10 Strategic Challenges | World Media Leaders eSummit

World Media Leaders eSummit

15 Jun 2020 to 18 Jun 2020

10 Strategic Challenges Post-Covid-19

10 Strategic Challenges | World Media Leaders eSummit

10 Strategic Challenges


All sessions and content will revolve around these headline topics: Digital Revenue, Editorial Decision Makers (WEF), and Policy & Strategy.


The Questions Behind the Challenges:


  • 1

    How long to get revenues back on track?

  • 2

    Which publishers were best prepared for the crisis?

  • 3

    What can we do to win back advertisers?

  • 4

    The case of big advertisers: has the crisis changed how they support trusted media?

  • 5

    Is the not-for-profit model the way to secure the future of quality local and public service journalism?

  • 6

    How do we onboard and keep our new digital subscribers?

  • 7

    Covid-19 has accelerated the digital transition in local and regional publishers - how can we maintain this pace going forward?

  • 8

    What have we learned from stumbling into the remote newsroom?

  • 9

    Going viral: How do we build on trust gained from the Covid-19 crisis and keep up the boost in audience?

  • 10

    There will be another crisis. Do you feel better prepared going forward?

World Media Leaders eSummit
