brought by Covid-19. Where once newsrooms were the beating heart of the newspapers, now journalists and production journalists work remotely forced by lockdown measures to slow the spread of the virus How will the already struggling news media industry worldwide and in particular in the Middle East look like after Covid-19? What will our new normal look like? This second edition of the Middle Eastern Media Leaders eSummit takes a close look at learnings and successes which have emerged from a pandemic-stricken year. WAN-IFRA invites thought leaders and leading industry figures to share their insights, predictions and strategies to recover from the pandemic. Join us in this unique online event among peers to chart the industry’s future together.



  • 1

    Growing Digital Subscriptions

  • 2

    Diversifying Revenue Streams

  • 3

    Building on Data

  • 4

    Transforming the Newsroom